Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

5 Day / weeks
Extremely busy

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Yesterday it was mother's day in France so I did some sushi balls along with other stuff for her (≧▽≦) I was quite happy with the result so I wanted to share it here ! (She loved it btw hehe)
As for when I'll post a drawing here, well that will be pretty soon. I got a part time job in a Clinic (that's my very first time doing a part time job lol) and I'm also volunteering for the French Red Cross so I'm still busy but not as much as before. Therefore I still got time to draw no worries yay ^o^

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Yesterday it was mother's day in France so I did some sushi balls along with other stuff for her (≧▽≦) I was quite happy with the result so I wanted to share it here ! (She loved it btw hehe)
As for when I'll post a drawing here, well that will be pretty soon. I got a part time job in a Clinic (that's my very first time doing a part time job lol) and I'm also volunteering for the French Red Cross so I'm still busy but not as much as before. Therefore I still got time to draw no worries yay ^o^

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