일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

New One Shot (Show Mature to see!)

Hey guys! I made a one shot for two contests about the plague! Read it, it's my best work!
I have a question though, do you think it should be considered R-18? I don't think it's particularly bad. People die but it's pretty tame in my opinion. Let me know what you think! Below is pages 1-4.


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  • > MortalMangaka I think you can put it in between🤔

  • > MortalMangaka Dont worry about it! Hey it looks cool tho like from an anime you have quite the talent!!🤗🙆🏻‍♀️

  • title is misleading, it's not set to mature (yet), I was asking not stating lol.


Hi! I've created up to chapter 6 of my shonen manga, but I've only uploaded 3 or so chapters to this website. It's a hard endeavor, because I have schooling and such, plus I have another manga I do on another website kind of for fun. The thing is, the fun manga, ironically, has an actual viewership with consistent growth. Go figure. So I'm putting my current manga on hiatus and focusing on that one completely. You can DM me if you want to see it. Anyways, here's my best pics from Chapters 4-6 (I won't post the actual chapters, too much work for no gain haha).

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  • > Nass https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/i-was-resurrected-to-do-chores-for-a-pond-goddess/list?title_no=240093 It's kind of girly, it's a gag manga :)

  • > 鈴木イチ thank you senpai :)

  • > Underdragon https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/i-was-resurrected-to-do-chores-for-a-pond-goddess/list?title_no=240093 It's a gag manga :)

  • Well, I know that manga and going to school don’t usually fit very well, but don’t give up! And where do you post your other manga?

Chapter 2 of my manga

Hey all, I guess late Sunday is going to be my weekly update time :) Check out my 12 page chapter here https://medibang.com/book/mz1902041451160340002179560/

I'm really busy all of a sudden due to work commitments and my school situation is taking a huge shift, but after this year I should have my degree finished up so then I can get a new job and do that plus manga. The next 9-ish months are going to be hilariously lame :)

Anyways, these panels tell a funny short story, enjoy!

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Oh Hi there

Hey I'm back from doing tons of fun stuff as an artist or whatever, and I made a 34 page manga in that time. I'm going to update it weekly on this site, 12 pages per chapter. Very short and easy to consume is my new motto.

I never had tools like a tablet or a fast computer to do digital art particularly well. That's why I'm sticking to mainly traditional lineart now. It'll be my niche. Here's some panels, hope you enjoy!

BTW does anyone here use twitter or instagram? I'd love to follow you if you do. Bye :)

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  • > MortalMangaka Thanks!

  • > Underdragon added you :)

  • My drawings are with pen and pencils, but I use a lot of Photoshop effects, so I don’t know if I am traditional or no. Anyway, cool stuff. Also, my instagram is underdragon.undergt, is you want to follow me.

  • > MortalMangaka Thank you so much for waiting patiently for it! Today I started sketching page 44 out of 70! I'm hoping to finish by March, so hopefully you won't have to wait past that to read it! I'll draw with everything I've got so you can enjoy it!!!

Finished my manga

Hey I finished a 272 page manga! Cool! Catch up here:

So about my next projects that way I can keep improving and refine myself. I'm going to do 2 different manga now. 1 is kind of slice of life and simpler, other is shounen-y. Both are weekly, the slice of life will be a handful of pages and shounen will be at least 10. I just want to keep practicing different things to get better.

Here's my favorite pages, cya sometime later :)

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  • I'm really excited to read your new manga! specially the slice of life one- I love SOL (but you're great at shonen style art so I wonder which will be more interesting!) I think you have real skill from all your hard work, and I hope you are able to continue this long into the future! I'm unendingly impressed by you and your dedication! It makes me want to draw!

Ch 11 is done

Hey all, I finished ch. 11. Right on time! You can read it here!

Welp, there's 1 chapter left! Home stretch! Lots of fun stuff! Whee! Can't say much else I guess haha.

Here are my favorite panels/pages. There's a lot of spoilers but, well, no one reads my manga on this site anyways. The community, and the website, and the support just seems so lackluster. Ah well, at least I'm getting practice to hopefully use in a contest.

See you next week!

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  • > Asteroid Thank you, I'm glad you approve!

  • OK cool

I need help with coloring please!

I hate coloring, it's actually the bane of my existence.

Do you have advice how to paint line art? A tip or trick or method? I struggle so hard at coloring manga covers in particular. Thanks for your time!

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  • > 鈴木イチ / Ichi.S Impressive, and thank you! I will follow your advice. Good luck!

  • Umm... It's difficult to explain in English. Your "Angel Games" cover is beautiful. The color usage is wonderful. Natural color, Three-dimensional sense, Light and shade. I am also studying too. This is not as hard as you think. Best of luck for both of us!

CH 10 is done, please read!

Dang I'm getting pretty good at this! Please take a look at my manga!

I think I have 2 chapters left and this manga will be complete. I really hope people take the time to read it, I've worked really hard to make it presentable! Here are my favorite pages. I particularly like the first page because background perspective is my weakest area, but I did better than usual! Other pages are nice too! See you next week!

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  • > 鈴木イチ / Ichi.S Thank you so much, that makes me very proud!

  • And, Your girl character is so cute.

Ch 9 of my manga series is done

Hey all! My new chapter is out, please take a look and enjoy!

It's been some time since I made a manga chapter, I feel like I was rusty. It might show in my chapter! All things are going well. Please read if you'd like. I'm almost done with this series, then I'll move onto a sequel which will be a much longer series. Fun times. Here are some of my favorite pages/panel work. See you all next week!

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  • > 鈴木イチ / Ichi.S Thank you for the cheers, Ichi! You inspire me, I hope you are doing well in your endeavors

  • > Alyssalynguo Yeah, the finished product is 99% me. The other 1% is when I force people to be my editor and tell me specifically how they feel about stuff. But yeah I do it all.

  • > MortalMangaka Do you make manga on your own?

  • > Alyssalynguo Good Luck to both of you, when it's done post it so I can read!

I'm back! With New(ish) Manga!

Hey all, I said I'd be back about a month or so ago. Well, I'm here! Lot went on, feel free to read my new(ish) manga here: https://medibang.com/book/v11810051431521420002179560

I decided I largely dislike Medibang's model. It's "social site" but it lacks social aspects. It's an "art platform" but it's really hard to get anything noticed. So I decided I just have to keep getting better.

I enjoy my current series, "Smoking Gun", and went through hell trying to get opinions. Eventually I found a general opinion that would substitute as my editor. So without further ado, I re-edited and redrew a significant portion of my manga. I've updated each chapter and learned a lot in the process. Hopefully I can take what I've learned and make good work from here on.

Also, due to Medibang's contest rules, I had to remake chapter 1 anyways just to make a series that isn't a part of their (already completed) contest. Hope you all enjoy my updated manga, please read it if you can! It would give me the drive to continue working hard!

These are some of my favorite new pages

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Ch 8 of my manga is out! Please read!

Hey all, my manga is heating up to its 3rd act. Read it here!

I'm going to focus on a one shot for up to 21 days, more than likely it'll just be 14 days, meaning I won't be updating my manga for almost 4 weeks at most (yikes!) But at least I'm not taking a break from drawing, I definitely don't want to lose any practice.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy. Here are some of my favorite panels (these panels are basically a short story haha)

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  • > MortalMangaka I agree, there are a lot of people who are putting out a lot of work and trying to improve! This is such a good place to grow creatively and I feel like so many of the mangaka here are motivated and dedicated like you! I feel the same way- I want to share my stories! It's the reason I'm trying to make manga instead of just do commission work. Seeing you work so hard definitely inspires me as well! ^w^ I'll have to work hard on my next project! I feel pumped now hahaha

  • > 汀行村 THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I want to share my stories more than anything, and if the only thing holding me back is my own ability to draw then I'm going to focus on making that change! I am immensely proud but really this place is good inspiration to continue. Like the guy behind "Unite the Hunt!" also grinds out manga and his progression is super steady. People like him and you and many others keep me spirited, thanks again so much!

  • You are just a shining example of how to dedicate yourself and practice to improve. You just keep getting better, and your art just keeps getting deeper and more inventive. I feel like everyone should take a lesson from your book at how to keep at it and practice hard on a regular basis to improve. The sheer volume of what you've put out also speaks to that. You should be insanely proud.

Ch 7 of Smoking Gun is done!

Good news, I made a manga chapter that delivers tons of answers and raises more questions! Fun! Read here: https://medibang.com/book/hm1809042056046490002179560

To review: A man wakes up on a planet with a gun for an arm that makes robots believe he is one of them, all the while a young girl who can choose who sees/hears her is taken back into captivity by a Giant, flying Bear who rules over the planet to stop a Slumbering Monster from destroying everything! And there's also a faceless, plasma guy who is comic relief! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY, haha.

I think I'm actually halfway done with this manga. I'm not sure. We have another chapter of dialogue and setup, then a chapter of pure fighting, then 2 chapters of plot progression, then I think more fighting and maybe a resolution? So 6, maybe 7 chapters left? The plan is to finish this before Halloween, I think I'm on track.

As a special request, can someone who reads the chapter give me their feedback? I would like to hear thoughts on illustration techniques mostly. I know my values/shading effects aren't the greatest, I would love advice or pointers. Anyways, see you all next week with 24 more pages :)

P.S. attached are my favorite pages/panels

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I now have a bear in my manga. Read it!

There a walking, talking, fighting, "Lordly" bear in my manga. Read what he is up to here! https://medibang.com/book/j51808282038581310002179560/view/

Due to various personal/production/technical issues I couldn't draw for over a week. It was horrible. I was so bored. I even went out with friends. On multiple occasions! It was super counter productive (but fun haha). Anyways, my story is starting to flesh out. That's cool. There's a lot of dialogue and exposition but it's still an easy read. I already know when the next fight will happen, can't wait for that.

Also a big focus of this chapter was realizing perspective with rooms and quality backgrounds. I borrowed heavily from Katsuhiro Otomo, the mangaka behind Akira. I'm no where remotely close to his skill, but I made fair progress. Anyways, hope you read and enjoy it! I'll try to have next chapter in 7-8 days.

Here are my favorite pages :)

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  • > Rest In Peace No, never, although I've been reccomended it

  • Hey, may I ask you question? Did you read berserk manga? I'm not asking the anime, I ask the manga.

CH 5 is out!

I'm releasing manga, please support me and Read my new manga chapter here: https://medibang.com/book/2d1808131932037220002179560

It took me a week but this chapter is finished! I learned a lot, sort of. Mostly that 23 pages in a week is really, super difficult! It's a more dramatic chapter with very little dialogue and a ton of tense moments and buildup. I hope you can enjoy the change of pace. Here are my favorite panels!

Not sure when new chapter will be out, more or less I'll try about 10 days. I ran out of paper and am waiting for it to get here (from Japan!)!!

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Life is Funny, Plans change

You can catch up on my manga story here: https://medibang.com/book/pa1808041507081760002179560

I was supposed to be doing a one shot this week but rewrites have pushed it back, so I'm continuing production of my manga "Smoking Gun" instead. I actually think I prefer this because I was really excited to draw this dramatic chapter. Also I finally get to introduce a very important character to the story!! I posted a color version before but here's a lineart of him.

I always liked anthro, non-human characters. It makes design that much easier and I don't have to worry about someone looking too similar to another character. I think I'll potentially have this manga chapter out just a bit earlier too! Super happy!

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  • > Ran Do Oniisan Thank you!

  • I'm anxious to read it! ;)

Please Read! Ch. 4 of my manga is out!

Hey all, I finished Ch. 4 of my manga. Read it here!

This chapter FINALLY gets to the point of my manga - A lot of fighting! I LOVE drawing fight sequences, so I hope you enjoy reading them! Here are a few of my favorite drawings overall, I'll probably double post later during the day to get a Western timezone posting about my other favorite scenes.

P.S. I am illustrating/editing a short one shot that my friend wrote for me, so chapter 5 is delayed to 3 weeks from now at the latest. Maybe I'll get it out sooner! Peace :)

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New Chapter 3 of my Manga Series!

Hey all! I recently finished Chapter 3 of my manga series! Read it here:


I released a one shot in between working on this chapter. I think you can almost tell which page is when I came back to work on this manga because the quality jumps so high hahaha. The last 3 weeks have been an incredible learning experience. I think I'm getting a lot better finally, I'm almost at a point I feel good about my art.

Here are some of my favorite pages from Chapter 3. I estimate the next 24 page chapter will be out in 2 weeks. See you then!

P.S. I published a new edition of Ch. 2, it had page number problems and I redid some anatomy with Elena (I don't care if the guy looks ugly but I want her to be cute haha).

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Released New Manga for Contest!

Hey all, I made a one shot for the World Medibang Debut Cup! Read it here:


It took me a while to think of a story for the theme, and the illustrations used way more screentones than I've ever used before, but the challenge makes it rewarding! It took me around 20 days to do everything but I'm content with that.

I hope you guys enjoy, here's the cover and some fun pages.

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  • 20 days is impressive for the quality of art in this work. There's also a great improvement from your previous one-shots. Good luck to you in the contest, I'm looking forward to what you will create next.

  • Niceee, good luck to you :)

75 new pages of my manga!

TLDR - free manga, it's neat, read plz! Also friend me, I want to see other people's stuff!


Hey, over the past few months, since around December, I've been practicing by making ~19 page chapters of my mangas every week. My manga "Guardian Yran" was finished last week, and I decided to just dump the whole thing today.

If you have the time, feel free to read the chapters! I think you can see the improvements in my drawings over time, and although I didn't really like how this manga turned out entirely, I'm actually really proud of Chapter 7.

I also finished Destroyer Jorne recently, and I like that one a bit more so I'll dump it weekly as per usual. I'm also working on a new manga that I can be proud of from start to finish, I'm excited!

Here are some highlights of Yran.

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  • Woah- dedicating yourself to 19 pages a week is a massive undertaking- I'm so impressed! I don't even know you but I'm proud of you! I feel inspired by this!!!

Chapter 4 of Jorne out, please enjoy!

I struggled with this chapter in terms of anatomy and sequencing. But I also think I improved a lot compared to previous chapters. I liked drawing the fight a lot too. You can see the whole thing on my profile, Thanks for checking it out!

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  • > Alyssalynguo I definitely will, thank you so much!

  • > MortalMangaka Try to watch in Youtube! Search "Samurai Manga Workshop", their videos shows how to make manga and it is an online show. Try to watch it if you haven't seen it. :)

  • > Alyssalynguo Yeah, I agree! I don't understand how to do those very well. Other people are very effective at it, I wish I could have a tutor or even a partner to do that, but I'll slowly learn otherwise.

  • > MortalMangaka I think you are lack of screentones, this is just my opinion.

New Chapters

I made some one shot manga for some contests, but I don't think I won so I decided to continue drawing to improve so maybe I can win the next contest! Over the last few months I've drawn some new chapters, and steadily becoming better (I think!) I'm trying my best to improve at anatomy, and perspective, and finally tones (which I hate doing!). Hopefully by the end of these manga series I will be a competent mangaka. Here's my favorite piece from these chapters

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  • If you practice a lot, you will improve, I am sure. But I think that in manga is more important to have writing skills than drawing skills-not that those aren’t important, of course.