Been watching how to vids on comic strips, and I've been trying to practice.
Since I've already done pieces of The Jackals Brothers split where Ollym kills ramsees I decided to redo it again.
I still don't think I have been able to really capture the emotion that I want to convey here, so there's so many redraw of this its insane.
lol anyways what's your guys thoughts?

Squeaky Plastic
I'm your insane host Squeaks, and im here to discuss
Grilled cheese.Grilled cheese is the literal superior food, Because and stay with me here you can literally have different kinds of both the cheese and the bread.
Like bacon, (Bacon Grilled cheese)!!
Remember if you want me to draw something Put a comment on the newest post with good details on what you want.
Currently Working On my comic Series "Quelled Reign".
- Deviantart :
- Follow the boi:
- youtube::
- Dragons
- Animals
- Wolves
- Requests
- OC's
- Mythical creatures
- Anime if i actually try
- Work Place:Home,mycellphone.
Mmmmmmm hard to draw but hey it works lol

Gets a new sketchbook, wants to make the first page an absolute banger.
Makes Nintendo Dog...
:l <(help
> Zyvra Ahaha, hell yeah! 🤣
My first pages: random doodles of femboy garfield
> Squeaky *stops and looks at you* *wheeze* nope, doggy is mine now, sorry~
> Leieryx Very mooch appreciated Lei, Nintendo doggo thanks you to <3
May 14th 2021,
Subnautica Below Zero is being released for ps4, and I couldn't be more excited.
But uh if anyone remembers then it's also a death anniversary.
> Squeaky Sorrows are meant to be danced away, not drowned
> BushBabyOrigins drown my sorrows in subnauticas salty seas. 😔
I too am exited for below zero to come out, and I am so sorry for your loss :(
Drew that chimp that gets spun around, except the outcome may be different lol
I literally want eggos,
Like I don't have them, and I can't get them, and it makes me sad.
Substituting my eggo needs with pretzels
But can't quench my hunger for the crisp waffle goodness that is the toastable gold flacky goodness of the EGGO
The snack that smiles back,
> DanDraw Nutritious and delicious
I lost myself at the end 😆
:U the joy I feel from waking up this morning, getting my coffee then sitting down to see whats goin in life before I start my day and seeing that The my first ever fan-art to someone other than muh peeps on medi that I've been able to draw up for someone I've admired, and then they actually SAW IT AND LIKED IT *HEAVY BREATHING!!!!*
I literally missed my deadline, I myself set so I could hang with you guys and I missed it by 6 hours and 36 minutes now its basically tomorrow.......
I mean i can post it but it lost its all u night owls or early morning worms care to hang?
I'm inside the void again if you want to chill...
sad- XD at least it wasnt my fault tbh i thought i was just being. stupid and not knowing where to find it :v i hope ya had a good birthday though!
> jessie Worms we are
I'll be hosting the Birthday Whiteboard tomorrow instead cause my family is doing game activities till like midnight or something idk, so ill start the Whiteboard around 6 or 7pm tomorrow night, sorry for the inconvenience.
> Lollipwap C U R S E D
Why is it cursed ;^;
> jessie Horse boy is real strong tho he cracked the wall.
Sorry for not posting, im working on my anatomy by drawing mythical beings and such I hope I can get this Colored and stuff, really liking the werewolf boi tho. :]
> Lemon :,D
Looking good for practice tho 🤯👌
Bootiful werewolf! Everything looks amazing!!
I have created Sans Dragon/ Sanswing in Roblox wings of fire and the reactions to this unholy offspring are the best, some form a cult that follows me around or others are scared of my power lol, I havnt played roblox in years but this, is pretty fun.
> Squeaky Ok thx! My user name is stupid but oh well it’s happykitten447
> APdraws Or you can friend me if you want you can find me at SqueakyPlastic.
> APdraws Well if you ever wanna play ap, im always on the qibli14 server :]
I hv that game!! It’s so fun tho!
In 5 days ill be officially turning 18.....yaaay QwQ
Tbh im excited to start the next chapter of my life, but also extremely extremely terrified. The next few months may very well change my activities on here, but ill do my best to open up time to post and talk to you guys, I wanna do a birthday whiteboard to hang with you guys, ill be posting it on Thanksgiving around 11:00pm pacific Time. Hope yall can come hang. :3
happy early birthday dude!
whoah awesome
> Lemon Aight bro *high fives*
I didnt even last 1 day lmao, I couldn't even sit down and not draw for 1 Day! I'm pathetic (internal screaming) Anyways how are yall doing XD?
y u p
> Squeaky Ikr
> APdraws I didnt last a day lmao
Yay! Ur back!
Sorry about not posting the last 2 days, I've lost motivation. Been taking a break and getting some well needed sleep, ill be off for the rest of this week, so here's a oddly detailed sketch that I spaced out on while drawing it and got this. Lol have a good rest of the week guys ill cya next monday!
*Round of applause for the sleepy jackal XD*
Cya :]
Crap that's amazing!
I forgot I downloaded this song, and when it started playing I immediately paused it and looked up the scene cause for me, that was in my opinion the most emotional moment I've ever seen in a film, I grew up watching this movie and it made me feel so nostalgic and sad but also happy...
Sorry bout this btw but its a good listen.
I used to love that show :c that scene almost made me cry
So Nightwing Sandwing Hybrid won!!
So I sketched up the new bby and grabbed cannon tribe colors from both. Now all she needs is a name. Im taking suggestions :3
Umm... Nightstorm, Darkgrain, sandshadow, darkdune, shadedsun, shadedsand, desertmoon... Lol I actually had a Night/Sand hybrid named Sandscorcher, but later I added a bit of RainWing in her. I also have a SandWing named Saguaro, with a pet dragonbite viper named dart.
Duneshadow Diamondback Blacksand Thistle
What about Sage, Acacia, or Silhouette?
So I never officially made a WOF character, and with a special place in my heart for the books I would like some help making one, ill be running off of what tribe you all decide.
If there are to many different options I got a quarter ready to go!
Thanks for yalls help also give me name suggestions if you want. 😊
> Squeaky maybe a hybrid of the both?
I was gonna say silkwing nightwing hybrid, but that would just be a hivewing lol, so uh, maybe a silkwing/icewing hybrid?
silkwing and a rainwing hybrid
The iFunny watermark is driving me away but I giggled a little bit at this ngl
But I mean, for some reason alot of you also come hang with me as well so win, win.
Yall will get a comic in 5 years lol...finally got a name and drew up the cover but dang I can't get my story organized for crud....B U T I shall preval! Worst part is, is that it'll be part 1 that gets done then I have part 2 and so on. So bare with me I beg of yall haha.
> Squeaky Oops
> Zyvra You corrected me already lmao the first time
The cover art looks awsome so far! You could get far with a comic I’m sure
But niceee
If you wanna draw with me, come on in.
> pastelly_ Oof yeah idk the only one I can find is one from the first whiteboard and some of your humanoid characters, a dragon you bird baby and some other sketches.
> Squeaky It was a wolf growling
> Squeaky What picture?
> pastelly_ Hmmm
The one on the left Is Obi Wan Kenobi
[Obi for short] and yes thats his name.
And my fat Marshmallow to the right is
Ghost Kitty [ AkA my little Russian lady]
So adorable! Please give ur precious floofs hugs and pats fir me
Mao mao mao mao! Kitties!
Yay it’s workin now
> APdraws Well ig I’m at school so I can’t
Maybe I’ll try again
> APdraws Really? It works fine for me
Tbh Spirit inspired this, F in chat for our Vine legends 🙌 👏
> 🎀.ʜᴏɴᴇʏʙᴜɴ.🎀 Give it a good rub....hehe yeah boi.
* sits in bathtub rubbing watamelon on chest *
Oh man, i have downed so much caffeine..but I don't feel at all awake, I have become immune and I am sad.
Realized Iida's a T-post lmao
Same lmao I love caffeine
Oof that must suck- Also istg Bakugo kills everytime he's on screen
:O backugo is king explosion murder
With Pintt0, Owen, And Mango.
> ĸurımзımaпga Idk other people did this to, I ran off of mangos. Look at Pintt0's post to see if someone else has a continued version.
Who is next? Cause your daughter wanna be next
> Wolffe_tdf Holy moly its Wolffe!! Same here bro.
i miss talking to you friend
Spent $200 on a huion, and I dont know how to properly use it send help lol.
So personally I think I sketch better on the tablet than I do on my I spent some time hooking it up and sketching some stuff out.
I started some projects on it to, so I can get used to how it works. I'll still be using my phone to record my speedraws on cause my computer has no internet, so when I post ill put in the description [Phone, or Huion] so here are some of my practice projects from the Tablet :3 and if you guys want ill add some more of the random stuff I draw on it.
wHOAHHHHHH these look AMAZING!!! the camp with the dragon is so neat and detailed, the surfing one looks awesome, and the anatomy on the fairy creature is amazing!!!
Those look awesome!
> Owen I spent like 2 hours pressing random buttons tbh lol
Group chat, "The breakfast run" collab.
You told me to do what I wanted, so I put it, into two person text conversation format, let me know if you want me to redo it Bushbaby.
> BushBabyOrigins Nice, let me know when your done with your half:3
Also let me know when you finish your side :3, that way I can post it. Ty for wanting to do this with me BBO.
I am 1 of like thousands of cartoon wolf drawing crazy people that exists,I only just started recently becoming popular, I also have some art of mine posted by other people on different social media sites, [of course they credit me] asking you my dear friends. Is this what having fans is like? Do I have fans? Or am I just someone who draws a decent piece ever now and again? Should I keep doing this, or should I quit? Starting to question the future of my art and this profile. But idk I love medibang and I've put time into everything I do on here and I've made amazing friends as well which honestly is always the highlight of my day when I get to chat with them. I believe I'm venting so ill stop here, thank you if you read this and take the time to respond, other people's inputs are always better than my own mind.
> Squeaky Aw love ya too, keep being awesome
> Squeaky aw well ya welcome right back <3
> .•♬• I admire everyone, love ya skye and thank you.
> Lemon Certified im crying moment, thank you i mean it. <3
Some pictures I took a week ago of the sky above my house, wildfires are just about contained but the sky is still smoking af.
> APdraws Scary tho
I saw that! I couldn’t get good pick 😢
*coughs in global warming*
What is that-
This is the Halloween group pic so far I've got everyone sketched out, with the ref pictures on respective layers and I've started linear and coloring :,> this is fine lol I torture myself, [send help] also its closed so im sorry for anyone who couldn't get your OC's in.
Its looks like chaos but I assure I know whats goin on lol
We're such a cute bunch.
Ack it looks great so far I cant wait till its finished
I love the sketch if September
> Zyvra Oh, I got it. More spread out panels can create suspense. Also the courtyard thing I forgot to erase my bad.
Also I watched this comic tutorial thingy, it said if you want to make it seem dramatic then spread out a few seconds over more panes to increase suspense? idk
I don't understand, what's the 'courtyard gates open' thing