Medibang, please stop showing me updates about my old drawings. I'm getting nightmares

Cringe Official🦃
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Wazzup, what I draw here are mostly my OCs and occasional fanart. Hope ya'll like what ya see!
- Art
- Comic
- Illustrations
- Cringe
- Meme
- Cursed
- Short funny Comics
- Turkey Lord
- Shitposter
- Work Place:Inablackvoid
Future goals
I'll become an astronaut and piss down on earth.
> 👁️ VEXXY 👁️ Gee golly why it seems it is!
Golly!!! That's Millie!!
Why can't I draw these damn hands😭
I am no better than ai🗿
This is what I'm settling with.
> ★astro★ Ah thankss I took a break and was finally able to draw the hands I wanted💀👍
I think you should try using your own hand as a reference? I also find it better to use a square instead of a circle
> Cringe Official🦃 ya lo se,jajajaja
> AIDRAUZINGS Jaja lo se solo estoy bromeando.
> Cringe Official🦃 Los calvos existen.
> AIDRAUZINGS Ojalá los calvos fueran reales.
When I first started this it was a "It'll be a quick silly drawing, I'll get it done in a few hours."
Now here I am fully rendering💀
Alright, finally finished. Gonna post tomorrow or probably Monday
"It'll be worth it" I keep telling myself "For duo" I keep saying
I'm enjoying this a lil too much
> Cringe Official🦃 That's what I'm hoping for
> Ðex Ehhh maybe a little bit of both?👽☻️
This drawing could go horribly right or horribly wrong. I'm scared to see it.
This screenshot is from the actual duolingo account.
> Ðex Ohhhh yeaaa
> pbart Duolingo giving us a tease on Valentine's day🤭 Haha oh yeah very cursed😭
My gawd i- Duolingo is- that's some cursed shit 🙀😭
2/3 of the requests are done. I'll probably post it by tomorrow or the day after.🚣♀️
> Cringe Official🦃 Oh, thx
> Kebinox Ahh well then I'll try to post it before Sunday!
> Cringe Official🦃 I wont be here Sunday, so I hope I get to see them before I'm gone
> Cringe Official🦃 I'm sure I won't be disappointed, im grateful for anything
Taking a few requests cause my brain is empty 🦧
> Kebinox Alrighty thanks :}
> Cringe Official🦃 wow.
> Cringe Official🦃 I dont mind waiting, take all the time you need!
> Ephixa Alrighty cool. Thanks dude :}
Everytime he's smiling someone else is in pain.
Might fully render this for no reason🗿
> zn˥ ɓǝ˥ ɓuo˥ :D He got some strange luck 🤷♂️🌚
> Cringe Official🦃 WHAT-
> zn˥ ɓǝ˥ ɓuo˥ :D Well his place flooded, he got stuck in a washing machine, he burned down his lab, when trying to assassinate his old boss almost got shot, one time as a kid he went to play outside and an hour later was seen being chased down the street by a gang of raccoons.
> Cringe Official🦃 What disasters did he survive 😭😭
Yeah I have no idea what I'm doing but I'll act like it👽👍
I'm not sure if ya'll can tell who it is
> Cringe Official🦃 de nada.
> AIDRAUZINGS Jajaja gracias
Tio, tu haces shitpost y ese shitpost deberia estar en muchos museos de arte para que puedan apreciar tu arte.
> Eminoa Honestly compared to the other roasts he did that probably was the most nicest one.💀👽
> AIDRAUZINGS Jajaja gracias. También publiqué ese dibujo en insta, así fue como encontró mi dibujo.
> ✨DoodlePandaaa✨ Yeah😭 almost got a heartattack tho
> Galactic Reaper Here it is!
I was trying to make a drawing with someone with a wand and had no idea, but then saw somebody say to just look up conductors on Pinterest, and dang yeah it actually works. Who knew that they would be a good use of reference
> Austara Lynn Yes quite a heartwarming one indeed
what a lovely image
> Cringe Official🦃 ikr <3
> ted🎸 Beautiful wise choice of words♡
> Cringe Official🦃 obra maestra inspiradora- 10/10 IGN
> AIDRAUZINGS Peppa (2023) rated R
uff se ve muy bien el live action.
> Eminoa Just Peppa keeping us in check👀 Hehe yeah blended in a little too well😩
Why do my joke ocs have better backstories than the ones where I actually try💀
Sometimes I question my life choices
> 🦃Cringe Official🦃 Familia, hoy revivió el anime.
> AIDRAUZINGS Jajajaja muchas gracias XD Shitposts de alta calidad es lo que me gusta hacer lol
> 여자</3 si.
I was working on this drawing for so long because of these damn hands🦖
> Julia Lapin {Bunny Girl} Jajaja gracias!! XDD
Te quedaron muy bien! A mí nomás me salen las manos chibi o de 3 dedos 😤
> 🦃Cringe Official🦃 yum
> 여자</3 Go ahead 😌 take ur time
(The drawing is a totally 100% accurate portrait of me)
Hullo! I was your secret Santa! Hope you like it :D
This is his ultimate form
> Glitchrat 🐀 Yes Yes I will
> Cringe Official🦃 No No u won't
> Glitchrat 🐀 Yes I will
> Cringe Official🦃 No If you can
1- turke the bodybuilder😍
2- Kirby the alcoholic 🥰
Also, what would you like to see turke as next?
(Like an air pilot, a toilet, etc....)
> AIDRAUZINGS Ambos son encantadores a su manera XD
> 🦃Cringe Official🦃 LMAO
> 🦃Cringe Official🦃 0-0
Which one looks better?
I need an outside perspective cause I'm kinda stumped.
Well, according to me colours play an important role in portraying a character’s emotions, so I’d say blue! It is more suiting and matches the kind of emotion you probably want to portray… like to me it’s giving more of a sad, betrayal and agony kinda vibe than anger or resentment… so in short according to me blue ☺️☺️
I prefer the blue :D
Blue is more calm and red is more evil. so red
Red yazz
Lets go burn down an entire city :)
Turkey, do you like turkey? I personally like ham.
turkey, what is your favorite mildly illegal crime to commit? (or majorly illegal?)
Sorry If I'm spamming
> Austara Lynn The mother we didn't know we needed😩🙏
> 🦃Cringe Official🦃 doin gods work😩😩🙏🙏🙏
> Austara Lynn He's just out making sure kids get a good night's rest :)
turkey, have you ever thought about having a family? if you did have one, how would you treat them?
I couldn't really think of specific songs so I went very vague. 😅
> Austara Lynn Fr tho he knows what's up💪
felix is a mood sometimes that goat simulator soundtrack be hitting different💪 💪
> Gloom 🍂 I aspire to be like this alpha male
> pbart Turkey Lord is very grateful to have such loyal adherents😌 Haha glad you like this! XD
> Austara Lynn 😌
Giga chat turkey lord
So ask my ocs anything and they have to answer honestly (I'll make sure of that..don't worry)
...idk I just thought it would be kinda funny
Question for the turkey lord Care to commit arson and multiple murders with me?
> 🦃Cringe Official🦃 I thought of one! How will Turkey Lord Celebrate Christmas(If Turkey Lord celebrates Christmas that is)
> Log-In-The-Woods That's alright!
what are their favorite songs?
Idk I feel like drawing but can't think of anything, so I'm doing this. 🎅
> 🦃Cringe Official🦃 Oh that's not a problem, if you ever not want to do it then I'm fine with you not doing it. No rush! ^ ^
> 🎄❄Dexi_Mexi❄🎄 Yep! But I might take a while so sorry in advance
> ★astro★ Yep! It might take a while so sorry about my lateness in advance.
> FlameteethDraws Ofc! It might take a while tho so sorry about that😅 (And thanks!!!)
-Turke can stretch and shrink himself
-Cucumber head was sorta based on a deers skull
- Felix didn't get the job, he invited himself in. He's been roaming around the workplace for a while that everybody stopped questioning it
-Cucumber loves mayonnaise (also ripping off bird's heads and hanging them up like decorations)
yeah that's all for now
> zn˥ ɓǝ˥ ɓuo˥ :D Yeah, he's a bit special🤡💀
Felix is something else 💀💀✋
> Long-Leg-Luz✨🗿(got frozen) BAHA NOOOOO 😭😭😭☠️
My medi acc could never 🗿