Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Quick Note on the current situation.

Jade/Gregory is leaving media, however, take her words for a grain of salt. Because they have said this before.
Amore, Sae, and I have been gathering evidence (via Discord) and are planning to release it in a public Google document. Please do not interact with Jade or her account until further notice. I have a hunch they might be an attention seeker.

I take allegations directed toward my friends very seriously and I want everything to be cleared up, Amore does not deserve any hate or harassment, same goes with Jade. I will repeat, DO NOT HARASS ANYONE MENTIONED OR INVOLVED.

(The attached screenshots above are of Jade's original account, now abandoned. The discord message is what I was sent today. I find it odd she won't provide me evidence to believe her claims, but instead gives up due to people actually investigating her allegations)

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「ART street 定期イラストコンテスト 4月度テーマ:桜」開始!

ART street 定期イラストコンテスト4月のテーマは「桜」です!





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