Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang


im taking requests only 2 [3 if ur lucky] and ofc i get to pick whose rq im doing if i like u ill do it
if i think what u want me to do is cute ill do it
i think its boring or im a bit uncomfortable around u then i wont do it
dont take any of it personally im in a mood

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  • Uhmm her...?

  • > Squidkid64 that- is going to be waaay too hard for me- i can try tho

  • Please draw my son being a bean

reminder must read

i dont want ppl to vent to me
im asking if u want to talk so u have a choice
but i cant deal with it
im trying to work on myself rn
so please please pleease do not vent to me
dont make jokes abt thing -eg. startving ur self, sh, suicide] bc
1) shouldnt joke abt that anyways
2) it makes me a bit uncomfortable [im trying to stop making jokes abt it so dont come at me]
3) i WILL force myself to help u if i can
so please
dont come to me for mental help
even if i have said u can

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  • Sorry

bio pls read

Ghost/Carter/Oliver [i prefer Ghost or Oliver]
{if i add a name onto the end of a message pls call me that}
14 yrs old
im in a few relationships
im not doing well mentally rn so please dont come to me for help if i ask u if u need to talk say no but pls if u do go to someone
not needed info:
i quit drinking and smoking
i sh but its not as intense as it used to be
im a whore
"I never knew a he could draw such adorable things what :0"
- infinite stylez

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fan fic :)

havent finished it yet
if u think anything sould be changed then tell me :) its a bit long btw

Behind closed doors
“WHAT!? YOU’RE FIRING ME!?” I yell at my boss. “Yes, Y/N, your persona at work isn’t what I’m looking for, but I know how amazing you are outside of work. I’m sorry.” He tells me, he’s lying. “I don’t think you are sorry, boss. I think you can’t wait to get rid of me, one less woman to worry about.” I spit the words at him like venom. “This is what I’m talking about, Y/N!! You’re too straight to conclusions, and that’s not what we need here. I need you to leave.” He says in the most calm and steady voice. “Fine, I’ll go.” I growl and slam the office door on my way out. I walk into my office and put all of my things in a box, along with something my work mates will be needing, making their lives a bit more stressful? Good thinking. On my way out of the building I’m waved over by the security guards, fucking hell! What do those ass holes want!? Ignore them Y/N, ignore them. I walk over to the guards and the first man asked me why I was fired while the second stays silent. “I was fired because I’m ‘too straight to conclusions’ what an ass.” The first guard and I laugh, the second guard? Still nothing, make him speak, why isn’t he talking!? Is he ok? I shake the second guard out of my head. “Well, I best be off before I get a restraining order filed on me.” I laugh and wave good-bye to the guards. I lock eyes with the second guard, and he winks at me, what the fuck was that!? What the fuck- did it mean something? Should I say something!? I can feel my whole face go red. I quickly walk away and turn into an alley, dumping the box in a large bin. That guy was creepy. I quickly notice a loud groaning sound coming from something, I look around the alley way and spot a man, that would be where the groaning is coming from you dumbass, GO HELP HIM!! I run over to the man and realise who it is. Stupid Pro-Heroes can’t even keep themselves alive! Bahahaha!
Time skip
I run into my house and basically THROW Hawks onto my couch; I lock my closed door and turn my full attention onto the injured Pro-Hero. Fuck what do we do?! WHAT DO WE DO!? I run into my bathroom and pull out every bit of first aid I have, I look him over. Head injuries! Look for head injuries!! I turn his head carefully, looking for anything, only a lump. I let go of a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I look over his face and neck, only scratches. The winged man groans loudly as I pat down his chest, looking for bruises and breakings. “Sorry,” I cut his shirt off with a pocketknife and poor cleaning alcohol into the big cut across his abdominal muscles.
Hawks P.O.V.
As she walks away, I try to stand but my leg has a giant cut on it, “fuck’s sake,” the girl sighs loudly, “don’t move, dumb bird.” I hear from the doorway, “I have to go---” she cut me off with; “no, you want to go, you need to rest.” She walks over to me and harshly grabs my leg; I hiss in pain as she pours cleaning liquid over the cut on my leg. “I’m guessing you already know who I am…” She bandages up my leg, “mmhmm, your Hawks... No. 2 Pro-Hero: hottest, youngest, sexiest. At least that’s what the news says.” The way she said ‘sexiest’ was a little off putting, but, hey at least she thinks I’m sexy… right? “Well, what’s your name?” Her eyes kept changing colour after I asked the question, as if she was fighting between thoughts. “Y/N, Y/N L/N.”

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