Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

12 hours / Day
Maybe I am free SOMETIMS

So this is close to what saero did but its different.
So if you wanna enter, comment the emoji 😛
And you will be added

You enter, be added to the wheel and gc.
winners decide their prize/prizes.

Prizes available:
A art trade, 1 or 2 adopts, a pfp request, 2-3 requests and 2 art trades.I

This contest ends on 24th April so enter now!

This will be using TheWheelOfNames.

If you can't do group chats, tell me .

So the best prize would be 2 art trade but u guys decide! ^^ anyways

Good luck to you all! xx

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  • > 😏Worm😏 Ur name is added

  • 😛

  • > Eminoa Ur name is added

  • 😛

Account Rules!

Hello Everyone 👋
As you know i am ethan. I never set account rules which was a bad idea cuz i nearly got hacked. so here are the "rules" 👇

No scamming, hacking or stalking.
If you do any of this, the police CAN be involved if needed.
It's important not to do this because consequences can be found.

No sexting, posting inappropriate submissions, no inappropriate pfp's or go cover pic's!I
Once again this is more serious. Police can and WILL get involved if any of this is to be posted on the Timeline or anything like that etc.

Be kind!
Always be kind to people around u in the community. Whether online or not. if you don't like someone, still be kind! But just tell someone about it so they can help! (Friends, teachers, Friends online, etc!) anyone you trust.

No personal info
Telling a FRIEND your name, age and favourite color is fine. Telling strangers is bad. Because they could be old men :0
Even if it's to ur friends, don't tell people your phone number of address WHATSOEVER!!! if this happens, random strangers could appear at your door any moment and steal u or rob u. This is the LAST thing u want to happen in ur entire life.

don't bully!
If you bully, that person your bullying could have multiple friends to defend them. You could be outnumbered and get depressed because they are saying mean things. If so, YOU CAN'T TELL A GROWNUP OR FRIEND! Why?
because u started bullying them first! You can't complain! And another reason, you don't know the age or who ur bullying. The person can be 6 yr old and ur bullying them! And it could be a friend from school u just didn't know it was them! So this could lead to drama:(

No drama!
Drama is never needed! Drama could lead you to depression, sadness, crying 24/7 and no friends. It's not nice to have no friends!

Secrets.. 🙊
don't tell secrets to people U trust. Because sometimes they can betray u and tell your secrets. They could be toxic friends and spread ur secrets which could make u embarrassed. Only share secrets with people you have known for quite some time. (Not weeks, not months) 3years is a good amount of time for you to get to know ur friends. U can always tell if they will keep a secret or not :)

Thanks for reading my account rules!

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  • > *Ethan* oh oki, im glad your okay

  • > 😐your_average_idiot😐 Oh this person (forgot their name) got into my account when I was asleep and they changed all my settings and stuff. Luckily I got the email and was able to change my password. I changed all my settings back. So I made the rules on this topic. Thanks for worrying!

  • WHAT YOU ALMOST GOT HACKED???!!! tell meh