Hollaaa... long time no see!!! Wish you're all have a great day! I've been post my recent comic "Robotic Love". But maybe because of my absent, there's no comment or like T~T
Sooo... would you like to support me please? https://medibang.com/book/va2104281121164540014598060/
Wish you all have a wonderfull day! Don't forget to be happy!!!

Aika Ragisa
I'm from Indonesia.
Please feel free to like my art, and left some comment down below. If you want to see my art, I also upload it on my Instagram @aikaragisa
Wanna get support by me? Please feel free to copy your art page link to the comment. Let's support each other artist too~ ^^
Like for like? Comment for comment to support each other? WHY NOT?
Don't re-upload/ re-use/ tracing my art :)
Nice to meet you!!!
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aikaragisa/?hl=id
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJGtIrRKFBw0aeabsiaCB0w
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/aikaragisa
- Fiveer: https://www.fiverr.com/share/ApW0xX
- TRAKTEER: https://trakteer.id/あいかRagisa
- 活动地点:Indonesia
- 性别:女
"How to color line art layer without using magic wand tool on Medibang Paint Pro?"
[Note: I used laptop and windows 10]
1. Select the line art layer that you want to color.
2. Click the "Layer Menu" [Layer(L)] on the upside left.
3. Choose "Property"
4. Choose "Protect Alpha"
And you're done! Now you can use another brush to color the line art without messing around with the blank space that you didn't draw on your line art layer. But remember to click the "Protect Alpha" again to de-active the Alpha Lock system if you want to draw something else on the line art layer. I hope it'll help you out~ XD Have a nice dayyy!!!
Génial!! Cuuuuuuuuute!!❤❤❤❤❤❤
I might change my line art style again T~T [because it's so complicated to make the line art with a lot of different colors on it]. Actually it's much easier if you use Procreate apps, because if you want to color the line art, you can just apply the "Alpha Lock" on the line art layer. But I wonder how to color the line art easier on Medibang paint pro without using magic wand tools [to select the area that you want to color]? If you know how to color entire line art [on one layer] without using magic wand, PLEASEE TELL MEEEE~ (/ T~T )/
> Hayra96 my pleasure \( ^ u ^
> Yan yups~ I haven't found it... but now I'm already found it hehehe XD
> ChibiL.Rini aww... it's okay my dear, I've already found the answer... I'll share it to you guys here ^^
> B aaaaaa~~~ Bee! Thanks!!! It's really helpful!!!! XD
Holla guys!!! I've already upload the prolog on my Webtoon Canvas, so if you want to read the English ver on my Medibang [FULL VER], I've already made it in to "FREE TO READ". So feel free to come and read the full ver~ ^^ Hope you'll like it!
> Illustro aaww... great!! Let me know if youre done~ ^^
> Hayra96 thanks i need end my current mange and i am still not good at it but i will let you know
> Illustro why not?! I'll wait for it~ ^^
I am also thinking of making webtoon
Gonna be a lot of work today~ ^^ Long time didn't post an art for a contest, so I've decided to take a break from my progress on Webtoon and try to draw one art for contest. Wish me luck~ ^^
> هبة thank you!!! well, I'm already uploaded it~ ^^
> Koko yup yup!!
> {BobaTea aaww... thanks~ ^^
good look I LOVE YOU
Guess who is he? ehehhe
> Hayra96 Yes please🤣🤣
> Sarah ahahahha... yaass, Indeed!!! XD
> Furuwa Ahahaha~~~ that's clever! LOL XD If I draw Kenshin, I should draw the "X" scars right? ^^
i don't know the only thing i know it ,it is ... that's boy so handsome!
Hollaaaa~ long time no see!! I've just uploaded my first web comic here~ it's about someone unique hobby that's become real! Wanna take a look and read it?
Note: sorry I've to made it into "paid" mode [but I gave you preview up to 8 page!] because I made this comic all by myself and actually it's in Indonesian language, but I've translate it for you in English so you could read it too :) and I'll always uploaded it first on Medibang so if you want to read the Indonesian ver, you should wait till the end of this month on webtoon naver :) I hope you could understand ^^ [well it's not very expensive though, only 100 yen/ chapter to appreciate my work here]
> Sarah hoo... I see, it's okay ^^
i'm really sorry The amount is very small But I don't know someone who has a Paypal account -People in my country have no confidence in internet news, let alone putting their money in it But when I read the first 8 pages, I think it's very cool
aaaaa~~~ I do really miss you guys!!! I really want to drawing for a contest here, or even just drawing for DTIYS on Instagram, but I'm really busy right now, so I might be can't even comment or support you all [But I'm trying my best to keep in touch with you all] T~T
I'm still prepare for my webcomic these days [because I do it all by my own]. I'm also busy for my job being private tutor, being teacher on Talent School, and being singer for my band Amor Accoustic. Hell yea, I do really need money to help my parents, that's why I do all of that to get income T~T
I hope you all doing your best here~ please keep healthy and be happy. I love you guys!!! <3
> Hayra96 u r welcome ^^ ganbatte > v < )9
> Sarah I will for sure Sarah~ XD
> Katya🌌 Sure I will~ thank you for your support, youre so sweet >,<
> 🐝...B aaakkk~~~ thank you Bee!! It means a lot for me ^^
I've got to go to out of town till Thursday, so I might be can't open Medibang for awhile because of the signal out there. But I've already prepare for the sketch that I can draw for two days, so after that I can up more art on Thursday or Friday. Keep save, healthy, and don't forget to be Happy!! XD
good luck your sketch really nice
Your sketches inspire me a lot! keep up the good work
I've just made a sketch of this boy expressions and I'm already in Love with him!!! Yass, it's my new OC for my new project, his name is Jeon Ye Jun. I'm inspired with Jungkook while I draw him, so I'm having a great time to draw him :)
> Sarah thank you~ ^^
i'ts really nice
Well, I'm doing a project recently so I might be not quite active. But I'll try my best to post, comment, and like here to support you all ^^ (I might be doing that at 03:00 AM every day, so I can keep in touch with you all XD)
[For Naeriy DTIYS]
The result for 2 hour sketch. (Vampire Taehyung and Werewolf Jungkook)
Now, I'm getting to use Medibang Paint Pro ^^ It's not bad at all, thanks to my friends who help to answer my question yesterday :)
I'm trying to use Medibang Apps for the first time and I have a few question, so please answer me if you use Medibang apps too:
1) I can't blend 2 color in one layer use "Pen" brush. I usually blend two color on one layer only use one "Canvas" brush on Paint Tool SAI program and I can modify the blending amount.
2) I only can select one part from layer using "Magic Wand" tool, and I can't add another selection area on one layer using "Magic Wand". Can I add more than 1 selection area use Magic Wand on Medibang apps?
Please answer me if you know how to use Medibang Apps :)
Note: sorry for my bad English, I'm trying my best to explain what I mean.
> Hayra96 u r welcome X3
> 🐝...B whoaaaa, thanks!! that's very helpful!! XD
> Hayra96 in menubar click on ' window then 'palette in the palette click on 'Add color to add your colors and if u want to lock the palette --> in the menubar click on 'color then ' lock color X3
> Furuwa hooo... the same for you too? okay I'll try this one too :) It's okay, I got it ^^
Could you guess who's this cute little fairy? #btsfanart #smangartgallery # hayra96
Wip for #artmytober #artmytober2020
I'm a little bit confuse about something, and I want to ask you all here. But please answer me honestly. Is that to expensive if I sell an full body chibi + background for 6$? [usually, I'll gave the commissioner: 30x30cm art with resolution 350 in CMYK and RGB color]
If "Yes" then please comment down bellow: how much will you spent to get my art?
If "No" then how much price that I should tell to sell my art?
I ask you all because I'm so confuse with people. I spent a lot of time to draw and I always make sure the commissioners agree and accept the sketch design before full payment. But why no one want to commissioning me? it's so sad TT~TT
If it's takes a long time you should sell for more, especially if you are drawing full body + background. Everyone has different prices depending on how much detail and how long it takes. You can use this as a guide: hourly wage × number of hours = price. I think your art is very unique and your prices should reflect that. Maybe offer more types of commissions like "chibi head only+no bg", "chibi full body+no bg", "full body and full bg". Something like that so u can have a range of prices and the comissioner can choose. I hope this helps.
I'm gonna use this display for three days to respect Molly my precious Angel that already went to heaven today.
I can't make a scary stuff, but I'm trying my best to draw this one for #artmytober2020 hope you'll like it!
> Heilenra_act yaasss...
Yow~ this time I draw werewolf Jungkook! so what will you do if you meet with him?
*comment your reaction* XD
Note: I usually use photo reference for my drawing, but not all of them :)
> Hayra96 Owww I would die right then and there
> SIMANNSTHETIC1 who? Jungkook? I think he could be cute, dorky, hot, pretty and sweet at the same time~ LOL
Um hello I rlly don’t know wut to say but you are very pretty (smiles)
This is the link of the original art: https://twitter.com/blove_jk/status/1107202519078309888
And this is medibang link of the artwork that stolen: https://medibang.com/picture/c42009181111316160014995961/
> Hayra96 Oh okie 👍🏻
> SIMANNSTHETIC1 ahahaha, just copy this medibang link and made a new topic on your page~ ^^
> Hayra96 I d k how to share 😅
> SIMANNSTHETIC1 Thanks! help me to share this out.. ^^
AAAAKK~ IDK how to draw puffy fluffy dress TT~TT
I'm in love with Chiara Riccioni OC name: Cora. So I ask her to made a fanart for her OC, hope you'll like it~
Anyway, I open a commission too if some of you want me to draw a shining, shimmering, splendid art for you ^^ Please feel free to message me or comment down below~ have a nice day everyone!! XD
> とのくろ aaww~ thankyou ^^
Sorry,I don't know her😭but you always draw such wonderful pictures!🥰✨✨
Absolutely A LOT OF WORK just to draw the line art, especially the scale. Hope it'll turn to be great ^^
> Kawaii aawww~ thanks ^^
My best wishes are with you!
Gonna be a lot of work... LOL 頑張ります!
I can’t wait to see your work done❤️
> 🌼•ItzLassie•🌼 aahhaha~ yup! ^^
I can’t wait to see it! ^w^ :}
Hollaaa~ I'm start drawing again lol. I've been busy to draw prize for my art raffle on Line Play [and I'm still on it, but I want to take a break for a while]. So here it is~ hope It can turn to be great~
Very cute!^w^
When you're working hard to put on every single dots and you start getting dizzy... omg *.*
This what I usually do first to make "trace and draw" contest. How about you? Well I still confuse what kind of background that I'll draw on this page.. could you gave me advice?
Hollaaa~ First, I want to say thanks for the support on my first tutorial that reach more than 200 viewers! I've just been thinking about something since that, may I ask you all here?
So, I want to make another eye tutorial again, but maybe it's a little bit different. I want to share you how I draw eye in a different expression such like: Happy, angry, sad, shock, gloomy, etc. :)
Then, should I make one for you all? Please feel free to comment down below! [You can also comment what type of eye expression that you want me to draw] :)
Need a help for my art "Baby Bunny Jungkook" to reach Level 4 please... (TT~TT)
> Ami Just as simple as like and comment [and maybe add to your favorite] on my art "Baby Bunny Jungkook" :')
Sure what can I do to help?
> Hinata/Noya Thank you <3
Je l'ai lut! Il est vraiment bien!
Désolée!! Je ne savais pas en effet!!