插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

I'm on insta now

Tigermoth | not active点赞了!

You Guys Are Gonna Hate Me

You see that, you see that person? Yeah that's Midnight, I'm completely re-designing her. So a little backstory for this. Like I have said before I'm not content with Midnights current design and she started to feel less like a sona and more like an oc and I didn't want that since she was the first ever character I ever made. She's just so close to me I didn't want to lose her you know? That's when I was talking to my friend and we were talking about looks and I made this quick sketch of what I want to look like and that's when I remembered that a sona can change to fit you, because its the version of you that you want to be. So I'm redesigning her to look like this. I know this is going to upset long time fans since I'm basically scrapping her whole design, but I hope you guys wont be too mad.


Tigermoth | not active点赞了!

Nicolas facts no one asked for <3

I am bored lol
1. Nicolas was made for a DTIYS thing, when I started Medi I saw those everywhere and it seemed fun and it kinda Kickstarted my account a bit.
2. He was apart of an ask and dare series that had a few episodes then I lost motivation-
3. Nick accidently started a world War with time travel one time..Obviously it was fixed but uuuuh...he's not allowed to mess with that anymore.
4. His world not only has accessible time travel it also has aliens, timeline hopping, demons, angels, moth people, vampires, cyclopses, e t c it has a lot of stuff.
5. Nick really wants a dog. He specifically would think a chow chow, terrier, or a pitbull would be fun but he loves all dogs he ain't picky.
6. He one time took a painting class and messed up so badly he got kicked out.
7. His favorite color is Blue, his least favorite color is Yellow, he doesn't dislike yellow it's just his least favorite.
8. He is gae. He has had a total of two boyfriends in his life, one of them was his roommate before they broke up.
9. Speaking of which he has 2 roommates. Named Seeets and Sundae respectively.
10. He likes baking quite a lot, his favorite things to bake are cookies and breads. He's very good at it, sweets blames Nicolas for being chubby cus nick is always making some new good tasting baked good and sweets go AAAAAAAAA-
and finally 11. He has a huge family but no siblings. A.k.a a lot of aunts, uncles, cousins, stepfamily, etc. He's a bit sad he won't get to be a fun uncle but is filling the role of fun cousin just fine thus far.
