Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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A short storytime of how 2024 was for me

Alright so I've been gone from Medibang for god knows how much time and the reason is I literally forget this even exists. This year, the guy I really like actually found out that I really like him and it was like so awkward, he didn't ask me in person but he got people to ask me for him and because I'm so good at my drama skills I acted dumb like if I didn't like him at all and if everyone was just making things up. To make it a little more convincing I did kind of a bitch move from my side because I'm flirting with other guys that I don't even like just for the people around me to think I like another person. I know, it's kind of a bad thing to do, especially because I think a guy fell for me already, which is kinda awkward, and he's very touchy with me and everything. Which is... well... You know... It's okay because I like touchy people, he's also kind of my type... He's more of a 50/50 of my type, he's cute too and I don't know if I'm starting to like him. He's also a year older than me which is perfect because for some reason I cannot seem to like people my age or younger (DADDY ISSUES MAYBE?) but you know, I'm doing fine and I hope everyone else is doing fine. I might also go missing again because I don't know. Please someone get me a boyfriend. Happy Monday!

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WEELLLL GUYYYSSS, you know I had this massive group of friends right? Well, there's this boy who wears his pants by the ankles that started treating everyone like disrecpectfully and threw faces at me, so I stopped talking to him AND MY BESTIE FOR ALMOST 5 YEARS GOES ON HIS SIDE AND THEN WHEN I THOUGHT ANOTHER FRIEND OF MINE WAS ON MY SIDE ALSO HAPPENS TO TALK SHIT ABOUT ME WITH THE OTHER TWO. And now it's just me, the love of my life and the emotional support bestfriend againts the whole world.

Another thing to add, the guy I like has a GF AND YOU MIGHT BE LIKE "WHAAAATTTTT?" YES HE DOES AND I HAVE DEPRESSION, the day I told you about the storytime she tripped and fell to the floor, I was gonna help her but then a teacher rushed in so I didn't do anythign.

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