Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Eva and Goo
  • > ゴオベル (goob) good

  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 Yeah I will (❁´◡`❁)

  • > ゴオベル (goob) take your time! make sure to eat and drink ok ate XD at magpahinga

  • AHHHHHHH I LOVE IT (∩´∀`∩)💕💕 It really fits to deo ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)♡ I'm still working 2 drawings, 1 from request and 1 from the payment (*´꒳`*) It might take a while since i also have many school works to finish But i will definitely gonna make it this week TYSM Sae 💕💕

Splash Masters!

@SpaceGrill @Muna @Forger @CH @Goober

I just remember the comic qwq

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  • > Muna Sketches oh good Idea

  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 We can always bring it back when we all feel ready, but for now I think we should start on smaller fun things, maybe we can just make one comic page! (Our ocs doing something funny)

  • > Muna Sketches hmm lets just cancel it..?

  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 Hmmm It might be a bit hard to do y'know.. I'm not sure whether we just continue with our own art or try to do the comic (may take a while too)

I'm a bit scared

I just woke up from a very short nightmare...the one that makes you jump up the most...this is the second time I had felt nightmare was that it was night and my mom was still making dinner I was getting the tablet ready...then My 2 little puppies went out of the house..I was going to get them but I heard 2 gunfire near my home that when I got out I saw a family a month and her 2 kids in my backyard..there was blood and I remember Tea and Raven went I went towards the family I saw a gun behind the little boy...and me puppy on the ground with blood and a little comic book..I yelled at the family to leave...I got my puppy Tea who was killed...then it turns out the comic he was on was made by him saying he wishes that he had more colors so we can love him. We all love are puppies..and I also say the family again but they got to Raven and they hit her until she died...I got to the family and attack fell down...I woke up to that...

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  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 :3

  • > EinTheTransDemon ^^

  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 Ofc <3

  • > EinTheTransDemon Thank you qwq

Adopt time!

I can only only do 2
I will make a pet or mascot like my Mellow who is a bat XD
I will use the same base for it
I can only do it for friends
If you adopt
You have to pay with art I can't do adopt because I have to many characters now qwq

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  • > 𝑬𝑽@ sure I'll give it to you when I get back

  • Sae im busy with other stuff So can i draw the adopt when i get it? Instead of the payment?

  • > ゴオベル (goob) ok got it oh you can draw anything of my ocs ^^ or you can just draw your little adopt when you get it ^^

  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 What should i draw to pay?

Please read

My family members are at it but worst than before.....I might lose my home next year. I had a headache and felt sick that I had to go home, then I was told by my mom that someone came to see the house.... I want to help I will start a donation account
I know I said I would get a job for my family but I decided not to since I was commissioned once from the company, I know the one who ask me was sick but the fact she didn't give me full detail when she need it
Didn't make me feel like working there
I wish I can do a donation stream sadly I'm still I'm going to say this since it's a sad holding month that the secret Santa will be cancelled
I'll try to make it up to you all when I stop my family from this even my gran unit who is the pushing the others to do the same I hate the fact she rather have money even if she has a lot she will get more by taking the family home were she grow up in, and I'm not feeling my best since I'm angry at a lot of people. Holding my anger is not a good thing if I don't let it out then I'll blow up my words and make someone cry. I am still made about yesterday that happened with me and my little sister I won't give full details since I don't want her to know why I'm mad at her and sometimes getting frustrated or mad because of my lack of work and waking up at 4 am leads me to getting a headache and feeling sick.

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  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 Bruh lol

  • > Mostly Inactive Hahahah

  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 OMG it does!!!

  • > Mostly Inactive Bro the face looks like your PFP XD

Vent before I sleep

I hate them..
Just want them to stop acting so much like some victims I want to end it all!...You want to take my home away! You selfish piece of....I wish time can slow down....I'm tired of seeing my family suffer and work hard to get us here I can't believe they are related to us....they only want the money...why did things fall...I wish I got a job or commissions to help...I'll delete it

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  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 They are frustrating...I want to find ways to make money faster before next year or else they will take it

  • i'm extremely sorry that that's happening, that sounds so frustrating =( but all you can do is stay strong and stick with your family... jeez some of your relatives sound like full on jerks >=((((( i wish i could smack their faces !! excuse the violence i wish you the best of luck and that those people will eventually stop trying to sell your house =( we love ya, Saero <33333

  • > ☆Batteraid☆ qwq

  • > SÆRO_3Ø8 I can understand that, your family is forever in my prayers.

Question for podcast!

Ask me Ash3rrrr and Kiri a Christmas question!
Ask here XD

Please ask nice questions
Do not be rude to us
Ask anything that's Christmas or something

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  • > ☆Batteraid☆ Oh wow XD

  • 1: What do you think Santa actually looks like? 2: Why do you think Red and Green have become associated with Christmas? 3: Do you celebrate more on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? 4: What is your favorite holiday drink/sweet?

  • > Muna Sketches OH that's a good one 0v0

  • What presents are you hoping to get?