Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
7 hours / Day
I’m free usually around 2pm to 9pm
It's almost June...

It's almost pride month... The one month where us gays become more powerful! Preparations must start. Ready your weapons my Lgbtqaa+ pals. Homophobes, including my family, shall cower in fear as we live our own fucking lives in peace! And then we strike! Doing something Idk? I wanna be dramatic. I'm a theater kid who needs to learn bigger words. Anyways in reality I wanna do something for pride month now that I mostly know who I am! My gender is taking a bit longer but everything else is figured out! (Famous last words...) So I might draw something feel free to join me in representing who we are!!! Maybe it could become a gay people collab XD

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  • > 🐱Moon🌙 YYYEEEAAAAHHHHH!!! Stay safe though, only do that if you know you wouldn't get hurt for it.

  • > SpaceGrillXD YEAH my dad is anti to LGBTQ + I'm gonna knock some sense into him on June >:)

  • > ★ 𐌕Ꮤ𐌉Ᏽ ★ Lesbians :D Also cool! I'm still thinking about my gender identity, I've found I like Fae/Faer along with the She/They I had before. Maybe one day my opinions will change completely who knows!

  • also I'm trans :3

Them... </3 <3

I love them... Oh how I love them! They are so nice and sweet. Whenever I talk to them it's like I've found where I'm meant to be! I could sit in silence with them, just gobbling up the chocolate muffins in one bite, and they'd just laugh slightly concerned but not surprised that I had already eaten 3 bags of the mini muffins. All their photos I just eat up. They're beautiful! So lovely! Their hair, makeup, the piercings, clothes, their smileeee. I wish that when they tell me I'm smart, that I could believe them. That when they say I'm kind, that I could admit that I'm not faking it, that you don't have to want to do the nice thing immediately to be nice for doing it. I wish I had the guts to tell them I love them. I wish I would stop telling myself what if I don't really love them... I keep getting scared of me lying to myself about loving anything! I know they love me, my sister is a nosy prodding bitch like that sometimes. But I'm scared to say it to their face... It's hard to explain... But I love them! They went fishing and sent a picture and all I could look at was them <3 They always look good! In streetwear, that flannel, the cool black witch dress stuffs! Gosh I could go on and on and on! My mind is racing! I was supposed to sleep 30 minutes ago.

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  • > Katyarobot8 Thank you! I know I will, just need to wait till the right time I guess...

  • this is so sweet! i'm sure one day you will get the courage to tell this person how u feel :)


Bed too hot... Outside too cold... Sleeping suck... Why is temperature so weird? Also sleep is a myth.

Wanna see what I'm working on? It's a first little jokey comic to get a feel for the MockingJay project! (Aka the sassy info broker Jim guy I showed you before, we finally decided on his Secret Identity name hehe!) Here it is! I will be recreating the readable fics as comics after each chapter is posted. You could find it on (hopefully) Webtoon (If I can finally figure out how it works) and on Tumblr. If you guys want it on here I could make that happen as well but I doubt our intended audience is really on here...

Without further ado though you have hopefully been on the inspiration this whoke time so, here it is :) You may click the next picture. NOW!

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  • > Katyarobot8 :D

  • > SpaceGrillXD ooh cool! i'll definetly try to read it ^^

  • > Katyarobot8 Thanks! I'm glad it is because if it wasn't then there would be no real point to it hehe... I'm really excited to finish this and to start work on the real comics hehehe!

  • thats funny teehee

Wanna know something

When something is really bothering me like suicidal thoughts, my adhd, fear of being ignored, or even lack of praise compared to how much criticism I get from the people in my life. I just give some random characters those same problems but way worse and force them to get over it instead of getting over it myself... I can't tell if this is healthy or not...

  • > SpaceGrillXD You're welcome

  • > SpaceGrillXD Ooo Good luckk!

  • > -|REVAMPED|- DordusRising Thank you! <3

  • *hugs tightly*


I am going crazy over "wouldn't you like" from Epic the musical! I want this playing 24/7 and the fan animation for it!!! I'm gonna perish... PLEASE SOMEONE KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!! I NEED SOMEONE TO BE INSANE WITH ME! And also I wish I had some other mcyt fans following me too cuz thats all I've been drawing recently hehehe...
Please guys! Empires smp, the life series, and hermitcraft are great!!! You'd instantly understand my most recent art if you got into it... But anyways hehehe the song!!!

I've got adhd sorry guys :P

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  • > MrFlagada Yayyyyyy :D I love the song so much and it's such a silly animation fornit hehehe

  • > SpaceGrillXD Woah the animation was amazing and the song :D

  • > SpaceGrillXD Hehe tysm now i know what to watch

  • > MrFlagada That's Tangos hermitcraft season ten! You could also watch other people but he's my favorite! That's Jimmys secret life It's one of the newer life series seasons and again you can watch all of the seasons if you want and anyone's pov too This is Katherines empires season 1! It's the one I watched first! AND HERE IS SHELBYS ENTIRE EMPIRES SMP SEASON1 AND 2 :D So finally the song I will send the animation for it,

Ewwo guys OwO (QnA???)

Oops sorry no idea what came over me but I WANNA DO A QNA! Specifically for my new lil guy :D Now you can ask me (my main oc) questions too but I really want some questions for my silly info broker Jim (haven't come up with his villain name yet hehe). Any questions for Jim will help me and the people working on him with me flesh him out even more so they might take longer so I can ask the group but the Grill asks might be faster!

Please ask something, it could even be questions on the designs :D

(Ummm look on my profile for my Grill design if yah need but here's the silly lil sassy Jimmy boy)

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  • > SpaceGrillXD I see X3

  • > 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 Mhm mhm just search up Jimmy Solidarity for a bit more info on that cuz this is an au version of him :)

  • > SpaceGrillXD THATS SO COOL

  • > 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 Yeah! He's actually a canary avian! :D

I should draw something soon...

I've got no ideas though...

  • > Katyarobot8 thanks on a google doc figuring out the plot rn hehe

  • > SpaceGrillXD oooooh that sounds fun too! have fun working on it! :D

  • > Katyarobot8 mmmm I might... but I also might just get started on trying to figure out my comic ideas. I'm working on something big with a friend >:)

  • hmm... maybe u should draw an emoji as a character? idk i do that when i have no inspiration. i hope you get ideas soon! :)


We gather today as the greatest team of scientists are working together on a new breakthrough! For the last few months these (nerds) brilliant minds have been studying the phenomenon that is "SpaceGrillXD" refusing to finish any drawings! We're here at the scene ready to interview whatever scientists are willing to answer some simple ass fucking questions THOMAS!!! *Ahem* As I was saying... What was your name again?

"It's Dan, why am I here again?"

Very nice to met you Dan! What do you smart folk know about the SpaceGrillXD situation so far?

"We are still working on theories but so far the most probable conclusion has been that they haven't had much time and/or they are very lazy..."

Welp you heard that! Grill is probably lazy!!! Thanks for your time Don!

(This dumb, far too long for this joke, skit was brought to you by ADHD brain and over exhaustion. Feel free to thank them or something...)

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  • > Katyarobot8 mhm mhm I still have tah work though no break for rn

  • lol i get that, sometimes im really not bothered to draw, but ive been drawing a lot lately bc its spring break lol


I want more comments on my art! I love to talk about it I want questions, compliments, maybe just telling me about your day! I love talking to people!!! I'm sure other artists would love it too so... How about we try to comment when we can! I'm going to be commenting on a few posts and I beg for someone to join me :)

  • > M3LL0M0CHI It's fine if you can't but as I see it is that no one gets positivity if nobody spreads it! So it's something we can both get used to doing together hehe!

  • Ahh I feel bad because I wish for the same thing but I don't do it for others hjgtfdgjk Imma try and communicate more 😭😔

  • > 𝑬𝑽@ That's awwwww!!!! Thank youuuu!!! :D ^^

  • I agree! I will comment on ur art asap!