Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Not ready yet...
Pokefusion Done!!

I went to Pokémon Generator and selected 2 random pokemon from all regions. Mismagius and Zorua popped up and I think they fuse well!! Hopefully you guys like it!! *nervous

P.s using ClipStudioPaint blending tool for the first time. Hope its ok!

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  • > SoulKaze XD!! I've been meaning to try Krita but it always went in the back of my mind :) Will/Might download soon! And Thank you!!!!

  • wooooooow thats sooo coool, i want to try clip studio paint XD but i also have krita so yeh lol

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Holiday Break

a heads up, i'll be away for 3weeks to Hong Kong (my home country) and Japan :3 well a good deserved break from doing art stuff and social media lol
I hope you enjoyed my latest posts and you can check out my other works until i come back from holiday lol
Well stay safe everyone and praise the sun \*^*/

Also if i don't come back safe from hong kong, right now there's a protest, a fight for freedom and everyone should know this. However, i do fear that once the protest hits the breaking point, China will send in a army that will literally kill more than thousands of innocent people that they don't care about. This event happened before, it's the Tianamen Square massacre 1989 :c well i hope everything goes well.

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Whaleden o-o'

sooooooooooooooooooooooo weird stuff happened today XD there's a special event at the end of the course i chose to study. Every year there's a film festival where everyone submits their best works to be judged by professional and the hope to get recognised by a company. So i've won three awards for my 2d digital animation and stopmotion animation XD then got noticed by a local indie gaming company asking me if i want to do concept designs
oooooft today was very unexpected

If you put your hardest effort into your beloved work, you will get noticed by someone, it can be anyone, a famous well known person, a friend etc. Believe you can do it. Sometimes the unexpected will happen, like today XD

I thought i won't win something cuz there was so many good animations/films produced by talented ppl. But then, i won three awards and got noticed and i was like "what?" *-*'
welp X3X

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