Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I'm eating milkfish

I hate octber 3 liked!

Why do I want so many artstyles?

When I say artstyles, I kinda mean COLOURING and PAINTING styles. Like, I wanna do lineart and cel-shading and sharp shadows! I wanna do watercolour shading! I WANNA PAINT! I want to do battle/action drawings! I also want to do pretty/peaceful drawings! I wanna do anime! Semi-realism! Pastel colours and strong colours! Evil, happy, sad, and edgy drawings! I WANNA DO EVERYTHING

But so many artists.. They have ONE artstyle that's a MAIN. They either only do scary drawings or they ONLY do cel-shading or.. whatever. The point is they have a specific artstyle and mood to their drawings. Something that makes people recognize them JUST by their drawings!

And I don't know what MINE is. Or what I want to do! I want to do EVERYTHING! But great artists I feel DONT do that! maybe they have a second artstyle, sure. But I don't know what I wanna do.. =/

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You know who you are…

My life… was CHANGED by you… and I really- REALLY can’t thank you enough… you were there for me when nobody was… you were there to understand my pain… to see why I was suffering… you wouldn’t judge… you know everything about me… you know how to care for a person… to make them feel special… I’ve been hurt and I don’t trust, but I trust you… I am there for you… no matter what… because you have SAVED me… from killing myself… from ending it all… you were the light… you deserve to be told ALL of this, a thousand times… if I could get you the moon, stars, universe, and life itself, I’d give it to you… all of it… you deserve it… I’d give my life for you…

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