Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Me big confused

*on a call with bsf who ignored me for over a week bc he called out of nowhere*
*We talk for like 44 minutes about random shid and stuff*
Him: well our friendship is kind of toxic
Me: Can you elaborate?
*Call cutely glitches at perfect timing*
Me: FXCK I can't hear you-
*Finally gets it to work*
Him: Okay so you can hear me now good
Me: okay so what did you say?
Him: *silence
Me: ... I'm confused
Me: *thinks he went brb and will come back bc of the silence
Him: *hangs up
Me: 👁️💧👄💧👁️

And can't wait for him to ignore me for another week uWu

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  • > ẞ It kinda sounds like he's tryna sound like a victim- He may just be trying to end he friendship for some reason?? Idk broski Sorry he is a poopy friend

  • > Mango I d k I did hear smth about our fights which weren't really fights technically-? It's hard to explain- I've talked to him about him being kind of a jerk and I've literally told him that I'm scared of him but he's seeing those as fights-..??


  • .+--.- what is he?the next episode of goku?.+


He was marked as offline for the whole week so I go to check if he's online and he was yesterday...
He's been ignoring me for a week...

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so fucking sorry I hate this

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  • > ẞ .+-I'll talk to you,im pretty sure everyone here is also willing to talk to you <3.+-

  • im sorry that he's ignoring you- maybe something happened to him? idk, sorry. AND THATS ME IN TNE SCREENSHOT-

  • > .+* Kdkdykdy whyareyousonice And bro Ivr considered just not talking to him but I'm a pussy and we've gotten really close. Like he's the only person who's listened to me babble about OC's- But he's kinda of a dick ✨ Before, he usually would reply to my texts but sound uninterested. He really overused to word cool-- But now he just kinda stopped messaging me all together, leaves me on read, and answers my calls when he feels like it. It's eH- but I've survived over two years of this-

  • .+-!spend your time on someone that will appreciate is my advice,if they still dont end up talking to you buy the end of the month consider that friendship over,but if you still wanna wait for them you can,and try to see if they have a really big important reason on why they wont even give you a piece of their so important time.But i dont think that's the best route,you'll end up only hurting yourself if you wait and they still dont reply to you,just advice that i think will help (i think).+!

Kind of vent-?

So thing that ik a lot of ppl won't see so I'm posting this now B)

When I've experienced something sad, I ignore it. I just pretend it never happened and live my life. But I especially do this with happy memories.
For example I've had multiple occasions where I've had to leave friends because I'm moving houses or schools or a close friend disappeared and no one's heard from them.

When something like that happens I force myself to either forget the person entirely or ignore I ever met them. If I remember them by being reminded with something I'll take like a minute or two being happy about it, but then really depressive. So I shove it back in my head.

If you know me and we're separated somehow, I will pretend I never met you. I will not think of you for months, even years.

And I hate myself for ever meeting you. It's something I've been doing my entire life. Especially when I'd had to move schools so often.

When I was frozen from Medi I tried to ignore meeting everyone I had met which is why I didn't do much when I came back. I didn't want people to get too excited for me coming back.

I constantly shove things aside. And I hate myself for doing that because only if I never met this person, I wouldn't be feeling like this now. I wouldn't be shoving every memory I have of them to the back of my brain.

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  • > ẞ .°•!relatable but for the wrong reasons 🤪!°•.

  • > .+* Bro tWiNsIeS--

  • .+-?i kinda have this problem too,i like to pass my suffering as a joke and act like im okay when im really not :/ example:my pet fish died loooool.?+-

  • > WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Ive been doing this for years and nothing's happened? (I really didn't think anyone would see this-)

  • > .+* 1. Yes 2. AYYYYEEE 3. Absolutely broski 4. L i e s

  • .+-And a really bright turquoise,lavander and pink.+-

  • .+-a really obnoxious orange color (no offence)._+

  • > 🦉𝙼𝟺𝚁𝚂🦉 Okay with you, d e f i n i t e l y -