插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

24 小時 / 日
depends on the day, on weekends i’m free!
  • > Lace of course! ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

  • Its ok if you missed any but thanks for replying :)

  • > Lace oh wow that’s a lot ! lol i will do my best now 17-kitkat, 18-ramen, 19-radd, teacaku, 20-jungkook, ariana, charli, 27-getting a date is my dreams lol, 28-depression, anxiety, 30-cat, 44-no, but maybe, 46-star fire, if she counts, 49-cake, 50-dark, 57-celebrities, 58-bands, 59-math, 60-green, 68-roses, 74-YES, 75-all the time :/, 78- i broke my ankle once in pe class, 79-i stayed up for 48 hours straight once sorry if i forgot any

  • 17,18,19,20,22,27,28,30,44,46,49,50,57,58,59,60,68,74,75,78,79 :D Good luck answering all of this

joining the trend ig lol
  • > Ɛɾì Noice!

  • Ikr and thats awesome *thumbs up emoji here because i couldnt find it*

  • > Lace i do like twice actually! i think they’re super pretty and talented

  • i love that song to but dont you like twice better? *there my fav k-pop group not saying u have to like them to* i recconmend you ASAP its a song by StayC

why not?
  • orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange

  • Orange and yellow

  • Orange ovo

  • orange!


hi :D
i finished school
a girl who bullied me for two years is going to come back. she was taking some exam or something in the office when i saw her, and she just gave me this look like she was gonna put me through hell again.
i’m really scared
i’m literally short and not that strong so i would lose any kind of fight
and now my anxiety is acting up again, even though she might just leave me alone
sorry for being dramatic i’ll leave now
yeah this day really sucked.


  • Oh- uh- I can understand that, good luck fam, remember, Rick Ashley wants to hurt her :3

  • > SarahHoshimi thank you so much for your kind words sarah

  • > ali-chi yeah the principal has been notified so she might not be able to bully me anymore. thank you

  • > ✨Razzle thank you i will try


i feel sick
people started making fun of my chest size :/
because i’m slightly more developed than most girls my age
i hate myself


  • I know it seems like you won’t find any other friends but you can and will. If they do that they aren’t a friend. They’re just another jerk trying to be rude. You should tell them you want them to stop insulting you it isn’t right and if they don’t stop hanging out with them there are better people who would love to hang out with you

  • Oh god. I hate people like that, it’s like they make themselves feel better by making fun of other people. It’s so annoying. It’s so bad that you have to put up with this, but don’t hate yourself. You’re beautiful and loved </3 Don’t let the toxic people get to you, they’re just jealous of you because you’re amazing 💗💗💗

  • I'm sorry peep but hey people are people(even though you can't change them). Not everyone has to be the same.

  • I agree with unnoticed listen and hang out with people who make you feel good


ok this might sound really stupid and weird but i’m gonna ask anyway
does anyone wanna be friends or chat?
bc i want to meet new ppl and get to know y’all a little more :D
(yes i am a loser and literally have 3 friends irl but anywayssss-)
welp that’s all i gotta say, bye


  • you had a naruto pfp once. so y e s.

  • I don’t really have many friends- that actually talk to me- or a life- so why not fam? :3

  • > TheRandomFandom oh-really?! that’s the first time anyone has said that to me haha

  • Yep! I really wanna be ur friend :3


i’m learning korean :D
bc i am going there next year and need to speak it lol


  • > ☆°•chloe•°☆ if you need any help i can always help you!

  • > Ɛɾì i keep procrastinating learning it because I can’t get past the fact that the alphabet looks nothing like the English alphabet 😣

  • > ☆°•chloe•°☆ yes english is my first language :D it may seem complicated but once you get the hang of it it’s not very hard

  • is your first language English? because apparently it takes five years to learn if it is 🤧 which is why I need to start learning it soon


i got rejected by my crush.

apparently i’m not good enough for him.

maybe he’s right.

i don’t know how to feel. i’m mad and sad all at the same time....


  • you guys are so amazing thank you 💕💕 i was crying and beating myself up but you mad me realize i’m not as awful as i think i am thank you so much 💖

  • ... as someone who has been rejected a ton, it hurts. But you were good enough. He is just blind unfortunately. And maybe one day when you are happy, he won’t be, and he will regret it. But by then you will have forgotten him, bc you got a total glow up 💅🏻👌🏻 Trust me when I say people would be stupid not to pick you.


  • Hey - a crush can be rejected for a lot of reasons and it''s not even usually because they think they're too good for you honestly we don't choose who we're attracted to, or who we feel like might be nice to date.. so even if we think they're a good person, we may not want to be in a relationship with them just because our emotions aren't in it, and we wouldn't want to lie. Sometimes the most perfect people in the whole world just don't feel that way for each other. You can think someone is beautiful and nice and amazing but just not feel like that, everyone gets rejected and that's good honestly. It's better to be honest when things won't work out and now you can find someone else. i get it hurts and you probably won't want to find someone new soon.😞 It's ok to cry over the lost opportunity + hopes. but you're totally worth a really cool relationship and this is just one of those rocky steps toward it. sending good vibes and appreciates 😊

hey so uH

can you guys give me some requests i’m dying of art block


  • > Ɛɾì That’d be aight with me, I think it would look cool!

  • > Howdy, hmm maybe like the thing were there hands are making a heart? or is that too weird lol what you suggested is cool

  • > Ɛɾì Alsoooo~ how should they be interacting when we edit it- like, maybe their hands are making a star shape together, or.., any ideas?

  • > Ɛɾì Oh- does she have a specific height? My persona is short too -n- like- I think I made her 4 ft. 11

update on the henry drama

ok so now henry is dating my best friend. she came to our school last year so she didn’t know about all the stuff he did, but even after i told her she still wanted to go out with him. maybe she thinks i’m crazy and overreacting but i’m not. i’m really not. maybe she’s only dating him because he’s popular now? idk. she’s still being normal and nice to me for now but henry might make her stop spending time with me.i’m kinda worried he will make up all the stuff he told everyone about me last year and tell her all that. i’m scared i might lose my best friend.


  • > Ɛɾì Oof they sound like a**holes

  • > ⋆ yeah my school sucks :/ if your not popular you get picked on and no one wants anything to do with u. if your different you get picked on it’s super annoying. most of the girls are total fakes and so desperate to be popular they’ll literally do anything and i mean anything to stop being picked on so idk

  • you’d think some pretty blonde blue-eyed girl would be popular but idk my school is weird af ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Everyone just hangs around me cause I’m ‘popular’—