ART street Ranking LEVEL 1
バンシー (banshee)

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Favorite TV show
currently fixated on jojo's bizzare adventure thank you ray
Favorite music
anything with sound
Things you always carry
hoodies with kangaroo pockets can hold magical things
Thing you interested in
aviation,fencing, cinematography, digital art (wow no shit?)
Time spent online
too much haha that's a joke geddit
What you eat when hungry
dry instant ramen dipped in that salt powder/highlighter fluid
Favorite color
anything except that one shade of green
Favorite writer
idk leigh bardugo is neato
Future goals
I wanna swear at some southerners in german to see what they do
my first tooth was pulled out with rusty pliers and it hurt
ART street Ranking LEVEL 1
バンシー (banshee)
secret whisper, because anonymity tends to reveal the truest form of people and i want genuine opinions
if people ask questions ill answer them to the best of my ability
have a good day loves :)
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Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)
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バンシー (banshee)
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バンシー (banshee)
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バンシー (banshee)
💚beans💙 left a comment!
バンシー (banshee)
バンシー (banshee)
Has more than 50 views!
she smile (desc if you want)
ART street Ranking LEVEL 3
Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)
ART street Ranking LEVEL 3
she smile (desc if you want)
ART street Ranking LEVEL 2
Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)
💚beans💙 left a comment!
Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)
ART street Ranking LEVEL 2
she smile (desc if you want)
ART street Ranking LEVEL 1
Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)
Has more than 10 favorites!
she smile (desc if you want)
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Has more than 20 comments!
Has more than 10 views!
Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)
💚beans💙 left a comment!
Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)
💚beans💙 left a comment!
Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)
💚beans💙 left a comment!
Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)
💚beans💙 left a comment!
💚beans💙 left a comment!
Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)
💚beans💙 left a comment!
Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)
💚beans💙 left a comment!
Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)
💚beans💙 left a comment!
Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)
💚beans💙 left a comment!
Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)
💚beans💙 left a comment!
Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)
💚beans💙 left a comment!
Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)
💚beans💙 left a comment!
Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)
💚beans💙 left a comment!
Meet the Artist! (ty for 50+!!!, desc)