fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
I wanted to make an area such as this before I restarted my designing
So I did it now.
It could probably be better but idk what else to do soooo..
Also what the heck..
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fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
I wanted to make an area such as this before I restarted my designing
So I did it now.
It could probably be better but idk what else to do soooo..
Also what the heck..
fandomboundnagisakun liked!
Raspberry Cookie from Cookie Run: Kingdom!
fandomboundnagisakun liked!
fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
I wanted to make an area such as this before I restarted my designing
So I did it now.
It could probably be better but idk what else to do soooo..
Also what the heck..
fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
I wanted to make an area such as this before I restarted my designing
So I did it now.
It could probably be better but idk what else to do soooo..
Also what the heck..
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Has more than 10 views!
request: Kijin Seija } For Izayoi Mikasa {
Got a first like!
cookie run kingdom / ovenbreak doodles!
Got a first favorite!
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sherbert cookie -
so- i dont do this a lot, but worked hard on his one, so if you can, please like or comment-
fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
I wanted to make an area such as this before I restarted my designing
So I did it now.
It could probably be better but idk what else to do soooo..
Also what the heck..
fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
request: Kijin Seija } For Izayoi Mikasa {
fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
Give me a random theme!!
I might just make that theme into an adopt batch :)
I also might make a batch based on gamers? Idk, what do you guys think?
fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
I wanted to make an area such as this before I restarted my designing
So I did it now.
It could probably be better but idk what else to do soooo..
Also what the heck..
sherbert cookie -
fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
Cookie Run Ocs are welcome as well!!
cookie run kingdom / ovenbreak doodles!
request: Kijin Seija } For Izayoi Mikasa {
fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
Cookie Run Ocs are welcome as well!!
fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
Cookie Run Ocs are welcome as well!!
fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
Cookie Run Ocs are welcome as well!!
fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
i know most of yall are active now im bored and im staying up late tonight so i neeedd thiings to drawww
any requests?
> kou Okay~!!
> ❅❦IzayoiMikasa❦❅ lol im finished let me post-
> kou Okay lol uwu
> ❅❦IzayoiMikasa❦❅ lol look im sorry i dont have it done- i forgot who that was so give me like ten minutes and ill be done-
fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
Cookie Run Ocs are welcome as well!!
fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
i know most of yall are active now im bored and im staying up late tonight so i neeedd thiings to drawww
any requests?
> kou Okay~!!
> ❅❦IzayoiMikasa❦❅ lol im finished let me post-
> kou Okay lol uwu
> ❅❦IzayoiMikasa❦❅ lol look im sorry i dont have it done- i forgot who that was so give me like ten minutes and ill be done-
fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
i know most of yall are active now im bored and im staying up late tonight so i neeedd thiings to drawww
any requests?
> kou Okay~!!
> ❅❦IzayoiMikasa❦❅ lol im finished let me post-
> kou Okay lol uwu
> ❅❦IzayoiMikasa❦❅ lol look im sorry i dont have it done- i forgot who that was so give me like ten minutes and ill be done-
i know most of yall are active now im bored and im staying up late tonight so i neeedd thiings to drawww
any requests?
> kou Okay~!!
> ❅❦IzayoiMikasa❦❅ lol im finished let me post-
> kou Okay lol uwu
> ❅❦IzayoiMikasa❦❅ lol look im sorry i dont have it done- i forgot who that was so give me like ten minutes and ill be done-
fandomboundnagisakun left a comment!
Feel free to ask anything~!!