I don't plan on logging in anymore after this. I'm not checking or changing anything posted later, and I don't really want confrontation. I'm just done with Medibang.
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In attempt to be productive,I took a little nap in class.Good job May,good job.Anyways,how was your day?
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In attempt to be productive,I took a little nap in class.Good job May,good job.Anyways,how was your day?
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Tell me one thing u hate about me and why
I need this rn
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about the zenestria comic, im not getting any species entries yet. im going to take it down if i dont get some in the next 3 days. cus, i feel like people are ignoring my posts now. im trying to interact with all of you and you guys just dont seem to care. this is a bit of a vent, but yeah...... so, zenestria is walking on a tightrope, so help me get it to the other side. please..
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Hopefully I'm not the only one considering adoption instead of having a biological baby (in the future of course)
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I honestly dont know how to start drama atm
And suggestions?
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I honestly dont know how to start drama atm
And suggestions?
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You know the drill gaiz
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It feels like my whole world collapsed......Do I complain alot?
Im done role-playing on here forever...
I cant handel So much guilt and shame...
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um, so ive been thinking about something for quite a bit now, and i feel like its worth asking.
what makes you want to follow someone? by that i mean what do you follow them for, their art, their personality, or something else? and i mean on medibang, not tumblr or some sht.
also i may post stuff like this on myspace for now on, just because i have the need to have a non-meme related conversation with just a hint of seriousness. i also want to rant a bit on here, just because i find the people on this website much more worth talking to than my irl friends because i can guarantee you they are the worst people to talk to about anything thats at the very least 10% serious in any way. seriously, i feel like im talking to a bunch of dumbfounded, obnoxious 3 year olds that have no common sense or consideration, and all they consist of is ignorance and absolutely no brain cells whatsoever.
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It feels like my whole world collapsed......Do I complain alot?
Im done role-playing on here forever...
I cant handel So much guilt and shame...
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um, so ive been thinking about something for quite a bit now, and i feel like its worth asking.
what makes you want to follow someone? by that i mean what do you follow them for, their art, their personality, or something else? and i mean on medibang, not tumblr or some sht.
also i may post stuff like this on myspace for now on, just because i have the need to have a non-meme related conversation with just a hint of seriousness. i also want to rant a bit on here, just because i find the people on this website much more worth talking to than my irl friends because i can guarantee you they are the worst people to talk to about anything thats at the very least 10% serious in any way. seriously, i feel like im talking to a bunch of dumbfounded, obnoxious 3 year olds that have no common sense or consideration, and all they consist of is ignorance and absolutely no brain cells whatsoever.
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Was just scrolling on YouTube and found this comment
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um, so ive been thinking about something for quite a bit now, and i feel like its worth asking.
what makes you want to follow someone? by that i mean what do you follow them for, their art, their personality, or something else? and i mean on medibang, not tumblr or some sht.
also i may post stuff like this on myspace for now on, just because i have the need to have a non-meme related conversation with just a hint of seriousness. i also want to rant a bit on here, just because i find the people on this website much more worth talking to than my irl friends because i can guarantee you they are the worst people to talk to about anything thats at the very least 10% serious in any way. seriously, i feel like im talking to a bunch of dumbfounded, obnoxious 3 year olds that have no common sense or consideration, and all they consist of is ignorance and absolutely no brain cells whatsoever.
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Data or Data
Route or Route
Quinoa or Quinoa
Apron or apron
When I was younger(no),these questions always bugged me.About two years ago I realized that it didn’t matter and I just got confused and slightly pissed since I’ve been stressing over it for so fucking long.Its fine though
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Sometimes I need to remind myself that I don’t live back home and that I live here and that I can’t say certain things in public or people will think I’m weird and crazy and other times I need to remind myself that I can’t use the term fag or else people will get triggered and butt hurt when I’m just talking about a task or a cigarette.Idk why I made this post to be honest
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Sometimes I need to remind myself that I don’t live back home and that I live here and that I can’t say certain things in public or people will think I’m weird and crazy and other times I need to remind myself that I can’t use the term fag or else people will get triggered and butt hurt when I’m just talking about a task or a cigarette.Idk why I made this post to be honest
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Sometimes I need to remind myself that I don’t live back home and that I live here and that I can’t say certain things in public or people will think I’m weird and crazy and other times I need to remind myself that I can’t use the term fag or else people will get triggered and butt hurt when I’m just talking about a task or a cigarette.Idk why I made this post to be honest
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Sometimes I need to remind myself that I don’t live back home and that I live here and that I can’t say certain things in public or people will think I’m weird and crazy and other times I need to remind myself that I can’t use the term fag or else people will get triggered and butt hurt when I’m just talking about a task or a cigarette.Idk why I made this post to be honest
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Sometimes I need to remind myself that I don’t live back home and that I live here and that I can’t say certain things in public or people will think I’m weird and crazy and other times I need to remind myself that I can’t use the term fag or else people will get triggered and butt hurt when I’m just talking about a task or a cigarette.Idk why I made this post to be honest
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Sometimes I need to remind myself that I don’t live back home and that I live here and that I can’t say certain things in public or people will think I’m weird and crazy and other times I need to remind myself that I can’t use the term fag or else people will get triggered and butt hurt when I’m just talking about a task or a cigarette.Idk why I made this post to be honest
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Sometimes I need to remind myself that I don’t live back home and that I live here and that I can’t say certain things in public or people will think I’m weird and crazy and other times I need to remind myself that I can’t use the term fag or else people will get triggered and butt hurt when I’m just talking about a task or a cigarette.Idk why I made this post to be honest
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Buenas tardes, noches o días. Sepa los que estén viendo este my space, pero bienvenidos.
Como pueden ver en el titulo, les presento lo que fue de estos días llenos de flojera —lo acepto— sobre reflexión y todo lo que tenga que ver. Ahora, por el momento tengo un poco de tiemps libre y, si es que estuvieron esperándome por algo o no sé, pues solo les puedo decir de que la escuela es la primer cosa más importante que tengo. No soy adulto y tampoco conocí si es que algunos de ustedes internautas son adultos, lo dudo de que su vida sea tranquila o que se yo.
Bueno, no hay que percatarse de que en esta pequeña semana que en realidad es para reflexionar acerca de lo que pasó, según los cristianos, sobre la muerte de el hijo de Dios llamado Jesús.
Primero, lo que deberíamos saber, es que la semana santa empieza en el jueves (que ya pasó) y termina en el domingo (osea hoy) y, se siguen con los siguientes nombres:
Jueves santo; viernes santo; sábado de gloria y domingo de resurrección.
Cada día tiene sus significados. En el jueves santo, es cuando Jesús da por ultima vez la famosa "Última cena" y en ese mismo día, lo encarcelan. En el viernes, solo es de que van en diferentes lugares en el cual, lo hacen maltratar a Jesús y buscando el castigo que le darían. Que es la crusificción. Ahora, en el sábado es cuando da su ultimo aliento el hijo de Dios y muere. Bueno, y en el siguiente día es cuando hace su segunda aparición junto a sus discípulos que, asombrados no lo pidieron creer que posea ese gran poder. Y creo que eso es todo
Si me falta más información, no duden dejar en los comentarios. Me ayudarían a saber más de lo que ya sé.
Recuerde esto : Corrige al sabio y lo harás más sabio, corrige al ignorante y lo harás tu enemigo.
Bueno, en mi caso no fue así. Porque mi religión no es muy pura. Debido a que no lo practico mucho y no puedo decir que soy un cristiano porque no lo soy. Je.
Ya había dicho antes de que me la pasé de flojera y creo que puedo usar esa flojera para hacer unos cuantos dibujitos.
Pero, no solo eso. También les puedo compartir lo que paso en cada día de esa semana. Y quiero que lo sepan lo que me pasó.
En el jueves simplemente no hice nada. Estuve en mi casa con mi familia viendo películas de aquel semana. Y ver un poco de cultura extranjera.
Viernes, el mejor día para mi. Porque mi familia, hasta mis abuelos maternos vinieron al famoso Calvario.
El Calvario solo es un tipo de festividad en que muchos puestos ambulantes se dedican a vender lo que se les ocurra. Como comida, productos de belleza, electrónica, cuadros, ornamentos, etc.
Es largo y muy estecho. Mucha gente va en ese lugar y, la mayoría se ahogaba y para perderse es muy fácil.
Comienza en una parte de mi estado de mi país, donde esta una gran calle que se llama Boulevard 5 de Mayo, cerca de "El paseo de San Francisco". Ahí pues, mucha gente se junta y es mas difícil accesar. Ah! Y también venden plantas. Je je.
Después, se toma un largo camino donde todo el mercado hasta llegar por "Los fuertes de Loreto y Guadalupe" que esta encima de una colina y desde ahí se ve todo mi estado de Puebla. Es muy alto.
Como habia un montón de comida, no podíamos elegir en donde comer y fuimos a un restaurante. Fue una comida muy buena. Que también algunos pajaritos nos acompañaban. Que chistoso no?
Y bueno, eso es todo.
Sábado santo, si duda solo estuvimos de nuevo en mi hogar. Y mi papa, mi hermano y yo nos fuimos al cerro que está en cerca de mi casa y volamos un papalote casero.
Y por último, hoy solo fuimos a un lugar donde a menudo vamos. Los mexicanos conocemos unos lugares donde están muchas cosas que, se vende en grandes cantidades. Algunos de mis amigos mexicanos lo conocen y se llama "Sam's Club" creo que también los estadounidenses lo conocen. Bueno, el chiste que fuimos hoy allá. Y compramos las cosas para que la verdadera fiesta esté lista! Y, como las muestras gratis no podrían faltar, tomé algunas.
Eso es todo. Como ven no fue una gran semana, pero no se preocupen, porque falta más días para que entre denuevo a mi escuela.
Nos vemos!!
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You anonymous folks are doing great.You've already gone to the point where some are telling you that you need Jesus and you need to calm tf down and I respect that.
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You anonymous folks are doing great.You've already gone to the point where some are telling you that you need Jesus and you need to calm tf down and I respect that.
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You anonymous folks are doing great.You've already gone to the point where some are telling you that you need Jesus and you need to calm tf down and I respect that.
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You anonymous folks are doing great.You've already gone to the point where some are telling you that you need Jesus and you need to calm tf down and I respect that.
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You anonymous folks are doing great.You've already gone to the point where some are telling you that you need Jesus and you need to calm tf down and I respect that.
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No kidding,this was me when I woke up realizing todays date