MediBang ID:
Team Coffee - unless the tea is chocolate flavored
I'll consume that cr*p like it's vodka for a Russian
Call me Ink.. Or Lord, if you're into that ;^)
I take requests, most definitely fam. Just press any comment or dm button amd bam, tell me what to do - but warning, I take a bit longer than regular folks to draw cr*p, cuz I like my stuff done nice and right. So please don't spam me continuously, cuz I'll get stressed and my kickstart addiction comes bacc and I dont want that AgAin---
I'll consume that cr*p like it's vodka for a Russian
Call me Ink.. Or Lord, if you're into that ;^)
I take requests, most definitely fam. Just press any comment or dm button amd bam, tell me what to do - but warning, I take a bit longer than regular folks to draw cr*p, cuz I like my stuff done nice and right. So please don't spam me continuously, cuz I'll get stressed and my kickstart addiction comes bacc and I dont want that AgAin---
- anime
- funny
- requests
- characterdevelopment
- Lugar de actividad:AnywhereIcanbringmycomputer
Día /
Estoy libre
Till I get Paypal, so it's free otherwise
No work submitted