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gods of space

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Revenue Artz 님이 like 하셨습니다!
gods of space
Revenue Artz 님이 like 하셨습니다!
request from TotallyNotDJ !!
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Revenue Artz 님이 like 하셨습니다!
wHy iS thE tiMeLinE sEtUp sO wEEEeeirDDd lol
Revenue Artz 님이 like 하셨습니다!
Revenue Artz 님이 like 하셨습니다!
She so bootiful ✨✨ T^T
Revenue Artz 님이 like 하셨습니다!
ew yuck gross eew ew icky gross change it back ewwww get outta here gross yuck eugh glow down ewwww
Revenue Artz 님이 like 하셨습니다!
Revenue Artz 님이 like 하셨습니다!
Well depending on how this turns out
How much would you pay for it?
This Completed would probably be like idk 10 - 15
In my opinion
Revenue Artz 님이 like 하셨습니다!
i'll definitely miss the old Medi timeline >=[
why does Medi have to keep making unnecessary updates when they could make updates that ACTUALLY make some things easier
i mean, this new update isnt ALL bad, but still, i could still do with the old timeline (plus it's kind of hard to tell what is a topic and what is an illustration sometimes)
but anywaysss it isnt the end of the world-- WE'RE ALL GETTNG THROUGH THIS TOGETHER AND THAT'S WHAT MATTERS lol
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No I’m not a guy
Did I convince u? :>
I do feel like a gentleman tho 🥸
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i like peanut butter and banana sandwiches with toasted bread-- first time using hashtags
Revenue Artz 님이 like 하셨습니다!
Loads of floof
and big floppa ears
Revenue Artz 님이 like 하셨습니다!
Revenue Artz 님이 like 하셨습니다!
It looks just like me
It’s beautiful o0o
Revenue Artz 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!
It looks just like me
It’s beautiful o0o
Revenue Artz 님이 like 하셨습니다!
Y’all want me to start a wbf 👉👈
I’m doing it anyways-
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I loves her so much
We haven’t named her yet anyone have any name suggestions?
Revenue Artz 님이 like 하셨습니다!
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400 followers special !!! tysm !!
Revenue Artz 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!
a couple requests !!
Revenue Artz 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!
a couple requests !!
Revenue Artz 님이 like 하셨습니다!
Ethy if ur online, what was ur request?? XD wake up child
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Make the comment section look like this guy's search history XD
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Revenue Artz 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!
mine is the yellow one that lost the game
also i used my fursona Cream fo this
Revenue Artz 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!
Sooo... I'm doing a collab! (I'm purple)
Comment if you wanna be:
1. - pink (singing)
2. - red (laying on the floor)
3. - green (getting covered in money)
4. - blue (screaming / covering face)
5. - yellow (pouring money on green guy)
6. - orange (crying like they want everything to stop)
Other roles include:
7. - grey (backgrounds; like the wall / floor, and the jail box)
8. - brown (objects like the microphone, money, and the board game)
Thought this was a cute idea! Have fun ya'll ^^