Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Haha! Mamadayo!~


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  • This is huge for me I've been waiting 2 years


I wish Yootooz weren't limited release and 30 dollars and I knew if I could get one or not. And I wish I had the confidence to ask for a funny figure
I've been really tempted to get one but I don't think I'd be able to

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  • > ✦ ɴᴀʀᴜᴅʏɴᴇ • ᴇᴘᴇʟ ✦ yea! it keeps it feeling more chill cause you dont have to like get em to stop doing stuff or show em anything just send a naru notification tm so you dont have too much time to overthink it it makes sense that its difficult though.. it feels weirder than it is i think..

  • > Leieryx 🍁🌙 True I can just do that and be nervous alone, I'd rather be nervous by myself than going up to person who is going to be looking at me and hearing the anxiety in my voice I could totally, it kinda based on if I got money and if we can afford it, and I do still have my Christmas moneys

  • > ✦ ɴᴀʀᴜᴅʏɴᴇ • ᴇᴘᴇʟ ✦ (yesss it'll save the world, one little funny purple man yesyes) (also if its online its more easy to go like {can i buy this funky mans :)} from the text messages if u guys have that vibe)

  • > Leieryx 🍁🌙 Ima go up to one of my parents like "the little voice in my ear said I should buy the funny purple man figure"

Bdjsvahe (QNA)

I dont have much to contribute to my page rn so I feel like doing a QnA so yall can ask me stuff if ya want

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  • > Zyvra Dragonfyre I tend to listen to many artists, but I listen to Ado, Eden (Enstars), Deco*27, and PinocchioP more often Just depends on if the track fits my taste

  • > 💓💜 Claudia_is_here ❤️‍🔥🦄 Lol I can understand that it gets kinda goofy around here

  • alrighty then, uhhh favorite music artists?

  • > ✦ ɴᴀʀᴜᴅʏɴᴇ • ᴇᴘᴇʟ ✦ You guys rlly left me speechless

Reminder that

Your planning sketches don't have to make full sense
Cause I still don't understand mine....
Why do I do this to myself...

At least make sure you can understand it I guess lol

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  • I can understand that! It is time consuming...makes up a lot of the time... I'd skip through the coloring phase if I's a pain for me

  • > ✦ ɴᴀʀᴜᴅʏɴᴇ • ᴇᴘᴇʟ ✦ true, yeah itz hard but im 2 lazy 2 make do it any other way tbh ^^'

  • > krys ⭑ [sweetea] Hey people do stuff different...I'm always surprised how people can draw without sketches since i mess up without it. It's helpful but just just what works for you

  • People's workflows are different but mine is so all over the place that I plan during the drawing process. You can tell by the quantity of lines on a sketch just how much I struggled to think. If there's anything midway that is too insane to understand I fix it later It's just..something