Hey guys, someone reuploaded one of mine drawings of four months ago, Would you do me a big favor and report the account? This is the first time this has happened to me https://scratch.mit.edu/users/mAgIcAl-aRtIsT/

You can also follow me on my Instagram if you want! I'm more active there: https://www.instagram.com/honey_bee.511/
- Cute
- Aesthetic
- Ugly
- Uglyohmygosh
- Work Place:
- Gender:Female
My phone is saturated, I don't have enough space because of my exported drawings ;-; should I delete them? I like to keep them but .... They are saved drawings that I have in my gallery since a year ago.
I suggest deleting the drawings you've posted on here or any other social medias, cause your bound to not lose them.
> セバスチャンゼロ Yeah yeah, thank you ;w;;
I know how you feel the same thing happens to me, I usually delete only one or two but... It's hard because ya like all of 'em
Plssss ;-;;;
> Dinosaurbean L m a o
Pero yo creo que eres chica :/
Hm I don’t have to do anything everyone just assumes I’m a guy, and me and my best friends have given up on correcting poeple 😂🥲
Tomorrow I will move house, fortunately in the new house there is already most of the things we had here, I don't have internet there so I will be inactive in what Internet is already there.
Why did I suddenly forget how to draw hands? 💀💀
Helpp I don't want to practice 💀💀
If I already wanted to cut it
I had a friend on discord and the most impressive thing is that we both had the same tastes but we didn't know :[
Why do I have to remember
If he and I move away .. well because of my tablet that no longer turns on AHAH
Come on brain, don't you have anything else to put in my nightmares other than just worms? Don't they terrify me anymore, not even owls?
I'm scared of owls HAHAH
My left foot hurts
Yesterday at 3 in the afternoon I guess my pet passed away because of cancer (I have more pets but this one was special because he was from the street) so the vet had told us. My mother feels guilty for not helping him before but with the chemotherapy he could not be saved so we were told well. Now my mom is planning to move to another place but I want to stay here.
I feel depressed when I think about him but I will remember him fondly
So, yeah, thx for read :,)
Oh... I'm so sorry to hear about this Hope you're okay
Idk, guys some vets were telling us it was internal bleeding and the last vet we went to told us it was cancer.
> Cringe F u ck
> QueenLoser Thanks
I finished a series that many of my friends watched in childhood but I never saw it until now that I just started it in November of this year and I finished it a half hour ago and nothing was amazing anymore and I just- *cry*.
What show? I’m curious :0
I could really dedicate 100 fanarts to it without getting bored of the characters bbruhh
When I come up with something to draw but I wait for the night to draw it because for me it is the best time to draw but I forget
My phone is at 1% and my charger won't grab because it's probably the phone's input, so if I don't connect tomorrow it's because my phone is off ugh.
Hi- I'm at my grandmother's house, here there is internet, ok So I just come to say thank you guys for all your support I'm close to reaching 300 followers omg HADJKDJJAJ I don't know- AAA THX ♥️♥️😳
So I won't have internet for a while lmao sorry goodbye
I WANT TO STOP DRAWING WITH MY CURRENT DRAWING STYLE I'M DISGUSTED HAHAHA OK so I'm going to draw with a drawing style I have lying around.
Same here
Because when I finished bathing and after a few hours it gets fluffy and makes me uncomfortable hahaha
when you get up at 6am and go back to sleep and get up at 12pm
I can relate
ImadethatdrawingbecauseI couldn'tsleep.
Cringe moment Oe Oe eoeoele JAJAJBDJAJFJJTKK ÆÆÆÆ
Character not mine
> QueenLoser I know right
Wow that looks so good!
It does not happen to them that when they are watching a series and they begin to love a character and you see that it already has few chapters and you start to feel bad 😺
well, now it's happening to me
I'm thinking of doing a dtiys but i don't know if they want to join lol i'm nervous
U can do it
My cat's bite me all the time but I get use to it
My dog bites me all the time, he’s a smol dog so it doesn’t hurt that bad
I hate you so much, how you are capable of trying to steal my best friend's attention you and your stupidity, you always make her laugh, and what about me?! Doing you stupid evil shit you have in your head you're a sick bitch, you make me sick. They call me a coward for not telling you face to face my friend, you fill me with rage I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you and I who used to love you and you loved me but you and stupid sensitivity I'd rather go with her than with you you're a fucking bitch.
Jealousy kills me inside
Vent, yeah.
> ✦ oh ok
> k@i_l0l Nothing, I'm just trying to calm down
are u ok who hurt u
my mother scold me because I got up late to go to school when yesterday I woke up doing a task that I had forgotten
Uhh- I just made a doodle
Ok, I am going to wait 2 hours to go to school here it is 6am qwq
I would like to continue posting these nonsensical images lol 🤸
This is stupid
> QueenIdiot Thank youu 😿
I reported them and sent a link to your artwork to prove it wasn’t theirs. I hope thats ok!