ok so. I've been inactive for a while and tbh it doesn't feel the same anymore, I've been in this platform for years and it might be time to just leave.
A lot of close friends already did..
its not that I'll dissapear tho, I want to keep uploading content on my instagram and youtube channel, they're in my bio if anyone wants to follow.
Also ironically I've recently made an spanish twitter account that is going pretty good, but Im using a different nickname in there so if you wanna know you can pm me or smth

Its me :D
I've been reborn and now Im ready to be active again!
(probably not dontbelievehim)
Hope we can be friends uvu
Go follow these peepz they're cool :D
DreamiiKuri | Dream mode
SαρρყBҽʅʅα • Sapnap Mode©️
NightRain (was frozen)
Pat X •Antfrost Mode•
nice. | Nati
- Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8huiUknaaszTFQ5LJO5yPw
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_dremend/
- Linktree: https://linktr.ee/dremend
- Work Place:
Favorite color
Orange, Gray, Purple
Favorite animation
SU, TOH, Hilda, Ducktales, Infinity Train
Future goals
Dont die in 2021 ✨
What you eat when hungry
Pudin 🍮
26/05/2003 Gemini ♊
Imma leave this here lol http://secretwhisper.app/dremend
So uhm I was supposed to say this like a week ago or smth and I thought I did but apparenty I didnt so..
For anyone who was following Bella on Pinterest or Wattpad, she closed her accounts for personal reasons, dont know if she'll be back any time soon tbh
And yeah thats it ^^'
Seriously I swear I sent this topic before but idk it just didn't get posted(?
I did notice Bella did delete her account
ok so I'll be taking a break this month, I know I haven't been active here apart from the gristober drawings but Im really busy with irl stuff ^^'
I wanna come back in December
A break definitely sounds like a good idea. You’ve been working so hard! I hope that you enjoy your break, stay safe!
I've been working on a video for a few days now and I still have a lot to do, october's coming and I wanted to do one of those drawing challenges this year, I need to go back to college in like 2 weeks and there's genshin anniversary events I need to focus on...
This is true pain :)
shit dude gl
there wont be online classes anymore :'D
the next period begins next month and my introverted self is ✨suffering✨
I really liked chapter 2 :')
> DremEND np and no worries it'll turn out very good im sure
> Leieryx thanks qwq its taking me so long lmao
gasp it looks so cool :00
Idk why but I love sketching in simple programs or websites its a lot more fun than normal ones lmao
this was made in microsoft paint 👀 (w/ graphic tablet not mouse tho)
Gonna go to play it
I already did this one like a year ago and yeah I got the same result
That 100% introverted tho lmao
a little late but nice dude that 100% i think im enfp?? i took the test like 6 months ago for the first time
Lolli is the adventurer. :000
> Leieryx no idea lmao
My height: 1.80 / 6 ft
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
I live in: Ecuador
Favorite colors: Orange, gray, white, cyan.. *keeps going lmao*
Favorite food: Pasta
Favorite drink: C h o c o m i l k
Favorite season: Winter
I like to do: Drawing, videogames, watching youtube (Im so basic (:)
I don't like to do: Homework ew
wait how old are you if you don't mind me asking?
I miss doing homework lol
> Danizinha im not are you
So I've been kinda busy the last few days and didn't have time to be around here qwq
So yeah, good news is that I finally got Sayu with a single wish in the permanent banner Im so damn happy TWT
ninja sonic goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
So remember that little announcement I told you before?
Yes Im making an instagram account :D you can go follow if you want ^^
I'll be reuploading some stuff!
> DremEND Np! :3
> Rusyda Than ya! I appreciate it :D
> Łøńg-łęg-łüž Thanks uwu
Done following you on IG. (σ≧▽≦)σ✨
First of all I wanted to say thank you for 150 followers!
Thats amazing qwq
And also I'll probably post a drawing today with a small announcement 👀
> DremEND Aw thank you ^^ Honestly yours is better, you should have bronze by now lol
> DremEND XD well, I don't exactly have a consistent posting schedule either-
> ||Its_Aeronic||c!WilburSoot|| and your art is amazing as well :D
> ||Its_Aeronic||c!WilburSoot|| cuz I post once every century lmao
Im back from another unofficial break :D
I wanna be more active but I dont have any ideas, just a lot of unfinished projects </3
> patwithanx hello :D
I have to finish 12 drawings and an illustrator design by noon tomorrow
I wont survive help-
I wanted to get Sayu so bad and ended up with 3 Xinyans, 2 Dionas, 1 Yanfei and a Mona qwq
Now I have Ganyu guaranteed but there's a hole in my heart and my character archive right now </3
> DremEND oh my word thats so many, props to you- thats really wack honestly smh she will though! and ganyus a really good bow user
> Leieryx I've been saving since Klee's banner I had like 7k primos plus the 10 wishes in the store and yeah she will come back eventually :D
oh nooo yike how many wishes did you have though???? i only had 13 and then i accentaly pressed roll 10 on the weapon banner lolll at least sayu is going to come back around a lot more as a four star
new week
new college assignments
I've seen a lot of people using toh pfps so since the second season is about to end soon I also wanted to join with Hunter bestboyever
Eeeey, finally someone has a Hunter pfp. I welcome you to the Hunter Supremacy
How are yall? :D
I've been watching videos of this dog that can communicate with buttons..
> DremEND das good :")
> P4TW1TH4NX Hello ^^ Im feeling great :D
hi rat! im good you?
This new toh episode was so good! Im hyped up for the next one 👀
the references never stop lmao
> CactiChild|Sapnap goodnight! ^^
> DremEND yeah I'm gonna go to sleep now rat- night night cya tommorow 👋
> CactiChild|Sapnap alrite then I'll be going for now
*faint screaming eda*
innactive boi here
Apparently I'll have vacations on the 21st
hope I can survive that long :'D
> DremEND Heh, same here
> Dinosaurous yeah, kind of
Do you believe in ghosts?
Guess who got vaccinated today B)
> pat luckily I didnt have to wait too long and yeah it didnt hurt either :D
how was itt?
Apparently there's a fanmade pokemon called like me lmao
thats amazing
On my way to explore Inazuma boiiiis
wish me luck 👀
noice 👌🏻
Im starting to be busy again and probably wont be active that much qwq
anyways I saw this so yeah ask me anything :D
> DremEND BAHAHaa fr
> 𝙱𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊|𝚂𝚊𝚙𝚗𝚊𝚙 the timing lmao
> DremEND Yeah- But I'm actually good now because Jewel just commented on my most recent topic rn lmaoo
> 𝙱𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚊|𝚂𝚊𝚙𝚗𝚊𝚙 oh thats awful- dont lose hope pal ^^
I always thought they were some kind of human-like thingies
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
I always thought they were actually pigs, not anime girls in cute pig hats. You and I differ tremendously.
> DremEND Ye qwq especially baby piglins (but they can be naughty sometimes too)
> Izayoi yes qwq
But I still believe that piglins are cuties wearing a piggy hoodie qwq
> DremEND Oof lmao, I feel that.
> DrawingCat.🅱️ruh Thats oddly specific but yeah As a kid I used to put anything I saw inside my mouth, I think I'd accidentally swallow pennies sometimes lmao
Have you ever eaten dirt before?
how are ya doing? :D
I just discovered that I got megalophobia, I thought it was not such a big deal till I searched it on google images TvT
https://secretwhisper.app/dremend I'll leave this link here too~ 👀
Still inactive cuz Im a lazy a-hole
I did this thingie and let the inscription as random and I got this :)
it's sad seeing you go (if you ultimately decide to), but its understandable. medi really has changed, and it sucks :( i'll miss seeing your art on my page, and i hope your twitter, ig, and youtube get much more attention than you have here. have a great evening and stay safe! <3