插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang


I'm sick and tired of everything.
Sick of my friends, sick of my classmates, and sick of myself.
Nothing I ever do is good enough to appease them and all I will ever be is a talentless ugly freak
I'm tired of crying over this same thing and not being able to stop
I'm tired of being ugly
I'm tired of being unintelligent
I'm tired of being a freak
I'm tired of never being taken seriously by anyone and feeling like a waste of space.
I'm tired of sucking at everything
And no one gives a dang about me
Im tired of being an outcast

It's not fair. I just wanna feel loved at this point.


  • You aren't a waste of space, nobody is. If you would allow me to give you some advice. You are the only constant in Your Life. Things as well as People will come and go all the time. Because at the end of the day, everyone has their own life to live. So do what You love and makes You happy. Happiness will only come from within you. Be the person you want to be, even if you can only put in 1% of your efforts. Because what will happen after a year? You'll be 365% better than you previously were. Live the Life you want for yourself. Don't try to live in somebody's else life...yeah? You'll never be able to appease everyone. It's a little long and I know you're just trying to vent out your feelings, but a little advice on life never hurts. I hope it makes your day a little better and brighter.