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New drawing tablet 💕\○w○)/💕


Ok ill admit i just drank some really good coffee, but i got a new drawing tablet. Finally!

I got it a while ago but forgot to say something till now. Right now im working on 2 pages at the same time for TBT fixing stage, you know, the stage after relizeing how bad the demo was. Anyways now i might just finish the first before christmas or a little while later, maybe even sooner if i can keep up this motivation and keep these hands moveing.

This was all i had to say but at least it has an interesting beginning, right? So whithout further a do, lets continue this cycle of cramped hands (7○u○)7

The first picture is the first picture i made with the tablet, the last picture is this meme i found that i thought i could share with you guys, loves ♡☕.

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My CD Collection! :D

I know barely anyone buys CDs anymore, but I love old stuff so I still buy them. I have three movie soundtrack CDs, which are:
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
-Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring
-Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
And then I have band CDs, which include:
-Blurryface (TØP)
-Vessel (TØP)
-Evolve (Imagine Dragons)
-After Laughter (Paramore)
-Volume 3: The Subliminal Verses(Slipknot)
-A Fever You Can't Sweat Out (Panic! At The Disco)
-I don't remember the name of the album, but its Transiberian Orchestra
- Iowa (Slipknot)
- Franz Ferdinand
I'm still gonna add to this collection so I'll prolly be updating this!

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