Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

welcome to the page of ✨ insanity ✨

my monthly complaint of my art

i'm having another hate-my-art phase
i hate it
i hate it so much
it looks absolute garbage
idk what i hate so much about it but it sucks
i'm gonna be so embarrassed once i post my short comic because of how bad it is
i'm terrible at designing characters
aahhhhhhh my talent's a joke =(

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  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 hey it’s okay ollie dw abt it we all need those types of reminders at times! I one your art though and dw ur “I hate my art” phase will pass after a while I promise! <33 talk w me whenever u need!

  • > Jen Jen aaaaaaaaaaa oh my gosh thank you a whole bunch, Jennyy !!!! <333333 it's a nice reminder ;w; idk why i always need reminders that my art isnt just junk, idk what's wrong with me fr-- this means so so much to me, tysmmmm !!!!! <3333

  • > Soulflamexu22 aaaaaaaa thank you so so much, Soul !!!! ;w; really ? i thought art block was like.. much worse XD ooooo those sound like promising tips =0 and yeah i've been trying to design random characters, but it's been pretty hard XD idk, maybe i need to loosen up or something but thank you so much !!!! <33333

  • > 🔪🧡MrFlagada🧡🔪 *cough* *choke* AAhh sorry i made you angry XD-- but yo your words mean so much to me, that's so nice of you ;w; <33333 eh, the comic story is a bit bland, but oh well


rant i feel like writing <333
just me complaining about people and probably being too judgmental

i came back from work today
and sometimes when i work there's this other guy working too-- he looks about 18-early 20s, and i dont know his name (but he knows mine (obviously cuz i have a nametag, but he doesnt seem to or else i would've noticed it by now) so that's unsettling lol) so in my head i just always call him 'Weird Smiley Guy' cuz he smiles a lot (but something about his smile is more sus than friendly XDD idk why)

but anyways, yeah i never really liked Weird Smiley Guy ever since i met him XD he has a really... heavy American accent which is kinda weird cuz like dude, this is Australia lol
idk, at first i was just kinda like "eh okay, i'm not that comfortable around him but it's whatever" but then that got worse and now i dont like him XDD-- almost every time he looks at me (yknow, when we aren't talking or interacting), he's smirking with his eyes narrowed pfft-- and that's when he's just walking by me like bro stop
and lately whenever i see him, sometimes he's trying to talk to me but now i just try to ignore him as much as possible-- and the only replies i make are just mutters of "i'm fine" or something like that. and i try not to look at him as much as possible lol
but when he glances at me it's SO OBVIOUS-- like when he was walking past me, he was almost completely past me but then he whips his head around just to do that cringe smile at me like he always does XDD--
and today when i was at work i was serving customers by scanning their items and stuff. but then Weird Smiley Guy comes along (cuz i think the paying area needed more employees) and he literally could've gone around the bench and then behind the registers which is what everyone does but NO he just had to make the effort to open the gate right next to me to get behind the registers-- and then he was right behind me =/
anyway, while he was right next to me he had to call out to the customers that my register was open, but when he did he yelled out so loud it hurt my ears bro-- cuz he was literally right next to my ear ;w;
and while he was serving customers, ofc, he kept casting glances at me that were completely unnecessary lol (they were from the corner of my eye so i can't be 100% sure, but it was still obvious)

anyways yeah i dont like Weird Smiley Guy
i'm just kind of making an amusement out of him tbh XD--
i'm probably too judgmental

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  • > AurumLupus i guess so, but it makes it extremely weird cuz idk if he can't tell or something but (idk his age but i'm sure he's at least early 20's, he has some facial hair so) i'm WAY younger than him ;w; i feel like he should be able to tell, i'm dont look too old and i'm not super tall or anything but yeah he's just weird XD--

  • Lol, tbh it sounds like Weird Smiley Guy likes you but has 0% experience in picking up and just pushes people away 😬


i dont post as many topics as i used to lol, i used to post gm/gn topics almost every day but... meh dont feel like it anymore
but i should probably write those to-do lists again to keep track of things i want to draw, just not as much XD
also, last night i made apple pie all by myself !!! although i already mostly knew what to do (cuz i help my mum cook from time to time) but i had never done everything and all by myself. but i did it !!! and it tasted great !
and today i've just made banana bread all by myself, which is a bigger deal(?) cuz i dont really make that a lot let alone all by myself-- but i did it !! i'm kinda proud ^^ btw, the reason why i had to make stuff by myself is because my mum is away for a few days (and Muna and the dogs) so it's just me and my dad =]

to do list:
- draw Keb's request
- draw hoodie Saero gave me
- redraw Ollie's reference sheet (draw more Ollie outfits
- redraw some old drawings (kill your eyes, Tyreen, and Tina in mind)

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  • > Babalon⛄ oof lol she dont even let you stir at least ?? XD YEEEEE i've even cooked lasagna almost all by myself XD idk, i think i find cooking fun only because i'll get to eat it afterwards tysmmm !!!! ;w;

  • My mom don't even let me touch the spoon.. AND YOU COOK BY YOURSELF!!?? u should be proud really!! XD

  • > 々 TheREALZen 〆 oh right XD

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 No. The not posting as much topics as we used to. Lmao


havent posted a topic in a while ^^ nor a drawing, uhh--

i'm supposed to be doing school at 9 am but i havent started cuz i feel slightly fed up =/

i feel slightly overworked ngl, getting up as soon as i wake up to exercise and stretch every morning, schoolwork, drawing stuff (dont get me wrong i'm so relieved i can draw again lol), ect-- and i was excited for the weekend to just... wind down, but on saturday i have to wake up before 6 am, go to vaulting and then we have to stay there for so much longer cuz of a vaulting meeting, and then on sunday i have to go to work and stuff
ik this makes me sound pathetic but i nEEd A brEaAAaakkk ;w; i need a rest day pleaaaseee XD-- dont think that's doable unfortunately

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  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Hehehe Oh I see thanks

  • > CatMeow yee !! ^^ okay thanks XD oh and yeah, Australians and probably a few other countries call them 'jumpers' lol it's alright, my hand is fine XD thanks for worrying tho Sae

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Thanks amazing! Glad your hand is ok ^^ It's ok take your time also it's a hoodie not a jumper XD Just make sure you take breaks so your hand won't hurt too

  • > CatMeow oh, my hand is doing well !! ^^ and trust me, i am trying to draw the jumper you gave me, i'm just also busy with my comic, Anna's ref sheet, real life things, ect XD sowwy ;w;


uhhhh hi lol
(just a worthless rant no one needs to read, move along XDD)

today after work i got an early birthday present (like, rlly early, my birthday's in September pfft) and my mum got me these SUPER COOL SHOOEEZZZ they're short boots with laces and all white with gold accents including a gold heart on the sides and DRAPING GOLD CHAINSSSS yesssss (they didnt have my size in person so we have to order it from online (so i wont have it until a couple of days)) aaaaaa i'll have the full cool outfit set; baggy shirt(s) with quirky smiley/frowny faces on em, them extra ripped baggy jeans, and them shooeezzz !!!! and a watch i wear sometimes with roses printed on it-- oh yeah babieeeee i'm officially a quirky angsty teeeeeennnn no matter how cringe any of you think that is lol

also i think one of the people at the shop where we got the shoes looked at me, Muna and my mum like we were 'ew dirty poor people germs cringe' cuz that place was probably for richsters but WHO CARES CUZ that's a bad way to judge people-- but anyways, srsly i'm so grateful

why did you read this ? XD

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  • > Dreamy_Mocha ikr, it's so annoying ;w;

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Ah I hate it when stuff sells out:/

  • white *

  • > Dreamy_Mocha they do =0 i was looking for black instead of all whit, but they seemed to not have it and just sold our or something lol

ah yes

currently working on the new oc ^^ and after this reference sheet i'll probably work on redrawing Ollie's reference sheet =D also, i'll say her name now, it's Ana. arrree youuu catching on to what i'm going for hereee ? XDD-- i doubt it, i'm being pretty vague--
and i'm trying to find some songs to go with this character, she's supposed to be farmcore and autumn vibes, but there aint many songs catching my attention so far (also with lyrics i could kinda take inspiration for Ollie's backstory, cuz yknow, Ana is Ollie's friend)

but yaahhh =0 also wow i'm sketching before drawing the actual lineart lol

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  • > Ev@😈 AAAAA TYSM !!!! oh cool XD

  • > 々 TheHollowKnightFreak〆 aaaaaaa tysmm !!!! <3333 and yeah lol, let's see if it still looks good with the actual lineart XDD-- eeeeee thank youu !! =0

  • AAAAA SHE LOOK SO GOOD! She reminds me of my sister, they have the same name

  • Looking good! And woahh! That hand :00 You've definitely improved over time!!


omg it's rock n' rall gals guys look at em =] idk, just a lil doodle i thought i'd show you ?? and yes, it's with my left hand-- but AAAAA MY CAST COMES OFF IN 2 DAYS EEEE i'll be able to draw digitally, work on my comic, and just draw more in general omgmggmmg
but yah hope you like these emos

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  • > AkiraTheRipper yo tysmmm <333

  • > Babalon⛄ awwhh you do ?? ;w; that means so much, Babalonn <333

  • > .•🌟🌎ClaudiaSleepyMoon🪐🌙•。 woohooooo !!!! ^^

  • Wait… this is with your left hand…😐 that’s amazing.

nuh-uh i'm not getting Vectored

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  • > Shiny scales XD--

  • you got victored with both DIRECTION and MAGNITUDE

  • > Cartoon Anime ™ XDD coincidence lol PFFT-- that's so funny omg you ARE his secret assistant arent you XD-- love your Vector page btw

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 XD- I’m not kidding I watched despicable me yesterday 💀 And had tried to sneak cookies n my room XD- 😭 I’m done with the theme just gonna probably fall in love if some other character- PFFT

good mornalang

Amias being salty as hecc cuz it's one of my favourite memes
but yeah, just another topic on me ranting about pointless things

i get to take this cast of my broken wrist in UNDER A WEEK AAUUGGHH I CAN'T WAIT TO DRAW NORMALLY AGAIN (unless my right hand feels less coordinated than my left now but it should go normal quickly lol) AND I CAN *FINALLY* WORK ON MY SHORT COMIC-- speaking of the comic, once i'm done with it i might have to do some touch-ups and update my style on the previous pages and stuff cuz it's been so long on not working on the comic-- sighhhh XD i also want to redo Ollie's reference sheet AND make a new character i have in mind =]
but yeah i've still been drawing in my sketchbook sometimes, just with my left hand-- when i broke my arm i thought i wouldn't be able to draw for 6 weeks but i can still manage lol

and i also haven't been able to play video games (cuz yknow, one hand on the keyboard, the other using the mouse, but i only have one hand available) and i miss them so much-- and umm yeah i used to complain about this ALOT, but I STILL REALLY WANT MINECRAFT-- i just dont think my mum wants me to have it cuz apparently it's "a waste of time" and "a never-ending game" but i'm thinking "is that any different from watching youtube or playing those braindead games i play cuz i have nothing to do or whenever i'm super bored and not even doing ANYTHING ??" idk it's just annoying. Minecraft would be my comfort game, i'd buy it myself even lol, anything to increase the chance of me having it =( and i feel like if i had more video games to play i'd be generally less upset and bored, cuz not having much to do other than go through youtube or scroll through Artstreet or read when i dont feel like it gets to me sometimes and i get upset-- sigh...

i'm surprised you read all of that XD congratz, jeez

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it's been so long since i've umm updated on myself XD-- i got a new arm cast, which is good =] and AAAA 1 week and a half left before i can HOPEFULLY draw normally again but most importantly, DIGITALLY !! EEEEE-- my hand is supposed to be all healed by then, so yeah =]

and i'm still slowly figuring out the backstory for Ollie, yknow, trying to put Mother Mother/Lemon Demon songs together in her playlist to make a story of some sort-- and then, once i have her story all done, i'll make a comic chopped up into episodes -w- it WILL take a while, that's no doubt, but hopefully it'll be great XD--

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  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 That’s good!

  • > Dreamy_Mocha aaAAaa tysmm !! <333 it definitely is getting better XD i can use it for more stuff now

  • Yessss, I’m glad your hand is healing!


been a while since i've come out of my cave of inactiveness but i'm still alive so hi XD--
maybe i should just draw a doodle with my left hand and at least post something... so that people who look at my account will understand why i havent posted for so long lol

i miss my fluffy girl Ollie ;w;

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  • > Ev@😈 same here XD-- but i actually tried drawing with my left and and ooOOOOoo it aint baad lol

  • > Babalon⛄ hey, Babalon !! =0 XD-- and yup it sucks tysm !!! you too ^^

  • It’s ok… also I never drawn with my left hand, because I’m right handed

  • Sup Ollie!! :3 Everything is so fine lately- But oof i didn't know your right arm is broken!! D'= I hope it get better soon!! Stay safe :]


i made (digital) music lawl
dont get me wrong, it aint the best, but i still think i did okay for a first ever attempt XD unfortunately i can't send a link or anything to you guys cuz it's on private (and i dont want to publish it out to the public--) =[
the song's only 1 minute but that's okay =0 hopefully if i keep practicing i can make some actual real decent music lol

btw, the whole point of me making music is a replacement for drawing XD because my pesky cast has stuck my hand in one position >=[ dw i'll be drawing again once my cast is off lol

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  • > vivlz6670 yeah !! OOOO cool =0 i listen to music ALL the time too lol, it's one of the best inventions imo as well XD

  • nice!!! i love music, i play cello and its really fun, im like naturally gifted at playing it ig and i like listening to music and i think its definitely one of the best inventions eva👍


i want to draw so bad
digital art in particular because i would've not drawn digitally in about a month now help me
bruh why did my wrist have to break in such a way that stops me from using my thumb at all-- i cant hold anything ;w; including pencils/pens

ugghhh i swear i would be much happier with the capability of drawing, it's probably why i've been more upset and angry lately
and i still have a whole month more to go
ugghhhhhh =(

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  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Np and that’s good that your arm is getting better

  • > bluecatanimations thanks XD i'm fine apart from my arm being achy and sore, but as you had read, i.... really want to a r t lol

  • > 𝚅𝚒𝙶𝚖𝚒𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚆𝚜 me too ;w; tysm <333

  • > Cartoon Anime ™ ty, CA ;w; OOOF D= yo that sounds terrible-- did you end up finding it ?? yup, definitely relatable XDD-- i could be in a good/okay mood and then if my mum or my sister starts slightly snapping at me i suddenly go to my room and cry like a 3 year old lol but i'm sorry you experience the same struggles ;w; we both have troubles on wanting to draw and crying all the time XD it lets me know that i'm not alone, and that it's normal to cry for tiny reasons and stuff, so tysm <333


yeah-- *cough*-- i'm still alive lol--
i miss drawing so so much oh my gawsh... i can't even draw traditionally properly, and by the time my cast on my right hand comes off i wouldn't have drawn digitally for like 2 MONTHSSS ;w; i swear i've already (or almost at least) hit my record of not drawing for the longest time apart from when i was a baby--
maybe that's why i've been moody all the time, BECAUSE ART HELPS MENTAL HEALTH (i think) BUT I HAVENT ARTED FOR SO LONG T^T
ahhhhh my comic that i wouldn't have worked on for 2 months !!!! and those requests ughhhhh =[[[

help me ;w;

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  • > Babalon⛄ that's how long my cast is being on for ;w; my family says "that isnt looong, stop worrying" but BRO WHEN IT COMES TO THE TOPIC OF DRAWING, NO ART FOR 6 WEEKS IS GUNNA KILL ME !!! D,=

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 6 WEEKS!!???? THAT IS SUPER LONG!!!!! 😭😭😭

  • > Babalon⛄ hai, Babalon !! =D oh XD and yeah, without digital art i could at least draw traditionally, but now i CANT even do that, so i probably wont be posting anything for 6 weeks =/ mhm.. =[

  • well come backo ollie!! :D Dont worry i haven't post for soo long too lol ( but c'mon you are drawing traditional arts soo good XD) Also yeah i can feel ya :[ i have many art ideas but I have no motivation.. Artist life can be busy


okay my quick keys still aint here XDD-- it was supposed to come a few days ago but NOPE it's taking longer
but whatever, i can't draw atm anyway, so it doesnt really matter how soon it comes anymore lol-- it SHOULD come in under 6 weeks cuz that's how long my cast is probably gonna be on my arm--
i actually did try to draw a doodle of Ollie with just my left hand and YOOO it aint as bad as i thought it would be !!! >=00

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  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Your welcome

  • > Kasona tysmm <333

  • Hope u get better Ollie gal <3

  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Hehehe because why not I'll surprise you with the hoodie XD


guess who broke their RIGHT wrist who is RIGHT handed ??? and wasn't even able to draw digitally for weeks, and now can't even draw traditionally for probably 6 weeks because of my cast (hopefully the cast will wear out and let me use my right hand) ?? (gosh it's so hard to type the question mark with just my left hand)
AAAAAAA ;w; i'm using the mouse with my left hand and i have to press the left click button with my middle finger and scroll with my index finger XDD--
ughhhh so annoying. when i broke my wrist, oh jeez it looked gross, it was all wonkity-wanky and bending upwards and euGHRRRrr it was quite disturbing to look at-- i didn't cry tho lol look at me all tough
and when i was in the hospital, i had to be put half to sleep so they could pull my wrist straight before putting a cast on it without me feeling pain and HOLY those sleep drugs were weeeeeiirdd-- i honestly felt like i was in a simulation, i thought everything i had experienced was all fake, i was going through the memories of my life thinking 'welp, that was a good life, i guess it was all a dream and i'm dead or something now,' and i woke up extremely slowly, and when i was getting back into reality i could actually hear my mum and the nurses talking and I could talk back to them even when i was half unconscious, JEEZ it was so weird... i was honestly so relieved to see my mum (even though my vision was super dodgy and weird) and literally FOUGHT for my consciousness back XD-- i also cried in confusion and relief at the same time, wow, weirdest experience in my life lol, pure weirdcore vibes or sumn

i was so glad it was over XD
(wow i'm tired of writing with my left hand aaaaa)

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  • > vivlz6670 OH-- BROKEN WRIST/ARM CLUB !! XDD-- wOw, twice ?? yo that sucks XD i have actually hurt my left wrist before and was hurt for a while, but it wasnt broken like my right wrist is rn lol i mean, my situation aint that serious imo, my sister literally had to go through a 7 hour surgery on her back and was in the hospital for a month-- and my younger cousin broke their FOREARM yowch-- lol my wrist is nothing XDD oofers D= i hope your wrist stops hurting, that sounds annoying as hecc-- but AYYYY a fellow... wrist-clumsy-person XD

  • IVE BEEN THERE!!! TWICE!!! RECENTLY!!! AND 2 YEARS AGO!!! but dont get me wrong, WAYY less serious than whatever you got 😨😨😨😨 for me tho it stopped hurting after like a week and i could draw!!! im sure itll be a lot different for you tho i got my cast off like a month and a half ago and it still hurts 😢 waa (just a lil tho and sometimes it aches)

  • > Ev@😈 aAAaaAAAaAA-- meh, if you're someone like me who does vaulting (cuz that's how i broke my wrist), an injury like that is bound to happen at some point lol

  • > Soulflamexu22 tysm !! <333

good morninggggg

my quick keys for my pen tablet may be coming today or in at least 4 days omgomgomg
pLEaSe cOme todAY i HaVE bEEn dYiNg wiThoUt dIgitAL aRT *sob*
btw the weather has been beautiful where i am, it's been super hot from summer but now it's gotten so much cooler (at least for yesterday and today) and it feels so nice to breathe in just yesss
it's also very sunny and like who doesn't like sunny days =] i love rainy days too, my least favourite it just... completely cloudy--

anyways have a nice morning/avo/night !! ^^

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  • > Nyany AAAAAAAAA ME TOO !!!! oh-- really ? XD i'm not that sad lol, idk why Sae said that XD BUT AAAAAAAAAAA I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE BACC !!! <3333


  • > Nyany AAAAAAAAAAAAA NYANYYYY !!!!! <333333 i remember youuu !!! i missed you sm as well AAA !! so good to see you again !! ^^


promotion !!!!!

yo please go check out my sister Muna's drawing, she's been really busy with practicing realism and HOLY she is doing so well right now--

you can leave a comment as well !! even if it's a tiny compliment, please consider showing her some support =]

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  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Naoooo I did NOT expect this- XDDD I am.. more shocked than I need to be but hey thank u-

  • > Muna Sketches what ?? it was nothing XDD-- no problemo lol


i w r o t e a l i l s u m t h i n

yeah i wanted to try writing, so i wrote a short lil story XD
also, Ana is introduced in this story, and i want to make her an oc, but i havent drawn her yet at all so lol there's that
anyways enjoy ^^

Ollie was walking along a cement path, passing by houses which some not very well kept, as their dirty wooden fences were rotting from probably decades of rainy days. The street was quiet, only a car breaking the silence every few minutes, and a few birds twittering away. It was a very cloudy day, the tall pine trees gently swaying in the slight wind and reaching up to the gloomy white sky.

Ollie strolled on the gray cement with her sealed lips smiling rather wide, and the expression in her eyes always had the ability of staring into ones soul, with her wide out pupils and eerie gaze. Her fluffy tail swayed as she walked her feet, and her long ears seemed to have the point of a sharp knife. Everyone Ollie knew seemed to be scared and cautious of her, but that never bothered her one bit.
Somewhere in the distance, Ollie saw a house she had always recognized, and picked up the pace of her feet until she started a jog.
'ANA!', Ollie had shouted in excitement. What turned around was that familiar rabbit face; Ana. Ana's long, limp, brown and white ears perked up at the sound, but once she saw Ollie's wide, spiky smile of a face, they pulled back. Ana was just about to escape into her house after a busy day, but was that little bit too late.
'O-Oh! Hey, Ollie! Um, what are you-,' Ana stammered until she was interrupted. 'I came back from the park! And I was chasing this dude with a really weird looking bug in my hand because he was SCARED of it! Haha- And- And I actually caught up to him HAHAha- And I threw the bug at him! HEHEHE, AND IT BIT HIM HAHAHAhahAHAHaahAHaa-," Ollie had gotten into a laughing fit, clutching her stomach through her black sweater and those pointy teeth gleaming as she laughed with her mouth wide open. Meanwhile, Ana looked concerned, scared even. She looked at Ollie with an expression of worry.
'Um... Was he okay?,' Ana asked Ollie as the unsettling canine had recovered from her laughing session. 'Oh I don't know, hehe! He ran away crying, it looked like the bite hurt. But it was so fun watching him flee! You should've seen his face,' Ollie snickered. Ana started to think of a way to escape this uncomfortable situation, so she made an excuse. 'I... I'm sorry, Ollie, but I've got to go. Y'know, homework and stuff, haha... Yeah,' Ana backed toward her front door.
'Awwwwwhh! Okay, you go do boring, old, complicated homework then! See you tomorrow!,' Ollie walked back out to the path and was walking along next to the road again.
Ana didn't wait long to watch her go, she quickly opened her unlocked door as her parents were home, stepped inside, and shut the door behind her.

D'YA LIKE IT ?!?!? it was pretty fun writing, i might have made multiple mistakes but i'm still proud of it XD

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  • > Ev@😈 tysmm !!!! ^^


  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 No problem

  • > bluecatanimations awwwwh tysmmm !!!! <3333

good mornalang

i am finally sorting all of the songs in Ollie's playlist to fit as an inspiration for her backstory
and tbh, the connection from song to song is going pretty well, but ofc i'm not going to include every single line of each song into Ollie's backstory XD-- that'd be crayzie

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  • > 🐾 !! OLLIE !! 🐾 Ya I don’t have one ether

  • > bluecatanimations ayyy tysm ^^ but if people rlly do want to listen to the playlist, i'll have to make a topic and put in all the links in order so people can listen to the "playlist" lol-- because my playlists are private, which i can't change since i dont have a YT channel

  • Can wait to listen to it


listening to music, as the daily schedule is
i want to work on my short comic so bad, hecc i might've been done making it by now, i'm so close (that is, if i don't think of more scenes and extend it lol)-- it's been almost two weeks not being able to use my pen tablet and i think i'm slowly dying XDD

help ;w; traditional is fun, but tbh idk if i want people's requests in my private sketchbook (and i can't use my public sketchbook because yknow, family and other people will see it and question me about "requests" lol)
sigghhhhh i want my quick keys tooolll brooooo T^T

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o and guys

this was a while ago but i tried Aimkid's style =D yknow, the animator ?
and i drew Ollie as you can see, she looks pretty cute in the style imo XD-- the side characters are pretty badly designed lol, i just wanted to experiment the style with characters other than Ollie

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  • > Hope299GAMES tysm !! ^^ Aimkid's style IS cute lol IDDKkkKKk XDDD i just wanted to try a bit of that animation look, yknow ? trying to experiment with m o v e m e n t XD and omg i didn't think of a story but that seems actually convincing lol AAAAAAA ikr she's amazing !!!! >=00 and i love her vids too, i love her exaggerated way of animating IKRRR it makes me want to animate even more than i wanted to before, i should really ask my dad to help me find an animating program so i can try it out XD and yeah um it would take a lot of practice to get as good as Aimkid lol

  • > TotallyNotDJ =0000

  • Aww cute! She looks so excited. Also WHO PUNTED THE LIL BLUE EYED DUDE WHO WHAT-HUH-Was it pink sweater >:| acting like they don't know what happened smh Also YES I KNOW AIMKID she's cited as an inspiration in my profile section, I love her animated music videos. makes me want to animated even though I know damn well it won't be as good lmao

  • woaaaaaaaaahh

gm peeps

okay i'm DYING at this point to be able to draw digitally, my Quick Keys is still not here and i need to work on my comic broooo
lucky i already have Ash's birthday gift ready, although i wanted to draw more stuff for her but idk if i'll be able to in time *cri* help me
yknow what ima just post traditional art until the Quick Keys for my pen tablet comes XD--

anyway, i'm just listening to music as usual

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  • > Eridan🕷 oh okay-- i knew you wouldn't care too much about it lol, it's just that i wanted to draw more for you =] i'm not sure if i can achieve that anymore without my quick keys tool tho oh jeez i'm so sorry-- i wasnt exactly sure whether to call you that or not, but now i know XD thanks ^^

  • Don't wworry you don't havve to do shit for me right noww, and if you do feel obligated to do so then its ok if its late Also- lil peevve, don't call me Ash anymore... I don't like going by my real name online anymore Call me Gloom or Eridan instead please 🙏

  • Dang

umm yah another topic soz

this morning when we were driving to and back from my vaulting session, we were picking up this girl that vaults with us and i always fall asleep (or at least try to) but i dont want her to see me sleeping lol, cuz i could be pulling weird faces for all i know, and i often literally FALL and wake up before i hit my head on the seat XDDD-- i'm especially paranoid of sleeping when we have to pick up that girl
naps would be good in the car if it was just easier to sleep for goodness sake

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  • > ⚙️ .. fefu win-win

  • Fuck yeah my tags getting used