Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

you are now aware of your own breathing

ramuné left a comment!

Report the website(important)

I'd like all of you to report the website via Google, here's the Link to report it SAFELY:
Here's the url you're reporting (do not click, it has dangerous malware, just copy and paste)

Thanks to Nuxaite I was able to obtain the link since I wasn't able to do so. Please spread this around so we can get this ungodly website to go down and keep me, deviantart users, and medibang users safe

Hopefully this is the last time this website will be mentioned, thank you 

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ramuné left a comment!


I have been learning Spanish for the past like year and a half and I just decided to start learning Esperanto too and 😭😭 maybe that was a bad idea
like for example in Spanish "el" and "la" are just gendered forms of "the" but in Esperanto "la" is "the" and "el" is "from". in Spanish "estas" means "YOU are" but in Esperanto it's just "are" for anyone since there aren't any different forms for words
Esperanto is a really easy language to learn since it was made to be easy but I think it may impede on my Spanish 😭

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