Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

welcome to the page of ✨ insanity ✨
morning/evening/night guys

hope y'all are doing well

*sadness ahead*

i'm just slightly sick of everything
i'm tired of having to get this and that done
and i'm just physically tired in general
and my hormones are building up again , making me so easily upset and angry
like why can't i have my period once a month instead of one every two months amd let out my stupid hormones
i need to exercise , stretch , do schoolwork , do this and that , but i don't want to , i'm just tired
why can't things be easier
why can't i socialize with people without completely embarrassing myself , it's extremely hard even online
when i try to talk to cool people on here , they always just ignore me and i feel like they're so uncomfortable with me around
even when i did try to talk to someone , all i got was them acting defensive or offended even , like jeez why are people so easily offended by me , i'm so terrible at talking to people it's so annoying
i'm too afraid to act even slightly humorous in case of offending or angering the person
and i see everyone else acting like themselves and they get all good attention
it just sucks
when someone finally likes me it always wears off , they always end up changing their mind , it never lasts because i just suck as a person in general
i can't be myself because i know i'm just gonna mess up again and again and again
i hate my personality
i always feel like i'm hiding

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  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 i can totally agree.

  • > ⛓️ Vinnie The Fanged Rabbit ⛓️ i Do nOt kNoW XD i made that... flower soup mixture with ingredients from totally not my backyard and thought it was pretty and took a picture and drew Ollie sitting on one of the flowers lol it looks aesthetic tho so i like it XDD--

  • why are you sitting in a tub of flowers? lol

  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 Np, Ollie!

another topicc, sowry

oMg iS tHAt a nEw OC wiP?!?
lOok aT hIm aNd hiS bANgSS
anD mUScLes lol i'm building up arm muscle too

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  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 Yup purple guy aka Michael afton XD

  • > 𝚅𝚒𝙶𝚖𝚒𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚆𝚜 whos Michael Afton- ohhh he's Purple Guy? i dont really see the similarities but uhh XDD tysmmm!! =0 oooo you can if you want to! ^^

  • He reminds me of Michael afton tho XD can't wait to see the results of this new oc I'm gonna draw him maybe lol

  • > 🦄❤️SpicyClaudia🌶️🔥 indeed he's a big boi


this ref is taking forever lol- and omg Heart Piercers are so hard to colour design
what should i name Paris's lil bro?! all i can find is Amias, which means 'loved' and that suits him cuz he's a narcissist and loves emself and so does everyone else- but i'm just posting this to see if anyone else has anything XD and NOT trying to spoil too much of the reference

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  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 Amais is really cool! Matches him a lot! And np:))

  • > Dreamy_Mocha Oooo Ephai sounds cool! it's a good suggestion, but my brain's still drawn to Amias lol, tysm for the idea tho!! =o

  • Ephai maybe? Idk I’m really with names, but it means bird-like/gloomy:))

  • > 🦄❤️SpicyClaudia🌶️🔥 o that's sad i wish you a free repair lol

trend stolen from Ghost i think??

idk XD hai guysss =0 oh and here's a self portrait i drew a while ago, i'm not comfy enough to post it as an illustration tho
i'm in the mood for listening to weirdcore... no one asked but yeah i am
it's usually on gloomy days i've noticed lol, idk i just feel like gloomy days are more empty and simulation-ish so i listen to that kinda stuff and it's calming

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  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 Maybe i draw you a gift... Idk it have the idea in mah head XD

  • > Ev@😈 oki! XD really? XD ummm tysm lol, i tried to capture my eyebags and and my bridged nose but thanks XDD-

  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 Maybe Ill draw myself too

  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 I'll try to draw myself XD Also you are so pretty, i love your braids and your eyes


omg i'm 7 followers away from 400 kesgisguhruhuh
how the hecc lol

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  • > 𝚅𝚒𝙶𝚖𝚒𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚆𝚜 aaaaa tysm for the support, Vigmi!!!! <3333

  • Ur almost at 400 followers keep it up Ollie<3

good morning

oh and it was Australia Day a few days ago, yay Australia lol

ahEm... AHEAHHEm- i've finished 11 pages of my short comic *coughcoguh* i'm sorry the pages take long okay XD- idk how many more i'm gonna do but ima try to keep it as not many because y'all have been waiting for a comic for MONTHS NOW- but i feel like if the comic is short, people will be disappointed after waiting for so long (because at first when i announced a comic, i was working on Coyote's comic which was supposed to be quite long until i made up my mind that i'll just make a few short comics before moving on to long ones so I'VE ANNOUNCED A COMIC LIKE SO LONG AGO I'M SO SORRY XDD-)

anyways uhhh yah i can't wait to post the short Ollie comic =]

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  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 LOL, you're good hehe and yus! we both so awesome

  • > Bacon Brilliance sORRy fOr tHE LatE rEplY, TOo ;w; oh, i'm glad you're doin' okay ^^

  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 GAH, SOrry for the late reply! THat's great to heaR tho! I feel fairly good, thanks for askin!

  • > Bacon Brilliance good morning, Bacon!! =D i'm good, how about you? ^^


omg i'm finally drawing Paris's little brother after making that idea like, 5-6 months ago XDD- he's supposed to be a narcissist and full of himself, can't wait to write his description =]
2nd reference is Paris. but i've changed Paris's design a little bit, and might even change it more cuz that design looks kind of underwhelming tbh lol
also sorry that i keep posting wips and then never even finishing them, i still need to draw Vi from Arcane XD-

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  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 Mk, tysm!

  • > Dreamy_Mocha AAAAA TYSM, MOCHA!!!! ^^ sure you can!! =D whenever you want =]

  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 Donezooooo

  • AHHHH I LOVE BOTH THEIR DESIGNS! And the ideas are so creative! Can I draw them later when I have time?


or good morning or good evening XD
i need to post one of those full ref sheets sometime, i havent posted one in ages
i just keep giving up on characters i've started trying to make XDD- and i kind of feel the urge to redraw Ollie's reference sheet but i honestly barely have anything to update her with, soooo there aint much point
but i genuinely want to create more characters i just wish i had thaT sWeEt sWEEt TTiiiMMEeeeeEEE and motivation lol

goodnight XD

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  • Good night Ollie. I think I’m gonna try my best doing refs for my characters Also I hope you slept well =)

  • Good night 😽

  • Good night Ollie!! Sleep well :D

  • night Ollie pup XD

good morning

we honestly need more games like The Wild At Heart
i mean look it's so pretty and mystical and comforting and >=0000 it's so underrated lol
i finished the game a year ago, but i want more games like it tbh. and when it turns to nighttime in the game, the MuSic iS sO cOOl oMg- it's like a clock ticking and at the end there's a howl like it's so scary and pretty at the same time ;w;

but yeah i really miss playing it =/ i want to find more mystical, pretty, has-a-scary-side games ;w;

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  • > 여자</3 ohhh coool =0 oh XD

  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 yeah lol i havent played it in a longgg time i forgot everything abt it sadly--

  • > 여자</3 morningg =D really? you know it? XD


me tired
me want bed
me want sleep

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  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 Hey, it's fine, I've took a haitus from Artstreet, but I'm back, and better then ever.

  • > Technofox2k4 oh sure!! bruh i'm so sorry i didnt see that topic days ago ;w; i'll try and get the art done soon (i apologize if it comes in like... a week XD- me slightly busy ^^')

  • If you want to do late gift art of my updated fox-sona, which I've changed on my birthday.


see >=0

i want to do animation like this but in my own style and characters XD- (but omg i love the style this person has)
but i doubt i'll ever get that good at animating, like omg it looks amazing what this person does =0 (but it looks like at the end there's a bunch of credits so idkk, although they're going extremely fast like who's able to read that so are they even real credits lol???)
but yeah i want to do animation =[ like how cool would Ollie look if i animated her being her enthusiastic, energetic, creepy self? XD
i dunno, i want to do so many things tbh

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the timeline rn is making me rlly uncomfortable =( please stop guys lol
anyways XD *sadness ahead i'm afraid*

i... really need to work on my daily mindset, i'm super negative about everything such as thinking "ughhh i dont want to do this", "i'm so terrible at this and that", "i'm so dumb and clueless", ect ect and plus some self harm (which i feel i'm getting more harmful every time ;w;)
i also feel like i have some percentage of relationship anxiety (basically having bad thoughts being friends with someone like "do they actually like me", "did i say the wrong thing", "do they not like me anymore" ect. it also applies online i realised). and i also ALSO feel like someone will be friends with me, they'll really like me, they'll want to talk to me ect, and it always seems like it ends up them getting bored of me, changing their mind about me, and suddenly think i'm kinda rude and don't like them-
but yeah, whenever someone says they think i'm really cool and they want to talk to me and stuff, i get pretty scared because i'm always expecting that to end quite quickly.
and irl i love it when someone's super chatty and excited with me, but i barely say anything and think "is it okay i'm not saying much?", "how do i let them know i really like them and want to talk to them", ect.

idk, even my sister Muna said i should really work on my mindset. and i should, i'm just extremely negative lol
but it'll be hard to change because i think negatively to let my irritation out, and that seems to be an addiction for me

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  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 Oh ok, tysm for telling me!

  • > Dreamy_Mocha nah it's okay <3333 tysm, Mocha ^^ oh, it was just that a group or something was forming talking about something weird, and one of the people was just spamming topics about it and it wasnt a pleasant thing to read every second lol but yeah i could've easily just NOT been on art street XD so i dont rlly have a right to complain tbh

  • I’m sorry if I don’t have good advice, but I hope everything gets better soon. And I have a question if your up to answering. If it makes you uncomfortable then you don’t have to reply:)) But what was the drama in the timeline? I know hunter but who was the other person?

  • > fefu (ia) eh, i dont think blocking would be necessary (i could just unfollow if i wanted to, but choose not to cuz yknow you're cool XD) and yeah i've seen those warnings, but i mean i'm not reaally that sensitive XD- and that first sentence in this post wasnt really directed at you tbh but yah anyway =0

good morninggg

or goodnight/good afternoon for y'all
have some juicy cringy old art of mine
honestly idk what i've... improved on, i guess shading/lighting or style? idk i just have a feeling people would prefer my old art and think it looks better XD-

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  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 Yesssssss💖💖💖 I still watch her lmao

  • > Dexxx 🏁 OMGGGG U KNOWW HERRRR i was SO inspired from her when i was like 6-7 XD- i loved those gore drawings ummm- i got inspo from her art style as well lol

  • > 𝚅𝚒𝙶𝚖𝚒𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚆𝚜 MMmmMMm, rEEAaALLlyyyYy?? XDD- i got cringier old art pieces hidden away in my oldest sketchbooks that are sitting in my room XD

  • The rarity picture reminds me of a mlp gore artist I watch. I think her name was BlitzAzalisDash.


*vibin to music*
aye send me some of your guys' favourite songs, i'd like to hear em
idk i'm bored and just felt like posting a topic, okay? pfft-
i gotta wash my hair, bye =]

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  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 AAAA thank you Ollie X3 OH glad you like my music XD

  • > SÆRO_308 (it just sent me one song, but that's okay =]) but WOOOOWWWWW bruhhh this song sounds sooo gooood!!!!!! it's so upbeat and has a happy vibe, i love it smmm =OOOO

  • > 🍄🪷that demon slayer fan🪷🍄 OMG YAASS this song's really good!!!! >=0 i love the pixelated instrumental, and the vibe is just amazing <3333 i've heard it a few times ^^ it's really cool

  • > TheFanartFREAK YAAA >=0 and dw i like some songs that sound like heavy metal too, mainly Gimme Chocolate by Babymetal lol

pleaz read =D

do you know Juju? if ya don't, go check her out, okay? <3 and please consider supporting her by following and checking out her drawings ^^

tysm!! <333

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  • > |\Juju/| Ik portuguesse XD

  • > Ev@😈 America Im notportugal but. i speak pt Portuguese Spain ppl pronounce j like h so They might call me "Huhu"like huhu as crying idfk why

  • > |\Juju/| Where are you from And yes im Spanish and it’s 11:30am here

  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 Hey Ollie you saw my last post Can you check it pls


plus a few frownies (the 3rd picture is one i've already shown, but it gives off a similar vibe so i'm putting it here)
i love em
i absolutely love getting funky clothing like this, i dont feel like i have enough cool clothes so it's great XD but they are pretty expensive which sucks, but i payed with my own money so i feel good about not making my parents buy stuff for me XD-
BUT YAAYYY more cute funky indie my-style clothingggg <33333

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  • > Shiny scales ummm idk if it would be... good of me to tell you the price, but all i can say is tHEy WeRE qUiTe eXpENsivE shiRTs LoL but i got the smiley face shirts from Cotton On, and that last one is from Jay Jays (i have no idea if these stores exist where you live, but there ya go)

  • how much were they cuz I WANT SOME

  • > Sam_one_else IKRRRRR <33333



ima post it now
i have work tomorroowwww =D
heavenly meme made by the one and only heavenly Muna

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  • > Ev@😈 ya i just finished it, i'll post it now ^^

  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 Ok When you’ll post the ATS just for know xd

  • > Ev@😈 oh XD i'm good!! a bit tired. how about you? and uhhh, i still need to continue on that drawing of the custom adopt ;w; sorry i've just been a bit busy lately, i'll try to get it done today

  • > 🐾 🇴‌🇱‌🇱‌🇮‌🇪‌ 🐾 Tysm I forgot XD Anyways how are you doin ig you are abt to finish You can post the ats and then you post the custom