Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Two hours a day
Stole from most everybody

Lemme gauge how well you know me, fellow disciples

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  • > Zyvra This. This is fabulous. A++

  • Drawing the pentagram I would draw Bill Cipher triangles instead of the points on the star. But yes, I would put snails, fungi, Bill Cipher merch, a ball of yarn and a crochet needle

  • > umbriiel “Lemme guess. About to fall into demon-shipping hell?” “Yep.” “Then a fanfic that changes your life, making me straight for this psycho corn chip?” “Uh-huh.” “Then finally realizing I’m are obsessed and everyone can see it but I’m too deep in gay Human!Billdip to care?” “You bet.” “Bring it.”

  • > Mossy It may be one thing but it would summon both of us Though a stick bug would summon me faster than bill would Stick bugs are cute

I sold my soul to Cipher for Fizzyfox

Most of all my nutcracker boots and opal phantom portal, along with A WHOLE TRADE LIST OF SPIKES AND BETAS. but she is my daughter now and I love her forever and ever.

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  • > ❄Ash❄ BILL. APPEASE THE OVERLORD. also I found a pack yesterday called “Cipher’s Henchmen” that I nearly joined.

  • > Mossy I'm also a red panda that looks like bill cipher

  • > Mossy Go ahead and make one :D Btw I have lots of masterpieces with bill on them And gravity falls related stuff I need to unlock my den I'll do that, please check out my den :D tell me if it's ok or if it's shit lol

  • > ❄Ash❄ Oof. That sucks. I liked your masterpiece about how your pets are nft. I may have to make one.

Vent?? Animal Jam drama pt. 1

So on Ajpw, I have finally decide to be a parent and adopt a kid. I adopted this bunny. Soon as she came to my den, she traded me some cheap stuff in store but hey, she’s my kid! I gave her some unwanted stuff in return. Afterwards this wolf and fennec come to my den, and I assumed they wanted me to adopt them too. I saw my bunny kid writing letters to others, maybe adoption invites? Idk. They didn’t say anything, but kept walking around my den for a while. I waited while all three jammers were writing and sending letters to each other.
Here’s where the drama starts.
I got a letter from the bunny (first image.) saying “ Say you adopted me. She’s my old mom.” I got a bit suspicious like, oh no, she has a parent already? What happened? I asked the bunny “what’s going on?”
She kept telling me what to say. I didn’t do it. It hit that she was sending me letters so the wolf wouldn’t see our chat. She was telling me what to say and I didn’t like it. “What happened? She seems like a decent mom.”
Which is when I got the third letter (third image.) I told the wolf that the bunny didn’t tell me she had a parent already.
The bunny sent me the fourth image, which really made me realize that they were manipulating me! You can’t actually take jammers away in AJ. You physically cannot. But she REALLY made me mad. I told her, “look. You are manipulating me and I’m not comfortable with that. If you want a different parent, just say it to her face. Don’t use me. I’m blocking you.” And I blocked and reported.

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  • block and report, good for you :) im glad you stood up for yourself

  • O.O

Guess my name!

Trendy much bc I am a follower TvT
The formal version starts with an I (capital i) the one everyone calls me (except my orthodontist) starts with a B. Some of you guys might know already bc I used to have it in my bio. Hint: I’m named after royalty.

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  • > Mossy I know someone with that name and she also goes by Bella so it just came to mind lol

  • I remember when you used to have it in your bio! I saw it when you first ever followed me :0

  • > Night Yes. Howww

  • Isabella (Bella for short)

Candy superhero ideas?

I’m designing my superhero/villain(??) who’s aesthetic is candy. She needs good armor, but no cape. Some frill and sparkle but not too much like an anime princess. A mixture of the two? Could you help me out? Thank you

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  • > Mossy Woo! I'm glad you like it


  • Ooooo, uhhh, Im kinda bad at designing outfits, but I can try! Maybe armor made of Lollipops(like the shoulder plate-things and the breast thingys), a marshmallow twisty thing for the belt(idk what theyre called), maybe you could had some rocky candy acents to her outfit??? Idk, if i think of more Ill tell you

Things I hate (as an artist

Yes I ripped the titled off. I’m sorry TvT
1. Explaining what I’m drawing. Ex: “It’s uh.. A um. Owl-deer-plant thing??”
2. “What makes you think of drawing this?” “Internet bruh.”
3. “Woaw how do you draw so good?” “9 years of art practice” “HOW. THE ANSWER EVADES ME.”
“It’s just practice..”
4. “Do you do requests?” “Sorry, I just have a lot of stuff that I do irl..” “Aww but I really wanted to see how you would draw my character :(“
5. Seeing everyone hate on their own art. STFU YOU ANGEL MUFFIN. YOUR ART IS GODLY. FIGHT ME.
6. “Can you draw this for me?” “Can you draw me/oc/generic animal?” (More of an irl thing than online.)

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  • Lol I'm just looking back at this

  • XD

Help pls

What are profile modes? I see a lot of people have them. What does it mean, exactly?

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  • > ꜱᴀᴘᴘʏʙᴇʟʟᴀ agora eu entendi melhor,obrigada -v-; ah,então vou fazer o cosplay então,parece divertido :D

  • > Mossy Mhm!

  • > -lulu- Kinda- wait the meaning of mode? Tbh Kuri, Rei, and I came up with it so I'm not sure if you'll find it

  • > ꜱᴀᴘᴘʏʙᴇʟʟᴀ Então eu acertei também ????? :0 acho que vou deletar o "jazzghost mode" do meu perfil,para não criar confusão 7v7 eu tentei procurar o significado na internet mas não achei nada ;v;