I forgot today is my b-day lol
I knew at morning and forgot it T^T
Welp its night here
Gm or Ga or Ge (according to place u live)
I'm losing motivation
Getting lazy as hell
Help T^T
Good morning/afternoon/evening/night
I just wanted to say
Srry 4 being inactive(again)
I'll try to post smthg
Also i hv exam
Also i am practicing anatomy
So i wont be able to post finished drawings as much as i did before
But i'll try!
Also shld I post the things i am learning as tutorial just so my acc isnt ded? Qwq
I'll try to be active qwq
Also i kinda learnt calligraphy do u want me to post that along with the anatomy tutorial?
Well hv a nice day/night
Be sure to check out for wips n stuff!
Hey all
Sorry for being inactive for a long period of time (╥﹏╥)
I hv a test coming like in 9 days ‘︿’
So yea i was busy in studies :v
Anyways ill try to be active as much as possible also i hab uploaded a new art
Hope u check it out~
Also i hv ig i am mostly active in there so if u want updates be sure to check it out
Another art comin out soon
Hv a nice day/night
Stay tuned~
Hlo there bootiful hooman :D
Wt ya dng
I am bored Qwq
This post was posted when my phone charge was at 3% q^q
Idk if its a trend ╰(*´︶`*)╯
Yea as the title says
I dont even know wt to do ノ(・ω・)ノ
> FÄDEE Awesome
You're on Insta! So am I!!! 😄😄
Hey there..
Sorry for the inactive for so long
My school has started offline classes so yea..
But i'll try to post as much as possible
Also i hv ig n disc now mostly being active there ಠ-ಠ
Also since its been a long time here
How r yall doing?
I’m done! I hope you like it \( ◠ ‿ ◠ )/ https://medibang.com/picture/dc2103100800445890015423872/
> Mowochuwu Tq ovo
> Kaiso It finally worked :0 Also I luv your oc uwu
> Mowochuwu Oh 0-0 I cant send the offline code either cause medi is not allowing Q^Q Here is another online code 2ZGMNMG
So i got some idea or smthng like that
So it is tht
We all create oc n make illustration for it cause y not?
Like lets make a human,furry or anyother living thing
Oh lets even give them personality n background too
So r yall intrested
This idea just poped out so yea just sharing it its ok if ur not intrested
> Mowochuwu Awesome
Im intrested- :)
We hit 100
> MochiiNiko Tq
congrats! :D
Will yall join if i host a contest ◐.̃◐
I will join OwO
I completed the 100.followers special Uwo
Just wanna hit 100
BRAVO!!!! Vous les méritez!! J'espère tout de même qu'il y en auras d'autres!! (en fait, j'en suis certaine!!)
Hlo | Alicia 754's Topic | ART street by MediBang https://medibang.com/topic/7e2101152209055140013626830/
Imma keep on posting this
Hlo | Alicia 754's Topic | ART street by MediBang https://medibang.com/topic/7e2101152209055140013626830/
Yea i made this post cause
I needed to ask yall
Wt Am I sUpPoSsEd To Do FoR tHe 100 FoLlOwErS sPecial
My head gone brrr thinking abt it
Here are some options
Anything else?
But ill be doing 1 of em so comment which 1 u want ≡^ˇ^≡
> Lhyr Okie
Maybe an illustration? Or if you wanted your following to participate you could do the contest or the collab
It was just 90 followers
Now itz 94
I shld probably prepare for 100 followers before its to late ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Also i want tht badge if anyone knows where the 5th meimi-chan is tell me ;-;
Also tq yall for nearly 100 followers TvT
( Just realized i am a typo lol)
Hit 90 followers
10 more to 100 :0
> Heilenra_act Thank u
> Lhyr Thank u
Yayyy!! Congrats~
> ChibiL.Rini Yep
Aa... C'est donc de cela que vous discutiez avec Heilenra... comment on fait (désolée de te déranger!)
> ChibiL.Rini It is hide and seek event You gotta find hidden meimi-chan
Lequel, s'il te plaît?(SORRY!!)
When u already completed n submitted ;-;
> Alicia I'm just very dramatic person I tend to overreact a lot -_-
> Lhyr Its dead easy lol
> Alicia I'm pretty busy so I won't be able to participate :'(
> Alicia ooh! Je vois, O.O merci! 😄
My art was there in related😳
When i tapped it
It was the art process👀
AAAHH My art is right there It looks like it doesn't belong there Ur art is pretty
Shld i upload drawing process or nah
> FÄDEE Alright
I say go for it! ^^
New illustration comimg out soon
Lineart by UNDERDOGS
Waoooh! Là déjà en voit un peu et... Elle est déjà extrêmement belle! J'ai trop hâte de voir le résultat!!
I am gonna cry T^T
Gonna hit 90 followers soon 💕👀
> Heilenra_act Yay (lol)
> Ɛɾì ^_^
yay i’m glad your back :D