Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I might be inactive if I have school, homework, loosing motivation, vacation and taking a break,busy drawing

Lynix left a comment!

Fun facts about YOU

You're kind and sweet, whether you are mean sometimes, you always have someplace in your heart that has kindness

You have cute art! If you think your art is bad, trust me, the pros have been there!

You've most likely held a contest, or you're thinking of holding a contest.

You're not an adult, or you're a young adult.

You LOVE/like pizza!

You have way too many OCs

You have a weird side!

Dont ask me why I wanted to guess what you liked, what you are, ect- I just wanted to see how many facts I got right about you XDDD-

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Lynix liked!

Fun facts about YOU

You're kind and sweet, whether you are mean sometimes, you always have someplace in your heart that has kindness

You have cute art! If you think your art is bad, trust me, the pros have been there!

You've most likely held a contest, or you're thinking of holding a contest.

You're not an adult, or you're a young adult.

You LOVE/like pizza!

You have way too many OCs

You have a weird side!

Dont ask me why I wanted to guess what you liked, what you are, ect- I just wanted to see how many facts I got right about you XDDD-

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Lynix liked!

Oh Yeah!

I forgot to tell you guys the art for today will have to wait until after school.
TW: mentions of death, stabbings, shootings

Provided I survive school, because there was like a half lockdown yesterday and there was a stabbing at the other school further away from us. There was a threatened shooting. Some kid died at the other school and like 3 are in the hospital, one died in the hospital. Yeah not fun, my anxiety is through the roof right now and I'm feeling super nauseous because that's what happens when I get anxious. But yeah, hopefully see you later. I will try to make a post as soon as I can if I get back from school.

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