Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

hey hey hey look theres an announcement!

I regret to inform you all that I am quitting art in art street :(
I will be around but I won't post stuff such as my art and topics
we can chat tho! :) and if you're lucky I can make a little drawing as a request, if you have something in return ^^
if you want to see my new drawings, I have an insta under the name sammer_arts
have a great day! I love you guys and thank you for supporting me for idk how long :P
(I might post a good bye art tho :D)

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  • byteeeee i forgot who u were but like byeee

  • oh oki !!! i'm just glad we can still chat whenever you have the little free time amidst the chaos of your life XD <333 love ya, Sammers !

  • Sam! I follow u on Instagram so i can still interact with you

  • Oh and I might not be around much, I sometimes forget I have an account here and I'm getting uncomfortable with the ads here-

wow art street is dead

helloo!!! how you guys doing??? I know no one will say anything but yeah
I'll be posting a few then I'll make a little announcement :D

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  • > Sammysammers I’m doing pretty good at the moment! ALSO BC MY BDAY IS NOW IN 2 DAYS>:3 and I’m super excited bc I’m in California tooooooo! Idk I’ve just been very happy these upcoming days, How about you?

  • > Cartoon anime I'm happy to see ya again!!!! wow really?? cool :0 btw how you doing???

  • > Muna Sketches Yeah I;ve been in war!! I just got scratched on the face by my dog :') I'm glad your doing fine!!

  • YIPEEE!!!!! I’m so happy that your active now :0 It feels like more and more people keep on coming back to medi!


can you guys give me a supportive message?
Imma add something to my mc world and I want to put something supportive :)

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  • "If u want rainbows u have to put up with rain." idk

  • would something like this work-? you can't cross the ocean by merely staring at the water it's corny I know but I think it might work

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ A- Thanks for the nice message Eva! But I actually meant for minecraft so if anyone stumble upon my area they will see supportive messages :] sorry that I didn't say it right- but thank you again :D

  • Ok let’s go Your art is super creative! If you keep it up, you can reach an amazing talent! Im sure you will improve with your art skills and challenge yourself to improve! You always try your best in your art, the thing that matters is enjoying and having fun with yourself, and you do! I sure if you show your art to other people, then you’ll be better at art! They will give you some good advices, everyone loves your cute art style i love your art style!