Hello everyone! Remember to give a topic to your illustrations; otherwise, they won't be ranked. That's what happened to my recent illustration, I think.

♥️Thank you so much for your support and appreciation—it means a lot to me.♥️
If you have any questions or just want to reach out, feel free to drop me a message anytime!
❌Unauthorized use, or reposting of my work is strictly prohibited.❌
- Still life
- Semi-realism
- Landscape
- Portraiture
- Stylized-art
Award History
Creators Rank:Platinum
We made it to platinum!! I am so grateful for all of your support. Here's an illustration to celebrate❤️
> Imaginellar Yes well keep going and you are sure to always have many people to be there for you.
> MATTHEWBOSSMAN Thank you! It was thanks to everyones support ❤️
Oh you did great!!!! Congratulations 👏🎉🎉👏🎉
I came to check on this illustration after 4 days since this illustration has been getting a lot of appreciation and attention . I assumed it shouldve reached level 1 by now? Do you think this illustration is removed from the ranking?
What are your thoughts?
> NathanCharlie I believe it's removed from the ranking because of the excessive skin exposure on the upper chest of the character :'(, but that's alright, it's just one illustration so it shouldn't be a problem, as long as we all love what we create ♥️
I’m not exactly sure how it works, but maybe it needs more comments.
⬆️We're so close to having this illustration to level 7, I would appreciate your support! It means a lot to me!
Please do like and comment this illustration in my page! ❤️
He he yeah I guess I can tell!
> MATTHEWBOSSMAN Aha you got it right. I've been told by a lot of people that I'm a calm person^_^
> Imaginellar thanks for your support I love to doodle and am very yearning to others amazing drawings since I learn things from them. You can really tell stuff about someone by their drawings and things like that. I for one , am very goofy and love to make others laugh but I sense from your drawings you are a calm person who enjoys particular events and things. But yeah I hope you get a lot of likes and things from others!
> MATTHEWBOSSMAN That's nice to hear! When you draw something you truly love, you will find yourself naturally be good at it, this is just a theory of mine, or from someone I heard...? I believe this rule applies to many other things in life too.
I had to place a proper watermark for my illustrations from now on. So that it remains safe!❤️
But is the placement right? Do you have any advice on this?
Thank you! I see your Illustrations have improved as well, it's amazing to see such growth
You're art has improved a lot lately!! This illustration is so beautiful ❤️!!
> NathanCharlie Thanks a bunch! I was worried it could cover the illustration, but we would also need to be responsible for protecting our work
I like where you put it. It’s in the way of anyone who wants to screenshot it and post it elsewhere, but it’s also not covering the art too much.
I currently use an old version iPad air which works just as fine, but I'd love to have an organized setup such as this❤️❤️!
What is your digital art setup?
-Image is from Pinterest btw
It looks so goooooooooooood
> NathanCharlie Me too when it comes to this I hesitate on the money. So I still stick to my old device. But I would definitely need a new one when my old one breaks.
I draw as a hobby so i don’t really want to sink too much money into getting a good setup. I usually draw when I have to listen to something for school or when I’m bored. Because of this, I like using a small desk or just my lap at times.
> JoacoPumpkin Haha I'm glad I'm not alone 😌
Hello everyone I'm sorry for the inconvenience and confusion, since I've recently changed my username from "Imaginator's workshop" to "imagelle" because my earlier username felt too long.
I hope this name sticks forever without me having to change it again 😅
But anyway what do you guys think of my new username??
Hello everyone!! I notice my art style changes whenever I rely on the references a lot. Which also makes me feel odd since it doesn't feel like my art at some point. Although I'm still happy with the lighting and detail.
I would appreciate your support on this illustration since the levels are still being counted!!
It looks so good. *\(^o^)/*
Hey guys it's nice to meet you and I want to thank everyone for your support and encouraging me to post my art.
Anyways I wish everyone one a very happy new year and I hope you have a wonderful year full of happiness and surprises ahead of you 🎊
Hope you all have great Christmas
> Goldenhuskey321 Thank u so much ♥️♥️
Merry Christmas! I hope you have a great Christmas too!! :)
Hello fellow artist it's nice to see u all❤️. I want to thank all my followers and friends for supporting me and helping me grow. Here's a little peek of my recent art process
What do you mean by a topic? A title?