Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Why my posted art is SO bad? The answer.

Actually, I firmly believe, there's no such a thing as a bad art. I mean, there are drawings, that seem off, but... They can have their own strong points, essential for your further learning. So, you should be proud of them either way. Yet sometimes it takes a bit of an effort to remember, when it comes to your own works. And, as one probably can see from my profile, there are no works I give my all, I don't do my best on Art Street.

The reason is quite simple — I'm scared. I'm not even sure, what I am scared of. Partly, that's a fear of success, partly some nagging voice from distant memories of obscure internet experiences (the one, that insists — if you publish anything online, it should be good, or else... petty little liar, what to say).

But mostly it's a fear of a new, difficult task — learning, how to draw. And digitally as well. So, I'm endlessly preparing myself for the hardships. Old glitchy laptop with awful colour balance, my lack of knowledge, no scanner and so on.

Needless to say, most of the time I drew digitally only when I absolutely have to. And my actual practice time always clashed with drawing contests, birthdays, requests, assignments... Everything I'd better draw something good for.

This resulted in repeated behaviour of a kind — if I draw digitally, I 1) have to draw better 2) have to do it fast 3) will show it to other people 4) need to wrestle my laptop again.
Alas, drawing digitally = a huge stress.

But if there's something I learned from self-education, I wasn't going to achieve anything this way. The best way to learn something for me is taking turns between taking information in, thinking it over, memorising and a lot of practice without too much thinking or care.

And that's what I'm starting to do here. Drawing more and posting more, taking quantity over quality. Until I'm not scared or ashamed of the process of making digital art and sharing it. Until it's my routine. So, please, bear with me for a while I'll get there.

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Kitty troubles (Attik short story)

“Please, please I can’t get up, you have to help me! I’ll die here!”
“Just pick up the cat. And move it.”
“You’re a monster. I can’t do that!” the improper king quite literally whined."But I can?" Liselotte asked.
"Can I, Molly?" With that she took a step forward and gently removed the senior cat from young man's lap. Molly expressed no displeasure and even purred slightly, gazing at the girl with regal calm.

"Marry me!" Taki blurted out, long way before he could think of something better to say about the unfolding scene. Thankfully, Liselotte ignored his shameful outburst with a sweet smile and turned her attention to the cat.

"Am I a joke to you?" Russell, who just proved once again, that kings are, in fact, liquid, due to aching muscles, eyed him in genuine shock. "This woman is a thousand times scarier, than any cat in this world! Let alone good old lady Molly..."

He huffed at clear distrust in the boy's eyes. Molly, as if capable of reading thoughts, turned her head in Taki's direction with a piercing glare full of dissaprouval. Future knight shuddered on spot.

The king rolled his eyes. "How do you even become my attendant..."

"Wasn't I always wondering the same thing?.." Taki sighed. He learnt as much as do not to expect any answer. At least, all was well.

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  • I can't believe myself! I totally forgot to mention the source I used for this short story! It was based on a prompt from: This blog contains all sorts of writing prompts to inspire you. Check it out)