Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Senkumo War Stories: Book of Blossoming

Goodness gracious, it sure has been a while since I've been on here. Well, I come bearing some great news. Let's see. Approximately uhhh 10,000 or so years ago when I used to frequent Medibang more often, I posted a series called Death by Ex-Girlfriend. I also mentioned another series called Senkumo War Stories, which is sort of a prequel to DbEG. Well, Senkumo War Stories is almost finished. It's split into five books (whole thing is well over 100 chapters), and the first book, Book of Blossoming, IS PUBLISHED!

If you're a fan of DbEG and want to explore Tsukiakari's harsh backstory during the Sengoku era of Japan, you'll love this.
You can get the digital copy or the paperback on Amazon!

I'm also in the middle of building a website for all of my published works. It's in a very simple state right now, so check it out and let me know what you think.

I hope to be more active on here from now on. Thanks for your time and amazing readership. Also, if there are any artists around willing to draw book covers for the DbEG novels, please let me know! I hope to start releasing those as well, and some good cover art would really do those books justice.

Thanks, all.

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OhGodHelpMe’s Digital Tip Jar!

Howdy folks, just some shameless self-promotion here. I write because I love to write, and that’s about it. However, if you ever want to leave a small tip, you can do so here

It’s pretty much a digital tip jar. If you like my work, I’d be humbled by even the smallest gesture of support. And don’t worry, all of it goes directly to me. No middle man pinching away at your donations. Anyway, thank you all for making this such a popular story here and in other places. I never expected my “on a whim” side project to get so much love. A lot of good characters died for this.

Much thanks everyone.

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Death by Ex-Girlfriends LIIIIIVVVEEEEESS

Yes, this series is STILL going. It might be a little while, but I'll be uploading The Corpse's Romance, an arc that serves two purposes at the same time. It goes into Osamu's backstory quite a bit, revealing how he had given up on life, tried to commit suicide, and in the process, was saved by Izanami.

It also goes into what happens after Inari Standoff, introducing a new character named Hima Chinagaregawa (血流川釁), heir of Dracula, and future Queen of Vampires!

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5th Arc of Death by Ex-Girlfriend

I, being the absolute madman that I am, went ahead and released the 5th arc of Death by Ex Girlfriend, titled: Himushi Redemption!

Concerning future releases, the next arc is titled Letting Go, but I'll actually be skipping that one and head straight to Inari Standoff. Main reasons being I only have one more piece of art to use as a cover, and Letting Go is still under construction.

Thanks for all the readers

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Seeking Artist for Collaboration

Looking for an artist for collaborative purposes on one of my stories, Death by Ex-Girlfriend. I'm in the middle of editing part 2 of the War Cloud arc, but realized I've run into a huge problem. I've got no art for it, or for any of the subsequent arcs.

I really just need art of the characters to use as covers. Or at least, that's all I'm asking for. So, if you've got some spare time and you're good at drawing mostly women (very few male characters aside from the MC), let me know. I've uploaded the first couple of books of the story here, all for everyone's free enjoyment, so you're free to check out the story to see if it's something that sounds fun.

Thanks in advance.

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Death by Ex-Girlfriends

After spending a few days tweaking it, I can finally say I'm ready to publish Death by Ex-Girlfriend, a series of novels I've been working on for 4 months!

It's a free read, all about a guy named Osamu and all of his psycho ex-girlfriends who can't seem to decide if they want to keep him all to themselves or kill him. The first entry to the series is the Aika Crisis arc.

The image and character art you see here were made a little while ago on Manga Raiders, by a user named Han-Ki-Tae. Big thanks to him for doing all of that for me.

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