I came across this competition, They said they will give cash instead of nitro if the winner wants Want to join? Some Art Prizes?!!! More Detail will be found on this google form link :))

Dash Matrix
I'm Happy to share my artworks and also appreciates all other amazing artists that are really awesome in their own style.≧✯◡✯≦
🙇🏻♂️ I own any rights for my artwork that I posted. ╍●‿●╍
👫🏻 Loves socializing and chatting.≧ω≦
🎂 My cake on 10 June <(^,^)>
Literally I am reposting my sister's art so please support her work!
- Pearl In a Nutshell on Artstreet: https://medibang.com/u/PEARLXD/
- Dash Matrix On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dash_diamonds1/
- Anime
- manga
- Illustrations
- Lineart
- Shading
- artwork
- Front poses
Favorite TV show
DBZ super
Favorite TV show
Favorite TV show
My Academia
Favorite artwork
Favorite music
Future goals
Become A Professional Software Engineer
Ohhh I am so excited to inform you all my beautiful ❤️ friends 😆 I made a game and posted it. 😅I know it's not perfect but at least I made something 😭
Okay okay, let's make it quick 🙃
😬I made a game and I want you all to play it and tell me how to improve it more and make it fun to play, I'll add more features as my friends suggestion me🥰
Please check it, and also rate my game accordingly 😁
My Game Link 👉🏻 https://itch.io/jam/epiphany-game-jam-2/rate/1366580
😄 And also wish you all wonders and most fantastic day✨✨✨✨✨
> Dash so i told him about you and he said he said he's still learning and not yet there
> Akamimoto lol ;)
> Dash ok he's pretty lazy now tho i'll share your discord to him
> Akamimoto Thank you so much for trying my first game 😄 Wow, he sure got stamina there 😁 I wish him luck and success and also if he wanted a team, I will help him✨✨✨ My discord link @Ahmed Malik#7069 🙂 If he needs to connect 👍🏻
(ᗒᗨᗕ) New Year is just 2 days ahead and Because Art Street might be down or I will be with family, (〜^∇^ )〜 I am wishing everyone in advance " Happy New Year °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°". Also I have a lot of things to share haha, Let's check out these pictures, My friend from Twitter colored my stickers (-‿◦), What you think? It's now I think some kind different and easy for eyes to look at style right?! ᕙ(‾̀◡‾́)ᕗ haha By The Way I really enjoyed here and made many friends this Year (≧▽≦)!
I look forward for more positivity ٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)ᵒᵏᵎᵎᵎᵎ
My Twitter Link : https://twitter.com/dash_matrix
Friend's Twitter Link : https://twitter.com/_JustSynth?s=20
> Koko💖 Yeah, same to you haha ( ╹▽╹ ) I usually wish everyone advance so, we are at this point are same😁👍🏻✨
> RAMOSXGR (*´ω`*) Thank you so much for such a encouraging comment my friend ✨😊
Happy New Year in advance!! 😁💐
Ya quiero ver las obras de arte que tienes dash y me alegra que hallas echo amigos este año y espero que el otro año tengas muchos más
I don't know why Medibang removed my illustration 🤔 maybe it's some kind of error, well I really appreciated my fellow artists' responses on that chibi illustration and and I will support you all✨ also I was very busy with studies plus my science stuff but I think I should start to draw again as it's so fun. Will upload some new illustrations in this week and I hope you all will like it😊
I haven't checked my account so didn't know what comments you all put in after my second visit, I am really sorry. I would love to hear anything you asked or adviced or anything you have mentioned in my chibi illustration 🙂
Also until then. Have a fantastic Winter day🏂
> Akamimoto Merry Christmas 😃✨✨ ( in my area of country don't either 😅👍🏻 ) Also thank you for being very supportive. The illustration I uploaded was removed for unknown reason so I am posting my latest art now🎧🙂✨
> RAMOSXGR Science is a good field 🙂
> Dash Si me gusta mucho el campo de la ciencia últimamente no he vuelto a estudiar pero pienso retomar
> Dash which illustration?
Hello there my awesome friends (◍•ᴗ•◍)
I am here to apologize for something, in last topic I said that my sister will draw your Anime version, but unfortunately while she was making Akamimoto's Anime, Electricity suddenly came very fast and burned out some electrical devices and yes her computer was also burned out. I turned the electricity off(;;;・_・) and so that was a very scary moment, I am happy that I didn't plugged in my mobile phone to charge while that happened (~_~;). But I will keep our promise and make Fan Art of Akamimoto. I am afraid that it will not be as good as before because she have to draw on my mobile phone. And afterwards thank you all for such a support, I really appreciate you 💞💕💓💖🤍🎀✨
And many apologies for Pbart, I will draw yours when her Computer will fixed🙏🤍
> Akamimoto Thank you! I will buy her burger then (*^‿^*)
> Dash that's great! 🥰your computer will be fixed and to your sis: ohh thanks i'm cute? and for my condolences here's a burger:🍔
> RAMOSXGR Thank you😁😊✨ I think while you guys are cheering up so much that my computer will get fixed in no time 😃✨
> Akamimoto Thank you ✨😊, yes I just took the computer to repair service shop today, they said they will call me when it will be fixed 😉👍🏻 also when my sister was drawing your picture, she said you are cute! 😊✨
I hope everyone is having a great day! I were going across different amazing artwork lately and from that! A idea came to my mind!!!✧\(>o<)ノ✧, why not draw real ppl into anime!!!! So if anyone wants their picture to be turned into anime I'll be glade to do so✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ !!! I will draw you free!!! So Anyone? ( ╹▽╹ )
And also Happy Thanks Giving Day!
> pbart Actually there was a little problem 😅 Please check my new topic 😬
> Dash Umm, I shared both the links... Do you want me to compile the images into one link?
> pbart Can draw both of them but can you just share one picture link?
In case not Lisa, then here is Mehro my favorite singer... It would be great if you try either one of them! https://g.co/kgs/xbeBMN
I made this Dinner, It tastes really good, maybe I am a great cook after all!! ( ˘▽˘)っ♨
> pbart Thank You!!!!!!!
Woah!! All this looks really delicious😋😋 I am sure it tastes great!! ✨✨
アニメとは違うのはわかっていますが、OCキャラクターのシェーディングノードを改善しています。ほぼ完了しているので、後ですべてのワークフローを表示し始めるかもしれません!!!!! (ᗒᗨᗕ)
I know it's not quite like anime but I am improving the shading nodes for my OC character, It's just nearly done and maybe I will start to show all my workflows later on!!!!! (ᗒᗨᗕ)
> pbart I am very happy you love it! (*^‿^*)
Woah, this looks super cute!! I really love the colours!! (≡^∇^≡)
٩(^◡^)۶ Hello everyone! I just got confused to choose which one of the layout I should use (˵¯͒〰¯͒˵).
(✦ ‿ ✦) Can you friends vote the best layout from these two layouts? I am waiting in comments, that will be very helpful (^ω^)
> Dash 1 won like 30 mins ago! i were a lil slow to vote but hey! as long as 1 won we good yeah haha lol
> XD Okay, ( ˘▽˘)っ 3 votes for 1! I guess 1 Won!
the first one looks perfect fellow artistଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ̀ˋ
> いざよいがたり🌹🎭💧📕 Okay, ( ˘▽˘)っ 2 votes for 1! And thank you for your help! (^v^)
I just started feeling well, and I am sad that I couldn't post Happy Halloween special but -(๑☆‿ ☆#)ᕗ I think I love all of your posts and got well very fast. Hmm I just wanna Say 🎃 Happy Halloween 🎃 °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
And just another one, I will post my 3D to 2D design art shortly, It's just getting ready! ໒(⊙ᴗ⊙)७✎▤
It doesn't look that great but believe me, it will look like amazing art after I finalize it!
> いざよいがたり🌹🎭💧📕 Thank You for appreciating my work, it means a lot! And I got well, that fast because of your beautiful arts(☆▽☆)
> pbart Thank You pbart for always supporting me 🥰
This work is amazing!! I am glad you are feeling better☺☺
🎃Happy Halloween🎃 I am glad you feel well!!
I am not feeling well from yesterday and also having a bed rest now, so that's means I couldn't be able to post here for few days. As soon as I get well I will finish all my pending promises with you guys. So please forgive me for that and wish me to get well soon!🤧
Get Well Soon! imma wait for further awesome posts yep!!!!
> pbart Thank you for caring about me, I'm glad I have friends like you ☺️
Hey, don't worry!! Focus on your recovery, get well soon!! ✨✨
> Dash You don't have to be sorry. If you're sick, it's best to take a break.
Did you ever thought of 3D artwork?
I am making my first character 3D model from my illustration on art street and I will upload soon °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
> Eva Thank You (^▽^)
This is why I respect you! 😍
Wow ><
> Teil Hey, Long time no see :D Yeah I thought someone might be interested :))
Mmnn suena interesante