イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

1 日 / 週

Hey there..
Sorry for the inactive for so long
My school has started offline classes so yea..
But i'll try to post as much as possible
Also i hv ig n disc now mostly being active there ಠ-ಠ
Also since its been a long time here
How r yall doing?


  • I’m done! I hope you like it \( ◠ ‿ ◠ )/ https://medibang.com/picture/dc2103100800445890015423872/

  • > Mowochuwu Tq ovo

  • > Kaiso It finally worked :0 Also I luv your oc uwu

  • > Mowochuwu Oh 0-0 I cant send the offline code either cause medi is not allowing Q^Q Here is another online code 2ZGMNMG