Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Duckii liked!


So I was in Melaka (city in Malaysia) waiting to get on a boat with my family as part of my vacation

i already hate small talk as it is
And i was FORCED to do it in a LANGUAGE that I FORGOR MOST OF

Yeah ._.
But the WIFE said "✨Tu as les tres belle yeux✨" which means "✨You have very beautiful eyes✨"

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  • > ★Batteraid [Dex.]★ Thank you 🥲 I dont even know if someone told them or they just came up to me lmao

  • Damn😭 Well you would've done better then what I would've, good job.


This is your sign to go download a movie downloading site if you can't keep up with all the latest movies that Netflix lets you search but doesn't have
I don't think you will find my specific one but I think you will find good ones that are free
It may be a little glitchy but I found the Mario movie on there

Im planning to watch some other childhood classics like the Toy Story movies because I could never watch them and I feel like I missed out
Im gonna make a list of what childhood movies I want to watch

This is your sign to watch your childhood movies if you didn't and also to download movies from a very sketchy platform thats most certainly not illegal ✨

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This is your sign to go download a movie downloading site if you can't keep up with all the latest movies that Netflix lets you search but doesn't have
I don't think you will find my specific one but I think you will find good ones that are free
It may be a little glitchy but I found the Mario movie on there

Im planning to watch some other childhood classics like the Toy Story movies because I could never watch them and I feel like I missed out
Im gonna make a list of what childhood movies I want to watch

This is your sign to watch your childhood movies if you didn't and also to download movies from a very sketchy platform thats most certainly not illegal ✨

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Duckii left a comment!

To Medibangs community.

Let's get one thing straight. This community can be better. I'm pretty sure we can all agree on that.
I haven't seen a bunch of the supposed "drama" everyone has been talking about but, hey, if I didn't see it then I don't have a say in it. But there have been some times where I have seen some massive drama get thrown around. So, I'm just going to cut to the chase. If you see drama that's going on and you're not a part of it, don't spread the word. ESPECIALLY when it's none of your business! By doing so you only add fuel to the fire.
Let's lay down another example, let's say someone has an opinion that you don't agree with. It could be about a specific group of people, game, anime, etc. As long as it's not anything concerning or illegal or just flat out wrong, you shouldn't say anything and just scroll past, there's no reason to get into a full blown argument and just add more "drama" to this place.
And hey! If you don't like that person, blocking/unfollowing exists people. We have blocking for a reason😭

I know we can all come together a build this place back into a wholesome, welcoming community. Who cares if your gay, straight, black, white, whatever, everyone deserves to be welcomed into a good community and they deserve to see all of the good aspects of this website!
I also know there's some things we cannot change...*cough, cough* the ranking system-
But I hope we can all help rebuild the community we all love and want.

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Duckii left a comment!

Isn't it crazy to think that

In 2050-2080
When we've all probably have had kids and grandkids
And we are vibing to a song from our present time
Our kids and grandkids are gonna look at us and say "Mom/dad/grandma/grandpa that song is old bro, listen to this instead"

Like thats what we do to our (grand)parents so think about it 😭😭😭

I dont want our songs to stop becoming hiiiits 😰😰😰😰😰

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  • > Duckii Samee

  • > 👁️💜Clau_loves_Weirdcore💘👁️ I mean there are some really good ones but i hope theres at least 1 cultured kid in the future who likes our music 😔

  • Yeahhh true my parents always listen to like 80s or 90s music becuz they were kids at that time and liked those songs but ya i just think they listen to rly cringe music but before they were hits

Isn't it crazy to think that

In 2050-2080
When we've all probably have had kids and grandkids
And we are vibing to a song from our present time
Our kids and grandkids are gonna look at us and say "Mom/dad/grandma/grandpa that song is old bro, listen to this instead"

Like thats what we do to our (grand)parents so think about it 😭😭😭

I dont want our songs to stop becoming hiiiits 😰😰😰😰😰

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  • > Duckii Samee

  • > 👁️💜Clau_loves_Weirdcore💘👁️ I mean there are some really good ones but i hope theres at least 1 cultured kid in the future who likes our music 😔

  • Yeahhh true my parents always listen to like 80s or 90s music becuz they were kids at that time and liked those songs but ya i just think they listen to rly cringe music but before they were hits

Do you ever just get that feeling

Where you're tired of suppressing all sad emotions
I want there to be able to be like sad sessions
Where I can just sit in a room, alone, cry about all my problems and no one needs to know about any of the problems
I just want to be able to let it all out in one session and not have to open up to anyone if i dont want to
Yeah itd be nice if i got advice from someone but only if that person doesnt say "you have no reason to feel this because of that"

I want to cry and scream in a soundproof room for an hour or two, wash my face, scroll through some wholesome memes, come back out and have people in my life give me genuine affirmations that they dont hate me

You feel me?

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