I was planning to finish this drawing before but things didn’t quite go as planned. It’s a drawing meant to show the progress in not only my digital art skills but art skills in general.
My New Year’s resolution is to hopefully work on a lot more of the projects I had in mind which includes drawing more.

You can just call me Antinous
Drawing, story telling, quotes and history/mythology are my forte. And just generally learning about new things (nerd).
Chopin- Nocturne in c sharp minor (No.20)
Chopin- Fantasise-Impromptu (op. 66)
Award History
Creators Rank:Bronze
Working on drawings fighting my lack motivation as per usual. This is for may two characters Picaro and Nathan. Best of luck on your mid-terms guys.
From what little you've seen who's your favorite of the two (Picaro or Nathan)?
> Pong🌸 Thank you so much, I think so too.
Love this! I think both of them seem really sweet! ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝)
Here’s a drawing I don’t know if I will finish. Also I’m currently working on two other drawings that I might finish.
Whats your favorite color?
> rei(kwosukn) Real, thanks a bunch, I’ll try well see where my motivation goes. Thanks again! ٩( ᐛ )و
Red and blue! But I love every color ^^ I like the drawing so far! I hope you finish it :D
> angelwax Yea!
> Andrey 👍 my second and third favorites
We’re on trending!! Thank you all soo much you guys are freakin awesome!
> アオキ Thank you!!!!
Learning how to write bengal for this character has been quite fun.
We are persevering, or trying at least.
I've been a bit sick and busy, but I'm back now. Heres a sneak peak of a study
I'm working on.
> Maheem Nawal Thank you! I’m a lot better thanks for asking
Nice ! I love it! How are you doing now? I hope that you are well from sickness
I seriously can’t thank you guys enough for the immense amount of recent support so I decided to dedicate my very best to this new drawing with the motivation from all of you. Thank you again
This art is not mine!
Please checkout their art! If you like cute/cool soft pallet chibi ish art this might be the artist for you!
El art es tan increíble que me encantan sus dibujos!
Thank you for the saring. They really use soft colors. Love it!
This leads to their page - https://medibang.com/author/25387513/
Here’s a sneak peak at a drawing I am currently working on. Thank you all so much again! We did it we made it big we are bronze!!٩( ᐛ )و
> Wankotako Thank you son much!!
congratulations for your hard work!!
> realnigiri Thank you!!! Are you kidding your art is immaculate I hope to see it get more of the credit it deserves! Thank you so so much anyway for the complement it means so much thank you!
> Andrey Thank you, I do too truly but this is an incredible feat none the less! Thank you so much for your support!
Thank you all, I am being killed with kindness overload. I cant dudes my heart can only take so much. The artist next probably needs little to no introduction but if you haven't seen this artist definitely check them out. Their art style is a very cute sticker style (peak merchandisable) art style with light color pallets that are easy on the eyes.
> Andrey Thanks! I’m definitely trying
Your drawings are on the right track. Improve your skills and everything will be fine.
> SuperPancakeSquad Thank you very much your art style is amazing too I love how cute and cartoony it’s. Thank you both so much for your support! I wish I could express a greater gratitude!
> Lusiuna Thank you so so much for these kind words you truly are a wonderful person! Thank you really, I believe you get all the credit you get and more as well. Words cannot express my gratitude.
As always check out the other artist featured in the screenshot there art stile is very very cute cartoon manga-ish style.
Featuring an old character of mine you may have seen before in my previous drawings. Also thank you guys for leveling up my drawings! there have been so many positive notifications thank you thank you!
This drawing will be somewhat of a two prater. Thank you all for all the recent support on my drawings you guys are truly amazing. Hope you guys will like this drawing just as much as this was definitely a bigger project of mine.
Again check out the artist next to me, they have incredible art and a cute anime style that is definitely worth the look. As well again thank you all so so much. Muchas gracias
When I say I jumped out of my chair seeing this, dudes for real thank you all so much
> Andrey Thank you!!
> ソルベット饅頭 Yea no problem you art is honestly amazing and very well deserved to get the high ranking it did! Also thank you for the congratulations!
Congratulations on your high rank! ! 🎉 Also, I'm very happy that you appreciated my illustrations! ! thank you! !🥹
Thanks for the high ranking and shoutout to the artist next to me. You could definitely check them out.
> Antinousverse_Nocturne-No.20 Thank you!! Same to you as well! So Uno reversee
> Puffurry Thank you so much and honestly same to you your art is already so amazing from what little has been shown. Can't wait for your art to get all the recognition it deserves!
Well deserved!! I'm looking forward to see your artworks on the the top 10 one day waaa! (≧▽≦)
I'll keep my fingers crossed until the next daily rating.)))
Drawing in progress, will be released sometime tomorrow maybe ٩( ᐛ )و
And thank you all for the level 2 on my most recent drawing!
I have these two characters you may have seen before. They’re Picaro and Nathan and recently I had the motivation to draw a short comic strip story of them. All I need is an idea of something they could be doing. Your help would be much appreciated.
Here’s what you need to know about them-
Picaro(10 years old) and Nathan(12 years old) . Picaro is incredibly smart and wants to be an astronaut one day though he is disabled, he has partial paralysis in his legs so he often use a wheelchair. Nathan is more timid and creative, his dream is to be a photographer, he also has a bit of a fashion sense. They like each other a lot after everything they’ve been through tho they’re still a bit young to understand what having someone you love as a partner of sorts.
If you have any more questions feel free to ask below.
Thank you all for the level three on my most recent drawing!
We have reached 50 likes on two drawings and the most recent Drawing is now up to a level 2! Thank you all so much you all are so awesome
Contragulations for u 😆😆😆😆💕🌺❤️❤️❤️🌺🌺💕👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾 Yr welcome 🤗
Yr welcooooommmeee 🎉🎉🎉🥰🥰😍😍🤩🤩🌺🌺🤩🌸✨✨❤️❤️❤️
Within 2 days, thank you so much
Here’s a sneak peak of a drawing Ive been working on. There might also be a special announcement that comes with it 👀
Also muchas gracias! 137 followers that’s crazy, thank you all so much.
٩( ᐛ )و
> メガネmama どうもありがとうございます!
おはようございます☺️レベルアップおめでとうございます✨🎉✨ これ、すごく素敵な絵ですよね☺️2人の表情が何とも可愛らしいです✨😆✨
Thank you Al so much for all the likes and comments on my two recent submissions, Forsaken waltz and Picaro sketch, you all are amazing!
Also shout out to the amazing artist in 24th place, awesome digital circus drawing!
I at least wanted to somewhat say this on time. I am working on a pride month drawing. Thought it is going to come out in July unfortunately. I’m trying guys lol. Was kinda burnt out but I’m slowly getting my motivation back luckily.
Anyways happy pride month stay safe and stay happy everyone.
Im workin on it I swear lol. I’m workin on a few drawings at the moment. So there may be a chance a different drawing comes out before I finish with this one. So while I work on these drawings please enjoy a sneak peek of these doughnut Finnish kids.
Also these are the doughnuts these characters are based off of.
Also the little ears are bear ears. Which will make sense later maybe lol.
we got number 50 on the rookie rank thingy.
Thank you all so much.
Would a jelly doughnut be better with white tea or purple tea?
Or do you have another tea suggestion that would go good with a jelly doughnut?
*nonsensible confused thanks* I... have no words to describe how awesome and grateful as well as how surprised I feel. thank you all
What’s your New Year’s resolution?