插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang


Ok my family told me we have 6 months left or my home will be gone...I know some people might think it's fake but really this is real....My family needs 2,00,00 million so We can pay it the that relatives of mine...I know it's a lot bit here is the thing..l live in a very old house its part of history and we were told to never give up the house
But my mean grand-aunt just want money...I know one of my relatives lives with me still but his very sick.

Thank you Muna and Goober for being trie friends and helping me spread the news

I'll give updates until My family and I are safe
If I don't post the last one update in next year....you will know it didn't go well


  • > Mostly Inactive It's hard By thank you

  • I really do hope everything turns out ok for you. Honestly, I cannot imagine what you must be feeling at this time. I pray that you get to keep your home. I pray that your life gets better.

  • > 👻GhostifyDJ👻 Not much sadly... My family and I are working so I might thing of lest time in school

  • oh my god I feel so sorry for your situation I hope your able to get the money <:[


I need help!

my home is getting sold by my mean relatives, by the end of this year my home will be gone

I am doing a fundraising in Ko-Fe I need $20000

I don't want to see my family go in a died end

please share this I really need help

I cant lose my home

spread the news!

I will tell you why

in my mothers side almost all the relatives are not so nice I find them very selfish

my grand-aunts and grand-uncles didn't even take care of my great grand father

now they want the house that was told by their father and mother to never let go of the house

so please help!

I am not ready to let go!

and no one will stop me I will do my best to save my home

I will not give up hope

please help save my home

it is part of history

here is my Ko-fi account


  • > 106809nes q~q I know

  • WHAT!??

  • > Muna Sketches I Did qwq I even went to discord but the owner of the chat said so self promote and took down my help I have 6 month left but I need to do it fast

  • Oh my... Sae I am so so sorry! I cannot even imagine having this amount of stress.. I think you need to spread this around on other platforms, Artstreet is very small, so if you have other accounts in other places, spread it!


Chapter 1
AI, artificial intelligence made by man to make things run smoothly from cooking to driving. The company called AC Artificial Corporation started all thanks to a man named Mr. White.

Mr.White: what else can AI make our dreams to reality

A town filled with AI and robot with people having while a train passed by and reach the train station to open its doors to show someone walking out.

Muna: what a lovely morning ^^
Estella:Muna! Your here *runs with Deo*
Muna: hey guys!
Deo:Estella won't stop waking me up early just so we won't miss school
Estella: you keep over sleeping! This is what you get for staying in the LAB OVER NIGHT
Deo:so laude...

As the friends were there chatting another group of friends came in

CH:hey guys ^^
Orel:looks who's early, Deo! You need sleep

As they all laughed together, Estella felt hungry everyone stopped.

Deo:did you eat?
Estella: only had bread....
Ch:hmm..Oh I know a good place to go to before school, come on let's go!

All six of them walk to a small store to get something to eat. CH hands a meet bun to Estella, Estella was so happy about the meet but. As everyone left the store Estella left her assignment in the store, a shadow can be seen looking at the assignment.


  • > Muna Sketches I got mad at my older sibling I can't wait to see it X3 Have fun ok!

  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 How come you are upset? Oh yeah I do have some drawings coming through! Might post them next week since I'm going away for 2 days. I am in progress with 2 drawings too!

  • > Natsumi_Ch Thank you

  • > Muna Sketches That's good For me I got angry and I'm still am...,^^; Anyways any new drawings that are coming?


I noticed that I'm no longer getting much likes,comments and favorite
Oh well

I'm going to take down some art I don't want in my account
For the stamps well you better save them like download it before I take some art down


  • > 𝑬𝑽@ I forgot to delete thing its ok little sib ^^

  • Your feelings doesn't have to depend of reacts! Im sorry about that bro.. a lot of people loves your art like me..

  • > Natsumi_Ch thanks

  • La verdad a veces pienso que medi no apoya mucho a los artistas o eso de que su arte no sea muy conocido, no deberías borrarlos, pero bueno eso es tu decisión Sae.


Here is your adopts from the free and from the raffle
(This was not something I made I got them from DA


  • > 𝑬𝑽@ It is very big DA was made the year 2000 so it's very old yet very alive XD Sadly Wix bought it and made everything go wrong when they place an AI that takes our art >:/ It was so mad when everyone heard about it I'm not even sure if mine is safe of not since they didn't add the safety thing so that the AI will not take it

  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 Well. Im not sure if I'll make a DA account... it's a pretty big site. Im not ready yet

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ I think someone try to say something to me but I didn't care because the message went like this Hello💖 I think they try hit on me But yes there are some that can't be trusted

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ OH fragments that the name You need someone to offer you 300 fragments or the diamond badge in order to get core Points are money DA is now use to make art have contest and adopt You will need a lot though... But there are some bots and scammers that is around plus some drama

Need help

Can I borrow 1oc from each of you
Well I only need 4 OCs from 4 people
I'm working on keychain design for commission sample
So bring on the OC!


  • > 🍓cheesecake🍓 Ya you have to send a link ^^;

  • OuO https://medibang.com/picture/8d2310210138346490025286399/

  • https://medibang.com/picture/kc2311182336210020024863304/ :DD

  • I don't really have a reference sheet but you can see the character pretty well here https://medibang.com/picture/ek2210080532085470023714146/ I can't believe ur doing this for free tho :0

Mascot request list

1.)Eva 👾
2.)GOober 👾
6.)[this spot is open!]

If you see this 👾 Emoji it mean the request is done
Please do not forget your payment
If you can't make it for the payment
Don't worry there is no diedline all I want to see is that you are happy with your mascot ^^


  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 Yes, yes I do

  • > EinTheTransDemon Jsjsjsjsjsjsjs XD You really like to use that XD

  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 Jsjsjsjs,

  • > EinTheTransDemon Any OC I don't mind I got my adopts Oh you can draw Ren ^^ My demon character Or you can do cotton ^^ Send the link when your done because my IPad is slowly getting bad