Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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🏵📦BoxBed📦🏵 left a comment!

Coming out to my parent

So as a furry and a human being it's normal to keep things away from the ppl ur are and love especially if it's ur parents for long time now I've always question my self when comes to my love interest and sexuality since I found my self away near Bois and girls till one day I meet girl in 5 the grade who liked a lot she was cool cat plus she was furry and generally knew wat it's like to be different,we both have came best friends but she was straight so I got friend zone and I accepted it and where still gud friends still to this day my parents knew I was a furry because they saw my paper drawings but they never new about my sexuality hole.

Till last night XD ,it was full moon I took few pictures as well it was silent outside and we where watching a movie with my mom my parents split during pandemic it was hard for entire family I suffer from a eating disorder because of it and I had issues eating and I have low self-esteem and got sick with a dengue fever so us watching movie with my mom without my dad was quite,still I told my mom that I was bisexual and I had love interest in both male and females (I use to date a girl during highschool/secondary School for a period of time we still keep in contact but where not dating because that time I was mentally unstable and didn't wanted to talk anyone so I had broke up with her just get better after break up with Mom and Dad it's was big ngl ;-;) my mom listen my brothers knew I I was bi already since I was a furry my oldest brother hates furries lol but he doesn't get it ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ so after the talk my mom accept my for that said nothing will change the relationship she has with doesn't matter if I'm trans,bi,etc nothing will ever change the relationship we have as hole .

In the end goes to show no matter wat ur sexuality race are it's doesn't change who u are on the inside or the relationship u have with the love ones u have Tay fresh peeps hope this story was ok I had hard time writing this because normally don't take about serious stuff been going on in my life so yeah

Can I get F in chat for my brother hating the furries lol

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🏵📦BoxBed📦🏵 left a comment!

Coming out to my parent

So as a furry and a human being it's normal to keep things away from the ppl ur are and love especially if it's ur parents for long time now I've always question my self when comes to my love interest and sexuality since I found my self away near Bois and girls till one day I meet girl in 5 the grade who liked a lot she was cool cat plus she was furry and generally knew wat it's like to be different,we both have came best friends but she was straight so I got friend zone and I accepted it and where still gud friends still to this day my parents knew I was a furry because they saw my paper drawings but they never new about my sexuality hole.

Till last night XD ,it was full moon I took few pictures as well it was silent outside and we where watching a movie with my mom my parents split during pandemic it was hard for entire family I suffer from a eating disorder because of it and I had issues eating and I have low self-esteem and got sick with a dengue fever so us watching movie with my mom without my dad was quite,still I told my mom that I was bisexual and I had love interest in both male and females (I use to date a girl during highschool/secondary School for a period of time we still keep in contact but where not dating because that time I was mentally unstable and didn't wanted to talk anyone so I had broke up with her just get better after break up with Mom and Dad it's was big ngl ;-;) my mom listen my brothers knew I I was bi already since I was a furry my oldest brother hates furries lol but he doesn't get it ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ so after the talk my mom accept my for that said nothing will change the relationship she has with doesn't matter if I'm trans,bi,etc nothing will ever change the relationship we have as hole .

In the end goes to show no matter wat ur sexuality race are it's doesn't change who u are on the inside or the relationship u have with the love ones u have Tay fresh peeps hope this story was ok I had hard time writing this because normally don't take about serious stuff been going on in my life so yeah

Can I get F in chat for my brother hating the furries lol

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