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呪術廻戦♪ 棘kun♪
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2BRO.♪ 兄者さんちょぃ和風♪
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Karen O Koopa
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I just felt like drawing some really detailed eyes
The eye line art I did for this is super old I just decided to reuse it again, anyway look how nice and diverse the eyes are :’D I just finished doing a Pokémon fan art collection and all the different types of eyes I did inspired me to do this, and I was so proud of myself like “muhahaha I can finally draw eyes” then I lost it after 1 or 2 drawings haha.
Kinda sad tho I wish I could go back to that time the eyes I do now are very repetitive.
Second pic is the first one I did almost a year ago, it was originally just meant to be like a practice sketch of some sort.
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Kanin Lanceman GamerGeek5678's OC that i draw and i hope you gonna like it
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reeee stupid camera
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