イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

2 日 / 月
I’m not exactly very active…
Noooooo!!!!!!!!!!! T^T

\\(TロT)// uwaaaaaaa!!! *sob* *s-sob*... ahhhh!!! Uwuuu! T^T

I was trying to use FlipaClip and had drawn ‘A LOT’,.....and then I mistakenly deleted a layer!!!




  • > Euphoric_07* Oh..well.😂

  • > CuriousApples Lol…I gave up too😂

  • > Euphoric_07* YEAH I REALLY WAS USING FLIPACLIP and kinda give up on what I was trying to make.. 😅 I hope you got your motivation back to redraw what you were drawing lol :<

  • > Euphoric_07* Oh no that is so annoying! If only flip a clip could update itself...


Lol...I forgot posting the evening cake that I baked in my last topic 😂😅

So here it is....the decorations were hurried so didn’t come out really well...but the cake was really yummy~!!😋

(Just some random info - the cake here is healthy and made out of ✨whole wheat✨ And the one in the last topic is made using whole and jaggery.....yes....you guessed right...I’m fond of cooking and baking...surprised!? Lol) 😆


  • > CuriousApples Heehee~ 🌸 Yesh you are right!!(๑>◡<๑)

  • Glad it taste good ^-^ . The most important are flavours am I right!? Even though the decorations didn’t come out well 😋

  • > Euphoric_07* yay !! \( > 7 <

  • > B Tq~!! Really!? Same pinch!! I like dark chocolate tooo!!!!!! (≧▽≦)

It was a success!!!!!!!! <3

Oh my~!!
My elder sister and I, we made mom a painting and had a small party among the 4 of us (me, my sis, mama,papa)
I baked some cake and then.....yes...then I recited my poem (actually as I said I was nervous, tbh...I’m not good at showing my emotions. Surprised? Haha lol...I actually end up looking like a cold and emotionless person cause I am literally NOT AT ALL good at showing my feelings. So what I did was...I recorded my voice and then sent it to her...)
The reaction-✨🍀 my mom started crying...I wasn’t expecting that, ....✨🥺💜

Afterwards..... L M A O....you know what me and my sister are literally a pair of crackheads.... afterwards we all literally were laughing like hell (on what? Even I don’t know there was a lot of stuff) ....there was sooo much going on it was just so chaotic and so lively.
It was really fun ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"

And yes...here you go people! Have some cake by me!! <3

(Also sorry for that gif...oof- medi~... ;’) )


  • > CuriousApples ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡

  • > Euphoric_07* Thanks I do ;) Just hanging out with friends makes me feel good

  • > Geek Oh my~!! I hope you feel better ;’(

  • Wow! It sounds like you had a blast! (you're lucky you had a fun time because i had a mini tantrum over a concert recording for strings class it did not go well)

I- 🥺 👉🏻👈🏻

Umm...so...it’s Mother’s Day......and I-i wrote a po-poem~ f-for my mom....and now I’m tooooooo flustered to give it to her. I really love my mom, she’s literally THE MOST KINDEST AND SUPPORTIVE person I’ve ever met in this whole universe...

I was just sitting and looking through our old photographs...and suddenly just jotted my feelings down...
Idk if I’m able to express a bit of my feelings and love through these lines.

I-I’m just not confident enough to recite this to her... idk if it’s good enough either...

✨🌸 MUMMA🍀✨

You gave me life
By threatening yours,
You brought me to this
Wonderful world.

You gave this soul
All the love it needs...
Picked me up, Hugged me
And comforted me every time I fell and bleed.

I hold your hand
and walk on through
Through, the stone paths
And difficulties too.

I hold your hand
And play with toys and balls
It feels as if my hand...
It fits right in yours

You cook the best food in this world,
Better than master chef too!
No one in this entire universe...
is as lovely as you.

You fought against everyone
To keep me safe and sound,
Turned impossible to possible
So that I never frown.

I’m really sorry mom
If I wasn’t a good child.
I want grow up to be like you...
Beautiful, strong, bold and kind.

You teach me not to hurt anyone
But be strong and bold,
And not to hate anyone
But stand up tall all on my own.

You are a Wonder Woman
Turning miracles alive...
For your family and children
You’re even ready to give up your life!

Mumma....you’re not some ordinary person,
You are truly a gift from above...
A gift...A gift that is
Fully filled with love.

Thank you...love you maa~!!💕🥺✨💜


  • > Euphoric_07* u r welcome \( > u <

  • > B Thank you so much!!!

  • so beautiful ( ; v ;

  • > Euphoric_07* You're welcome


Ok so it’s around 5:30 am here.....I didn’t sleep even for a ✨bit✨last night.....and just slept for 3 hours the day before....lol......but....
I’m just sooo happy!
You know what!? I completed ALL my assignments!! Even the ones that didn’t have their submissions near....I just completed them alllll!!! So that I could enjoy my weekend....(though I know my teachers are gonna upload more ;’) but it’s ok!!)

*sigh*....it feels sooo good... ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡


  • > B Thanku!!

  • > Hiroshi Ok! Thanku!

  • good night \( u v u ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz & have a nice weekend╰(*´︶`*)╯♡

  • Please sleep, your health is more important than a stupid school assignment


It’s 2:30 am....and I’m doing assignments....... :D


  • > Euphoric_07* ah well breaks are good u-u thamk thamk- didn't want to offend anyone - ;-;

  • > Unoticed Oh come on! I won’t take it as an offence at all! <3

  • > Unoticed Ahh....your right *sigh*....I was just so tired that I wanted to charge myself up a bit and listen to some music for 5 minutes ;)

  • And my school....bruh....it thinks we are free at home, when we actually spend half of our day attending online classes and the other half completing assignments


I love you all!! OMG!? Mommy!!! Did you see that!? Oh my!!!!! Uwaaaaa!!!!!!!! N-no....t-th-this I-isn’t true....n-no....this sure i-isn’t.........is this a dream?.....



  • > CuriousApples Thank you~!!!! <3<3<3

  • Wowowowow you did it! That is awesome 🤩👏

  • Just another something... If you want to go on an adventure with me click or copy this! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Bh5H01d8H17q7EXM1tytZanA0iovv5Xd/preview

  • > Euphoric_07* You're welcome 😍😍😍❤❤❤

Good Night~!! <3

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands~~ 🎶 🎵 ✨


Lmao~!......Thankyou everyone!! Love y’all!! <3 and Good Night/Morning/Evening/Afternoon!!!! ;3


  • > Euphoric_07* ;)

  • > CuriousApples Thankyou!!!!

  • > ❄Ash❄ Tysm~!!! <3

  • > Geek Yay!! Tq~!!



So basically it’s 2:30 AM here.....I ✨just✨ Completed my assignments...(I guess you could just think of the work load my school’s giving, the other school students of my age are NOT doing anything like we are)

Lmao *in a creepy sad way*.....

I still have to make a project about BEC, Complete my supplementary math book’s 83 equations, write 1 diary entry, write about the author of my next chapter, make one poem related to the pandemic, write an essay (this writing stuff is English work). Read case studies of history and make a report out of them (each case study 1 report...and there are about 3 case studies). Study political science (I just hate it).

I gotta do all this work in 2 days maximum, and I got my classes till 2 everyday expect Sundays and 2nd Saturdays....and I’ll get ✨MORE✨ 💕Pretty💕 assignments tomorrow and the day after and forever (these teachers also upload on Sundays) :).....recently our country’s academic syllabus has ✨increased✨ due to the new policies and all...so ✨information technology✨ Is now COMPULSORY (and I don’t even know what this thing is cause I don’t have its book and the situation of COVID over here is so bad that none of us is going out of our houses (like totally inside) since 2 weeks).

I literally feel like my teachers are gonna ask for my assignments even if I’m on the verge of dying or even when I’ll be having my funeral O-O

Btw....Thankyou for listening to me blabbering...I understand that this was quite a BIG essay I wrote, but yeah just writing it all down makes me feel better ;’)


  • > Euphoric_07* ;)

  • > Geek Hmm! ;’) I feel a lot better...I pulled an all nighter and almost completed the work... <3

  • Oh no! Assignments are the worst! I hope you're feeling ok now uwu

  • > Euphoric_07* Thank you ❤️


Lol....today my keyboard just keeps on autocorrecting whatever I write....like it just had an update so it doesn’t understand the shortcuts I type and ends up autocorrecting them.....so people please bear with me If I type something wrong...

Plus...I broke my glasses....so I might misread stuff....🤦🏻‍♀️😅


  • > CuriousApples Lol.....Ikr!? When you said that your mind translated everything into “huh??..” “wait what” “heh?” ....damn that got me...it’s so damn true!! XD

  • > Euphoric_07* I totally feel youuu 😓 I rarely lose/forgot my glasses but... one time at school I forgot to wear and bring my glasses lol 😂 and whatever the teachers said or teach my brain could not understand a single thing, my friends says I’m smart but without glasses 🤓 my mind translated everything to “huh??..” “wait what” “heh?” ✨ At that time I just end up bothering my friends by asking them A LOT of questions 😭😂 My mind can’t concentrate without glasses!! 😬✨

  • > Euphoric_07* huh

  • > Geek Hehe~ though I asked dad to get me the same frame...I got kinda same frame...just a bit of difference

I’m soo Happy!!! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡

Apparently....my papa said that he sees me doodling with my finger, wearing my wired earphones and smiling...
He said that he really liked it that I was trying to draw....so during the online classes he bought me an IPad...and now a pair of neckband earphones and a stylus!! <3 He said that switching from a finger to stylus can be tricky...so he bought me one, and said that once I’m used to it...he’ll upgrade my stylus to anything I’ll like...!!!
OMG papa!! I love you!!!! <3😭💕✨

(Well it is true...switching to a stylus is tricky.....now I’ll practice all day to get used to it!! 😁💜)


  • > Euphoric_07* Ok thank you!

  • > Geek Oh my!! That’s such GREAT DEAL!! Ahhh assignments are no biggie!! Just tell me if you need some help

  • > Euphoric_07* But i am getting a galaxy chromebook if i turn in all my assignments on time (which is hard for me lol)

  • > Geek Lol...XD

I’m tired....(vent)

Hey people....so it’s 1:30 here...and I have been awake since 2:30 am of the last day... :0
I haven’t slept for a bit in this timeframe....

I’m literally drowned in schoolwork....I have online schools and the teachers are literally giving work like...*haah* *sigh*

I have been studying since my WHOLE DAY.......and the thing is that these teachers and people expect too much from me...

if we are given an assignment of “LONG QUESTION ANSWERS” (basically these questions hold the weightage of 4-5 marks in subjective type exam) (idk if you have exams like these....)

But if we are given an assignment and we are supposed to answer it in almost 5-7 points.... my teachers want ‘ME’ to give them a more detailed and longer answer BECAUSE....THEY EXPECT ME TO BE ‘PERFECT’

Like please....stop it!

“You should study a lot, more than 4 hours a day (these hours don’t include school and homework).”
“There is a lot of competition among students...oh right you will be able to do it...right?”
“Ahh....I know she’ll do great in her exams...they’re no way she’ll do bad.”
“If a slow student writes 4 points I’ll give him 4/4 for the question but from you...I want you to write 6 at least...you can do it I know”
“Oh...I don’t think you need to study for exams...waah...I wish I was like you my parents want me to be like you..lol”


I am not able to understand A THING what’s happening in my class, mind , life!
Can you guys just stop expecting something from me!?
Can’t you just let me be what I am!?
“I am not an intelligent student...infact I’m dumber than you all”
“I can’t bring a perfect score......I’m not a robot”
“There is no way I could get rank 1 by not studying”



SO STOP IT.......


  • > Doro Btw....Thankyou !!! <3 ;3

  • > Doro Hmm! Thankyou! My parents are really understanding and I’m lucky to have them!! But there are just soooo many jealous people,,,,and I don’t even know why there jealous,,,,, and the relatives...*sigh* bruh they are just soo *ugh* I don’t wanna talk bout them @-@

  • just do everything that makes you happy ( of course don't destroy your life like those who took drugs for their happiness) anyway, mine was the opposite thou. I was able to get to rank 5 in my class but I don't give a damn because there is really nothing you can get if you rank on top among the class, my parents were somewhat not happy nor sad. it's like they don't even care about my achievement or anything (or maybe they don't like to show they are happy? possible) anyway, just reach for the things that you really want to be! :)

  • > Ɛɾì Seriously.....announcing the marks scored.....should never be done infront if everyone....it might cause a child to get stressed out....I hope you feel better now


Am I dreaming...? *pinches*.....Oww!! (nope I’m not)...*looks again*

how is it possible....?
How is it possible.....?

Oh My God!!!! I have

Thought of having a rookie rank under 200

This is just too DrAemY...oh my...Thankyou soo much!!!! I...I-I...I ...*faints*...


  • > Lokerbomd Thanku! <3

  • > Euphoric_07* Your welcome 😄😆

  • > Ninestar619 Thanku!!💕😭✨💜

  • Congratulations! !!!!😄😊😆you deserve it !!! ❤💕👏👏👏 hope you further success! !!!!!❤👏😊😀