Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Question time!!!!

Normally I do this at night, but ive been thinking about asking this for awhile...
1. Do y'all have like an artist eye?(I mean I'm sure you do) but like, okay so for example, youre able to tell the difference between identical twins, because youre able to notice a specific feature thats different...or spoting things that no one else notices(like color shades, animals, features on people)
For me, okay know that im really weird, but I have these two identical twins for grandma's, amd we were looking at pictures when they were younger, since you almost couldn't tell them apart back then, and my mom and cousin were guessing with me, well I said they had different eye brows, because one pairs was slightly smaller than the others, while my mom and cousin said that it was because of their noses, so after ward I ended up getting it right, and my cousin ended up shouting for both grandmas to come to us so we can look at their eyebrows XD
2. What has holes, but can hold water??
3.What question can you never say yes to?
4.whats your favorite thing to draw??(character, scenery, a certain feature)
5.what is your favorite color to use in a drawing?

All right If you have any questions to spat bavk at me please do so, bye!!

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Question time!!!!

Normally I do this at night, but ive been thinking about asking this for awhile...
1. Do y'all have like an artist eye?(I mean I'm sure you do) but like, okay so for example, youre able to tell the difference between identical twins, because youre able to notice a specific feature thats different...or spoting things that no one else notices(like color shades, animals, features on people)
For me, okay know that im really weird, but I have these two identical twins for grandma's, amd we were looking at pictures when they were younger, since you almost couldn't tell them apart back then, and my mom and cousin were guessing with me, well I said they had different eye brows, because one pairs was slightly smaller than the others, while my mom and cousin said that it was because of their noses, so after ward I ended up getting it right, and my cousin ended up shouting for both grandmas to come to us so we can look at their eyebrows XD
2. What has holes, but can hold water??
3.What question can you never say yes to?
4.whats your favorite thing to draw??(character, scenery, a certain feature)
5.what is your favorite color to use in a drawing?

All right If you have any questions to spat bavk at me please do so, bye!!

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Good morning! I just woke up from the strangest dream I've ever had.
It starts in my mom's bedroom. Except it's not her bedroom, it's my late grandma's bedroom and she's still alive. But my grandma isn't the only one there, there's several other children there who are being taken care of by her because of an overarching threat that I don't even know.
So we see everyone in there laying in bed. The bed, by the way, is sideways against the wall and has the foam mattress cut into sections. But we see everyone laying in bed, and then it cuts to outside. So outside, in the car is me, an old friend of mine, and my mom. We're making conversation as we're about to make a run for it from the house, and then cuts back to the house.
Inside the house is a tiny little tub, same one I use to hold money. Inside is a purple creeper toy. This creeper is alive. She is very scared and wants her mom. Nobody knows where the purple creeper baby's mom is. I'm dead set on finding this creeper baby's mom, so I go to the car and explain the situation. After a lot of persuasion everyone agrees to find this baby's mom. The baby also wants her own section of the bed, but she's about as big as the top part of my thumb, that ain't happening kid.
Everyone is in the car, ready to go, when I'm like, "Hey, we don't know this kid's mom. Maybe we should ask around?"
So I get out and start asking around to see if anyone knows the mom's name. The closest we can find to the mom's name is "root canal 325", because she went missing directly after having a root canal done.
Once we find out all that we can, the hunt begins. We go from city to city, state to state, COUNTRY TO COUNTRY IN THIS CRAPPY LITTLE CAR! But the creeper's mom is nowhere to be found. This is no time for music, THIS IS NO TIME FOR JOY, A CHILD IS WITHOUT A MOTHER! WE HAVE AN ORPHAN ON OUR HANDS!
Yet... I decide to try and find some joy in the moment. I join five other friends of mine, and we start a playlist. We're designing the cover, putting every album cover on in order of what song plays when. The image they're all being put on is of a red-haired woman in a white shirt. The albums go on the white shirt.
After so much tiresome playlisting, the image is now physical. In the car, suddenly with my five friends there, I paint on a trans flag. This playlist is now a protest poster against the mysterious overarching threat. The threat is not transphobic.
So eventually we all come to a knock-off of a local grocery store. We get out of the car and look around. Also, my friend has a prosthetic leg now, which she doesn't IRL.
The store was kind of pointless, so we leave, but ONE OF US (me) LEFT THE POSTER OUT IN THE OPEN. When we all leave the store we start getting harassed BY A JUDGE. We're being told "whoever did this will be found and arrested", not because it was a protest poster though. See, he thought that the playlist was a sort of code.
Now, instead of being outside of this local grocery store's fake twin, we're in my other grandma's (alive, dad's side) attic. It's carpeted, as are all rooms in her house. The judge is losing his mind, explaining that after analyzing the image it shows that it wasn't just one person adding images... IT WAS SEVERAL!
Quickly, I explain that it's just a playlist cover, and that the images are album covers. And whad'ya know, he believes it and calms down!
Then I "wake up", still inside the dream. I tell my mom that I had the weirdest dream ever, and she says some weird stuff.
Then I actually wake up.

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