Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

5 Day / weeks
Extremely busy
Warm up

Hellow my fellows
I drew a sketch of my OC Kuro because I didn't feel like continuing my manga today. Then I went overboard ;;;
Here is a sneak peek of it, it's been some time since I last drew on my phone I'm not quite used to it anymore. Graphic tablet is best 💕

Btw, I noticed that I'm well ranked on Medibang! So a big thank you to you all! 💕

See you💕

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  • > MysticAnimations Thank you so so much ;v; 💕

  • Gaaaahhhh congratz u deserve that ranking!!! 💞💞😊

  • I posted it in the end x)

  • > Fluffycat Weeell at first it was just a simple doodle and then I decided to color it out of boredom xD Thank you lots dear! 💕

Le new drawing

Finally Ima post something tonight! I know it's been such a long time since I posted anything but I'm doing other stuff beside drawing obviously (what's currently consuming my spare time is the reading of the SAO Alicization arc, it's so great I can't stop ahah)
So here is a sneak peek of my 1k followers drawing (this is the first version of it, I'm also going to draw another version with my best friends here included in it)

Hope you'll like it!
See you 💕

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  • > Sorasama 能看得懂啦,感觉头像会变得更炫彩(啥)

  • LOVE IT! ^^ ❤❤❤❤❤

  • Posted! Hope you'll like it 💕

  • > MysticAnimations Uuuuuuu thank youuu 💕💖

Happy french national holiday !

Joyeux 14 juillet à vous tous les Français, s'il y en a sur ce site ahah 😁🇫🇷

Today is the french national holiday, so I've been wandering around the whole day and I did not draw one bit (this has been going for 2 days though) 😅
But I'm enjoying the nice weather out there so it's cool (even tho it's too hot uwaah)
Plus this very morning I went down La Défense to look at the "défilé du 14 juillet" taking place on the Champs Elysées as always. Yes I did not go directly to the Champs Elysées because I knew that this would be crowded as hell, and I had a great view anyway so there xD
Tonight I'll be looking at the fireworks at the Tower Eiffel, as always, and then I'm gonna go to sleep because tomorrow is the final world cup match ! Hope France is gonna win so muuuuch ;v;

Okay thanks for listening to my idle chatter, now I'm out xD

See you 💕

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  • > Sorasama Thank you!~

  • > Dandalion T. Thank you lots! 😁 Haha I can relate, I used to as well and I still do up to this day, but mainly with difficult and unusual poses. I tend to rely on my wood mannequin to draw tough poses like the one on my drawing. However, I don't need it so much anymore thanks to practice : I looked up for random poses, be it a drawing or a photo, and I practiced on it until I got the hang of it. Hope it helped somehow! :D

  • > 鈴木イチ / Ichi.S Thank you very much dear friend ! :D 💕

  • > MysticAnimations Yeee the weather is so hot these days here :v On this day, I was glad my mother brought my hat with her in the end, even if I didn't want it to begin with xD


Just wanted you guys to know what I'm currently doing since I don't post anything >u<
Well actually I'm drawing my entries for 3 contests (2 on Medibang and one for a MMORPG) : I'm trying to enter as many contests as possible since I won't be able to for a year with medical college workload and all ;u; Also I'm a tad sad because I seemingly won't finish my one-shot in time for the Kyoto Contest thing, so I gave up on this one :'(

So here's a sneak peek of my entry for the MMORPG contest thing (I'm currently struggling with the background ahah). Hope I'll get to post it soon!

See you soon buddies! 💕

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  • Thank you all ! 💕

  • Im sure youll do well do ur best! ;3

  • Wow! Just the W.I.P itself looks like it could win the contest! :’0 I can’t wait to see the finished product!

  • > TinyCY Thank you once again, hope you'll like the finished version even more! ^U^


Okayy guys I succeeded in my final exam with top distinction !! (My mark is 16,45 out of 20 if you're interested) I'm so happy, for me to succeed when I didn't work much for it is awesome, it's a milestone in my life. Now I'm so gonna enjoy my vacations before medical college courses start xD (I'm gonna be so busy from then onward so I better take this opportunity to draw a lot ehe)

Btw, yesterday I did a lil animation while I was watching the world cup match France vs Uruguay (so glad France won obviously 👍). It's been aaages since I last animated something though, I used to draw animations on Flipnote Hatena years ago (those were best days 💕)

So what do you think about it? (It's my main OC Kuro when he was little :3) (it's not done, I have yet to color it aha)

And stay tuned since I'll post something soon enough :)

See you! 💕

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  • > VanillaKupcake Ayaaa thank you! 💕 Ahah yeah hope they'll win the world cup! If they do I'm definitely going out of my house and down the Champs Elysées to celebrate 😁😁

  • > MysticAnimations Thank youuuu 💕💕💕💕


  • U r awesome in every field! Good work! I also rooted for France! Glad they won! 😊

Weird dream

Okay I'm shook, since this kind of things rarely happen to me. But it was strange :v

I had a dream and I just woke up. I realized that :
•this dream featured the characters of my story plus other characters I never invented
•I never created this part of my story, but I know when and where it does take place
•my dream was over detailed like, I can recall what was written in the book and all
•I had a sense of déjà-vu, beside the end which was surprising
•My dream was in English : I'm bilingual in french and English but I always dream in french :v

And that's basically all there is to it. But to me it was intense, I discovered new aspects of my very own characters and that's pretty interesting. Ima write all of this down while it's still clear in my head, and maybe I'll draw several panels about it to remember it better !

That's all guys, sorry for telling you about my life but I felt like I needed to exteriorize that x)

See you 🙋💕

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  • I have weird dreams all the time XD

  • That's pretty cool! I get really detailed dreams, too. Like, everyone is animated speaking fluent japanese from the anime i watch

  • That's kind of cool

  • Your characters are watching you they're alive XD

Yeee summer break!

I'm done with final exams, finally!! I'm so happy, now I'm just gonna draw and sleep and repeat xD
I nailed my biology exam, it was pretty easy and it was about geology and diabete, which are part of the chapters I wanted to work on ^^
Results will be announced on July 6th, I'm so looking forward to it, waiting is painful ;;;
Well, I'll go back to drawing tomorrow, for now I'm at the airport so I won't do much beside sleeping inside the plane x)
See you guys, and thanks for all the love and support! 💖💕

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  • Good luck on the results!


  • Espero que te acepten linda!! <3

  • Good luck on the results!

I'm ded

Update time~

You know, I'm the kind of person who doesn't work all year long at highschool because my grades are correct, and then I work at last moment for the exams. This is my life : I tend to be more efficient when I'm stressing out, which means the day before said exam for me. As a result, I'm now super worn out and ima sleep right away because weekend!!
Even so, I aced those exams, and I swear I was flabbergasted since I didn't practice as much as I wanted to ;;
But I nailed them, especially in math, chemistry, English and Spanish!! Like I did 3 mistakes tops on a subject (and they were stupid lel) There's only biology exam left, on Monday, then I'll be free!!!! 😂💕👍

Biology is best, and it's the exam that gives most points so I hope I'm not gonna fail it ;;;;

See you on Monday then guys, have a good weekend! 😊

PS : Sinon on en parle de ce sujet d'espagnol ? Genre c'était un prank? J'ai fini en 1h, ça ne m'est jamais arrivé de toute l'année dans cette matière je suis choquée :v Bref le BAC c'est de l'eau 💦

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  • Good luck!! You’ll ace your biology exam easily :D I believe in you

  • I knew you could do it!!!

I'm still alive >U<;;;

Why hello there!
Yeah it's me, it's been weeks though x') I missed you all!
I'm actually taking my final exams for 1 week. Thereafter, I'll be free !! I can't wait dammit ajdhskshdk :'))

Today I passed my philosophy exam, it turned out well I suppose ;;; philosophy isn't my strong point aha
Tomorrow it'll be history/geography exam, wish me luuuuck 🙏

Also thank you for 1k followers guys!! Can't wait to celebrate that with a new drawing! :D

Aaand btw I'm part of the Japan Expo contest's winners, I now have a free entrance ticket for this convention yaaaay! :')

Well, sorry for my rambling x) see you in 1 week guys 💕

(And btw again, I'm playing this MMORPG called Toram Online. Is any of you playing it? :D)

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  • Nel.

  • THAT IS GREAT!!!!! (P.S you have one thousand followers now, you may CELEBRATE) 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊

  • Congratz!!!!!!! And good luckkkkk!!!!! (⌒▽⌒)

  • Bonne chance pour les prochaines épreuves !!!

I've been accepted in a medical college!

Sorry guys for taking a short leave like that, but in France it's an important time for 12th graders in highschool : we picked the colleges we desired to go to earlier this year and now we can finally see if we've been accepted or not. And regarding myself, I've been chosen among 11000 candidates to enter the Parisian medical college that I wanted : PACES Paris Diderot!
I'm so happy ;v; I've wanted to become a doctor for so long and even though 1st year ends with a competitive exam I really hope I can do it. Therefore I'll be rarely active here next year, since the amount of work is gigantic :'/ But I'll keep drawing from time to time don't worry! 😀
Well, for now back to studying for finals~
See you! :D

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  • all in all, THANK YOU EVERONE! 😀

  • > MysticAnimations YEEEEE thank you very much buddy!! 💖💕

  • > SK Aha I'll try not to alright x'D

Nailed it !

Eeeee I passed my Italian oral exam hands down, I got top mark, I'm so relieved since I've been stressin out non stop >~< I ended up discussing with my examiner for over 30 min when I was supposed to go out already lel (aaaand celebrating on my own with sushis today since everyone else is at school atm hehehe)
next part of finals in two weeks yaaay!
Well, I'm probaby gonna post something tomorrow so stay tuned :D

Btw pour les français (s'il y en a mdrrr) en ce moment #parcoursup c'est la hess, bon heuresement je suis prise en PACES à Paris Diderot mais je plains tous les autres sur liste d'attente :( Force à vous, je suis contente d'avoir pu libérer des places en tout cas ! 💪

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  • > 鈴木イチ / Ichi.S Thank you very much friend! :D yeah those are salmon sushis, they're my favorite along with California rolls >U< それでこの寿司はとてもうまかったよ。すでに、もっともっと食べたいなあ❣

  • > gress小白 哈哈哈哈非常感谢你,我的朋友!💖 我会喜欢与你分享一些,但我已经吃了他们已经哈哈哈

  • > MysticAnimations No can do it's too late for that dear sorryyyy xDD

  • > iheartcopics Thank you very much once again dear friend ! *hugzzz* 💖

I'm entering a contest ;;;

It's been such a long time since I've last done this, but here goes nothing ehe
If I happen to win this contest, I'll be rewarded with goodies and a free entrance ticket for Japan Expo convention, so why not give it a try yeee

According to the required themes, I've decided to enter with this drawing (WIP below, sorry it's very sketchy)

Wish me luck guys 🙏

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  • WOW for being sketchy it looks AMAZING Sorasama!!!

  • Ganbarou!

  • IT'S GGOOOOODDDD, HOPE U can win itttt <3 <3

  • Thank you all guys, you support fuels me lots❣

+900 🎉🎉

New drawing posted to celebrate, thank you all for this! 💕💕 >O<

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  • He's making a kawaii face.

  • 🎉I reposted it guys, just so you know :3 🎉

  • > 鈴木イチ / Ichi.S ああありがとうごうざいました、このコメので! こりゃとても良いです、友達! 😁💕

  • > MysticAnimations Thank you friend, I'm glad you like it, and both versions at that! I tried to change my coloring style here and there, hence the modifications hehe :D 💕

Nice week~

At the beginning of the week, I passed my first part of the final exams: english oral expression! I think it went pretty well since I'm bilingual, I just had to memorize lots of informations the day prior to my exam and that was it when
Next is Spanish oral expression! My Spanish skills are average so I hope it'll go smoothly ~
Concerning the rest of the week, in France we did " le pont" which means to take a long holidays weekend. Indeed, there were two public holidays calling on the same week, how lucky 😁
I spent most days outside so as to work for my upcoming exams. Also I guess I ate way to many sushis this week xD (here's a photo~)

I'll try to post asap, so until then please bear with me x)

See you~ (and sorry for telling my life lel)

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  • Sushi! Just eat the protein sushis like the Cheese Maki.

  • Thankie❣

  • That looks GOOD 😍 😍

  • Keep on acing those exams!! (๑>◡<๑)

HBD gifts

Went to a great friend's bday, it was pretty cool!
I offered those gifts to her, and she loved it (she also hung the drawing in her bedroom lel)
Will post this drawing tomorrow so you can see it more clearly, for now I'm gonna sleep x)

See you! :D

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  • > ✧«♋️Jeremy♋️»✧ Absolutely not, it's not mine at all xDD I don't remember the author's name but I recall that the illustrator is Fullmetal Alchemist/ Hagane no Renkinjutsushi's mangaka! I won't ever be as talented as her that's for sure hahaha xD By the way the manga's name is Arslan Senki, you should watch the anime it's available on Netflix and it's great!

  • > iheartcopics Thanksss 💕


  • theres a manga right ther O.O did you make it? fren i must have a link of it

Final exams...

Helloo guys!
Sorry for the lack of activity, but I've been busy, final exams studies kept monopolizing my time
Unfortunately, I won't be active (maybe a little but I won't post anything) starting from now and till the end of June. I'll probably post two drawings I've already done but that's it.
Wish me luck, hope I'll survive until then! xD

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  • > iheartcopics Uwaah I'm sorry for the belated reply dear! I hope your exams went smoothly and that you'll get a good mark 😀 as for me I'm in grade 12th (called "terminale" in France), it's quite hard but I hope I'll succeed gawd 🙏 and just so you know, in France our grades are rated out of 20, and not out of 100%. It might seem bizarre, but that's how it is xD I'm aiming for a 16 out of 20 at least (from there you are rewarded with best distinction xD) , I really hope I can have it uwaaaah ;;;; Best of luck to you for the rest of the year, you can do it!!💕

  • > ✧«♋️Jeremy♋️»✧ Thank you I hope I will ;w; aha best of luck to you as well for that, you can do it!!

  • > gress小白 没错,我给你加油!我要努力工作,所以我希望您也能这样想!😀💖

  • So sorry you have to go through this...

+900 !

Thank you all so much once again, didn't think I'd reach this milestone that fast :v 💕 well I guess it'll be road to 1k from now on! 😀
I'll try posting something tomorrow for sure, I've been busy lately because school started again sigh~

Sorry for being less active, I'll see you tomorrow anyway! :)

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  • > wachomen No can do sorryy xD

  • Thank you lots everyone!! 💕 And thanks to those who answered my question as well 😀

  • give me some xD

  • Felicidades mi amiga! muy orgulloso de ti y de tu arduo trabajo!

250 pages ?!

I've finally reached 250 in my story! I'm so happy ;v;
(Of course I know that most of you won't understand what's written on the screenshot since it's in french, but I wanted to include it her anyway xD)

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  • > MysticAnimations Aha I knew that nobody would understand what's written, but thank you anyway! xD💕

  • I can’t read a thing but whatever lol!! Congratz I think?! XD

  • > gress小白 对不起,我的朋友。不过,我希望有一天能看到它的中文版!我肯定会继续写这个故事,希望有一天你能用你的语言阅读它。^o^ (请原谅我不好的中文技巧🙏)

  • > iheartcopics Uehehe thank you so much! 💕💕

+800 followers uwaaaah

Thank you all so much guys, it means a lot and it brightened my average day!! 💕💕💕
Also thank you for rank #3 💖
Well initially I didn't plan anything for this milestone but since I'm wandering aimlessly in Paris (I wanted to chill out a bit hehe) I stopped for two hours in a restaurant to draw a little something, so here's a sneak peek! Will post it in a few hours ;)

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  • > Sorasama 我的妈!赞美大佬!

  • > Zakku Thankie! 💕

  • yay ~

  • > gress小白 谢谢我的朋友,那真是太好了!;v; 💕

New post + HELP

I really need help so I hope you will take a look at the description of my latest drawing ! 🙏🙏

And also thank you for rank #4, I just noticed it ; you rock guys ! 💕

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  • Thank you all!!! *Hugz* 💖

  • Omg I love your Art Sorasama !! Kyyaaahhh~


New doodle of my OC

Here's doodle part 2, hope you like it! :D

Btw, I'm currently doodling something I'll post tomorrow because I need your help guys regarding something 🙏 ( I decided that those who'll be able to help will be rewarded with a request, but anyway we'll see about that tomorrow ^^)

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  • > Sorasama XDXD my finals are soon aahh~ I have one for Spanish also

  • your oc is gorgeous

  • > Night T. I get it alright x) and no no it has nothing to do with artblock, actually I need some help with my Spanish and Italian homeworks. I'd like for someone to correct my work before I go ahead and start learning it by heart for my exams xDD

  • > Radiance Star Don't be pessimistic, you'll improve provided that you practice almost every day! I've been doing those semi realistic drawings for 1 year and I started from scratch so you can do it as well! Go for it!

+700 thank you!

Thank you all so much! Unfortunately I haven't planned anything to celebrate, so I'm just gonna post that x)

By the way, what should I draw next time to celebrate the possible +800 event. I was thinking of drawing Medi-chan but I dunno which pose she should adopt help meeehh

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  • Thank you all for all the love and support!It means a lot to me 😀💕


  • Congrats girl! 🎊🎊

  • *bleeds oceans of love for Sorasama because she is a goddess* ✍🏻😍🌸❤️💛💚💙💜💕💞💓💗💖💘💝


My bro advised me to take a screenshot

Thank you anyway!

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  • OMG satan! (↑但是666在中国有溜溜溜(可以理解为厉害厉害厉害)的意思) (↑But 六六六(six six six) has the same pronunciation as 溜溜溜,which means wonderful) 【Six hundred and sixty-six(六百六十六) 六六六(six six six)】

  • Wow. Didn't see that coming ey? I'm suprised.

  • ▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽ ▽ i l l u m i n a t i ▽ ▽c o n f i r m e d ▽ ▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽

  • > Patchit> Patchit> Patchit> Patchit HHHHHHH OH GOODNESS CONGRATS LOL