Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

ya know

its getting harder and harder to avoid drama here and i think maybe we should all calm tf down and think b4 we fucking do? like- we could loose friends bc of this stupid drama shit and im so close to leaving bc of this shit
dont comment on this bc im not in the fucking mood to argue with any assholes that dissagree that what they fucking did was shitty

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  • > Razzle yeah its dumb- dont get involved bunny *kiss*

  • > Razzle just ppl pulling a shitty prank and over reacting-

  • Wait there's more drama?😨 Dang just when I thought it ended-

  • > sins_crossing yeah it fucking sucks


so confused abt my gender

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  • > Drawinghermit yeah ur right thx

  • > Carter🎃👻 Yeah, That's sucks. Just know you're not the only one who feels this way. If you do enough research and look into other's experiences, maybe you can find someone who you can relate to.

  • > Drawinghermit idk who i am tho- im so unsure abt everything

  • Gender can be very confusing, so be easy on yourself about it. You’re you at the end of the day, and you don’t even need a label if you don’t want one :]