일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

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yeah-- *cough*-- i'm still alive lol--
i miss drawing so so much oh my gawsh... i can't even draw traditionally properly, and by the time my cast on my right hand comes off i wouldn't have drawn digitally for like 2 MONTHSSS ;w; i swear i've already (or almost at least) hit my record of not drawing for the longest time apart from when i was a baby--
maybe that's why i've been moody all the time, BECAUSE ART HELPS MENTAL HEALTH (i think) BUT I HAVENT ARTED FOR SO LONG T^T
ahhhhh my comic that i wouldn't have worked on for 2 months !!!! and those requests ughhhhh =[[[

help me ;w;

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