Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

you are now aware of your own breathing

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Happy March everyone! I hope all of you have a great weekend whether that's tomorrow, or today for you!
I just wanted to announce that I'm making a small project for myself. It's for an artschool course, but I can design it however I want, so I am super excited to make lots of art for it! I already posted some of the world here

There is so much I want to geek out about, but I dont want this to be an essay-
This world I'm building is a post-apocalyptic sci-fi theme, with 2 main "sides" in the story. But the background story is based in the very far future (or near, lol), where the world has collapsed into chaos and wars. Where greed and wrath has taken over Earth. Bombs exploded the world as we know it, and left nothing. No history, no art, little structures, but a small survival group huddled in deep underground.
They are called The Underground Organisation (or somethin), and through generations, they were able to adapt, and build underground. But they are strict, and rely on technology for progress and survival. They even use it to "improve" themselves, as being a mere human is looked down upon, seen as lesser than. Then comes the Surface, people who wanted to come out and see the world for themselves. They rebelled, and were forbidden to the Underground, banished. Leaving them to surely die at the surface, they managed to just survive. But the Underground Organisation forces them to give up most of their supplies that they find up above, and so resources are scarce.
The Surface has to face many dangers, such as new creatures, frightful weather conditions, and adapt to the new limits. But even though they are severely undeveloped, they strive forward to find out the history and remnants of The World Before.

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