This birds name is Gatsby. He's a mischievous little guy and often plays dead so his owner will pay attention to him. He'll also normally bring his owner things that he's found like coins, rings, or even food scraps. He talks a lot and is really smart for a bird.

If you like what you see here please follow, and I also take suggestions on what to draw on the timeline.
Art trades/collabs are always open
Things I can’t draw: furries( they’re cool I’m just bad at drawing them 😅) anything lgbtq+( for personal reasons) thx for understanding!
(Please don’t trace/steal my artwork)
Hope you like it here! :D
- Blood
- Happy
- Nature
- Romantic
- Mythical
To become a famous mangaka
Assassination classroom
Kaiu Shirai (The writer of “The Promised Neverland”)
Pink & Purple
The Lab
Waaaaaay too much XD
Murder drones

> Ash's animations Thank you!!
It was so much fun! And for context if you don't know what a con is it's basically an event where people who like anime or pop culture can go and buy things or get things signed by celebrities. The one I went to was called megacon and I was able to go with my cousin, and y'all some of the cosplays I saw there were just amazing. There was one cosplay of a video game character I like and you guys when I say that it was BEAUTIFUL, the cosplayer did such an amazing job with it. And there was a hazbin hotel cosplay of I think Alistor (idk I don't watch the show so whoever is the radio demon 😅) that was great I mean the makeup, the accessories, everything. I also got a bunch of funko pops so I'm really happy about that and I got to meet the original voice actor of Goku so that was fun :). So yeah overall I'm really happy rn. Oh and me and my cousin and family cosplayed as one piece characters! I went as Don Flamingo.
Woah thats so cool!!
That's awesome!!✨
> Pong🌸 Right?! :D
That’s so epiiiiic!
I need good name ideas for a completely not at all suspicious character plz :)
> EllisPremise Dude that’s so many names 😭 thank uuu, ima write some of those down for future characters :)
like wow
ok that was the biggest sidetracking i have ever been sidetracked
Kane/Cain/Caine Delilah Paris Raven Sinai Brennan Asani Roman Iniko Devlin Sadie Blakeley Kiera Phoenix Melanie Morrigan Arlo Rue Shiloh Griffin James Daniel William Noa ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And I NEED to talk about it (spoilers if you haven’t seen it) Ok so, first off I absolutely loved it, I honestly didn’t know how much I’d like it and even though it took me a while to finish it I’m very glad I did. My favorite part was honestly any action sequence, but specifically when they were at the waterbed store place and Percy just casually beheaded the dude. But also something I’m upset about is that WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT LUKE’S A BAD GUY?!?! Like I’m legit distraught right now because he was my favorite character 😭😭 like I’m just happily reading my book and then he’s like “oh btw I’m evil now” like um what?! Just why, why my favorite character 😭 but besides that I really liked the book and I'm excited to read the second one. :)
> Goldenhuskey321 Oh my, power through it, its worth it I promise 😅 its too funny and action packed, it counters the sad 💪🔥
> Goldenhuskey321 oh boy
> 🎃Kkcool🎃 he goin wild
> 🎃Kkcool🎃 Oh goodness I can’t handle more sad 😭 I do know from spoilers before I started reading that like some character dies but I can’t remember who
Ok so, I have like a very loose plot idea for my pirate world now. I've decided to make it like a royalty and kinda pirate thing, but there's definitely still some stuff that I need to figure out. I've also started making some characters backstory for that world so that's fun. And I've started make an outline for my world called Iona, I'm literally almost finished outlining it I just need to fill some plot holes and figure out an ending then I'll actually start writing chapters! I'm still trying to figure out if I wanna remove a species from it or if I wanna keep it, I've literally done nothing with that species at all so I might remove them??? Idk 😭. Oh and I've decided that my flower people world and my weirdcore world probably won't have plots and will just be for art, like I thought about giving my weirdcore world a plot but I felt like it would've been too complicated and dark so I scrapped it. And guess what? I still don't have a villain for my main world yet, yaaaaaaaay....I genuinely have no idea for what I good villain for that world would even be, like I don't want him to be basic but at the same I don't even know how people make such creative villains. Like every bad guy I make I feel like they just aren't main villain material, like they're more of just antagonists for that time or something. Ok I don't know what I'm typing anymore so bye lol, and thanks if you actually read all of that.
> Oddish It gets sooo complicated, I don’t even know how I do it honestly I’m just running on faith, hopes, and dreams at this point 😭. And yeah I love a villain with an interesting backstory, they just make the overall story so much better.
PIRATES YAYYY ive had a few characters in the VERY back of my head for abt 3 years and have done nothing with it because wow does it get complicated, how do you do it huskey i love villains they can be so interesting
> idk Lol
> YtterOdd (Stickerman) Thanks, I know I’m trying not to pressure myself too much 😅
I wish all of y’all a great year! :D
Happy new year! 🎊
Happy new year!!!🎊🎊🎉🎉🎉🎉✨
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
I'm actually really happy with all of the art that I've made this year. I feel like I’ve gotten better at drawing as the year has gone on and I'm glad about that :) Also I'm pretty sure that this template was made by @Glitchednotghosts on tumblr
> Imaginator's Workshop Thank you!!!! :D
It's nice to see you improve and come this far. I love the way you design your characters and how every picture has a story behind it. Keep going!!
> YtterOdd (Stickerman) Thank you so much!!!!
You have so many awesome characters!!! I love all their designs so much!!! It's cool to see some of them together like this, it was a beautiful year of art!!✨
I hope y’all all have a great Christmas tomorrow and that it’s a very fun day for you all! :)
Merry Christmas to you too✨
😁✨ Have a wonderful Christmas too!!!🎉🎉
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! ✝️🎄❄️⛄🎁⭐
Thanks! I hope you have a great Christmas too! ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
> Andrey Thx!
> YtterOdd (Stickerman) Thx!
I sit atop the building, looking off into the distance until
“Hey Taylor, there you are.” His degrading voice said all so happily.
“Yep, how’d you find me?” How I wish he’d fall off the edge, but alas, his wings would save him regardless.
“You’re always up here dude, and I can see why. The views beautiful, you can see the entire Jungle from up here.”
“Yeah, it-it helps me think. It’s…calming.” Not that he’d know anything about that of course.
“Fair enough. Oh right, me and Avery found some really cool abandoned ruins we were about to go explore further, wanna join?”
“You’re still hanging out with Avery? He’s very…peculiar.”
“I guess, but he’s really fun!” He fiddled with his wings as he spoke. “Besides no one else hangs out with him and-“
“Samson. You’re the most popular kid in the entire Jungle, you know that you don’t have to hang out around people like him right?”
“W-Well I mean, sure, but he’s nice and it’s really fun hanging out with him-“
“I mean, both your parents are on the kingdoms council! Shouldn’t you be with the other popular kids?” I questioned. There was silence for a moment, him looking down at his feet probably contemplating what I said. Eventually he spoke again saying “I-I’m going to go meet up with Avery, he’s probably waiting for me.” He looked…unsure about something. “Alright, are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah, I’m just fine!” Before he took off he mumbled something, I couldn’t make it out. But he then told me “Maybe try to be more open-minded about things ok? You’re a good person and I want other people to see that!” with the biggest smile on his face. I hate that smile, I hate everything about his ever-loving soul. Just living with everything he could ever ask for, what has he even done to deserve that? That should be me, that should be mine, he doesn’t deserve this, he deserves nothing, I deserve-
“Mhm! I’ll try my best, see ya Samson!”
> Andrey Thx!
> Pong🌸 Thank you!! :)
That hug looks so heartfelt… love it <3
Tw: child experimentation
"You're eyes will look great, there's nothing too worry about." They reassured her as they strapped her to the surgery table.
"O-Ok, I can't wait to be able to see normaly. You guys are only working on my eyes r-right?" She looked nervous about this entire thing, as if something was wrong.
"Yuri, sweetie, you've been here your whole life, you should trust us by now. We are the reason you're still alive." "I know, I know." She interrupted "I'm sorry. I just don't want to feel pain." The room was silent for a few moments until they spoke again saying "Good night Yuri, sweet dreams."
Yuri started to doze off but wasn't completely asleep, it was like she was just trapped inside her own body. The whole procedure, she felt every needle they used, every time they poked and prodded at her body, when they removed then replaced both eyes, but she couldn't move, she couldn't even speak. She hated it, it felt like it went on for eternity but it took no longer than two hours. When she was fully awake again she couldn't see anything Because her eyes were wrapped in bandages. They walked her back to her room, guiding her along carefully and left her there.
"Yuri!" Excitedly shouted her roommate. "You're actually back-wait, what happened to your eyes?" He asked
"They replaced my eyes, I'll finally be able to see normally again Endo." Her voice trembled, as well as her body.
"Well isn't that a good thing? Why're you shaking? If its because you're worried that your eyes won't look good then let me say that they'll look great! Besides you'll finally be able to see me in all my glory! Haha"
"I was awake the whole procedure, I felt everything and they didn't even notice. I-I don't like the pain it's too much." As she started crying blood ran down her face from her bandages. "A-And they said they'd only work on my eyes but I felt them messing with my arms too and-" The longer she talked the more she started crying and after a while it was hard to understand what she was even saying.
Endo hugged her until she was able to calm herself down and he said "It was probably just a mistake that you were still awake, if your body was able to resist the medication that they gave you it just means that you're super strong anyway!" He tried his best to put a positive spin on things, despite having gone through the procedures himself. "Mhm." Yuri exclaimed through her sniffling. "It'll all be worth it, right?"
"Exactly! Once we're normal again we'll get to do whatever we want and go on tons of adventures! We'll see everything the world has to offer and even more." He said with a smile on his face. "Pinky promise?" Yuri asked as she extended her pinky finger. "Pinky promise!" Endo exclaimed in return.
Just then one of the workers opened the door to their room and said "Endo Kozumi, it's time for the testing. Follow me."
"I guess it's my turn, see you soon Yuri!" He waved despite her not being able to see him. "Hopefully!" She yelled back in return.
- brain didn't prossed it plz huh?!
:) :) I wanna try to get it to lv 2
Tw: Familial issues
"What'll they do to stop you? Absolutely nothing, nothing can be done. He sang along as his headphones blasted with music, blocking out any other noise.
"Pepper!" He mom yelled agitatedly as she opened his bedroom door, seeing him sitting on his bed singing along to his music. "Pepper!" She yells one more time before she yoinks the headphones off his head. "I've been calling you for ten minutes, you're going to be late to your therapy appointment."
"You mean the therapy that I don't need?" He snaps back. "I don't have any use for it, me and dads relationship hasn't improved any bit since we've started going to it."
A tired expression grew on his moms face as she let out a sigh. "Maybe if you took care of that attitude it would." She said teasingly "Look sweetie, your father's trying his best to re-build his relationship with you-"
Before she can finish her sentence Pepper interrupts her and quickly says "Yes because nothing shouts "I'm trying" like dismissing me and yelling any time I try to explain how I'm feeling."
"I--just-, just try, for me please? A-And if this session doesn't fix anything then I won't make you go to any more, deal?" She asks as she extends her hand for a hand shake.
"Fine." He said begrudgingly, suspecting that she would still make him go to more sessions regardless. He shook her hand and started to leave before his mom added "He really does want to make things up to you, genuinely." He nodded slightly and went out the door.
A couple hours later Pepper came back through the main door of their apartment, looking extremely upset and aggravated.
"What happened this time?" His mom worriedly asks, noticing the look on his face.
" What do you think happened?! It was just like all the other one thousand sessions I've been to, dad makes some sort of progress, I try explaining my side of things, and he just denies everything and calls me a liar." He shouts angrily.
"Oh, oh no, not again..." His mother says as she walks over to comfort him. "I'm so sorry sweetie, I thought this time could be different." As she goes in to hug him he pushes her away, saying "Really? He's been like this the whole time and you still had hope for him?! W-Why do you still force me to talk to him?!" He yells as he's on the verge of tears "He hasn't done anything good for us since I was a kid, he never shows up for any school events, and he's beaten you countless times but you still cling to this tiny thread of hope that maybe, just maybe he'll go back to being the same person he was fifteen years ago?!" She knew this was all true but it still hurt hearing her child say it. "Pepper..." She says looking remorseful. "Just, don't talk me right now." He says as he runs to his room and slams the door.
Feel free to join :)
I’m actually pretty happy with the watercolor effect on this one :)
Should I finish any of these? I abandoned them a while ago lol
I did it last year but idk if I want to do it again, what do y’all think?
> Goldenhuskey321 ohhh thats cool!
> Oddish It’s like ink-tober but everyday in October you draw your Oc doing something different, you can google a list for this years :)
what is it?
This the continuation of the writing that I last posted :)
Journal entry 2:
This is the second day of me writing this and so far we've been able to clear out the first and second level of the school, we also made it to the cafeteria but by the time we got there the food that was in the freezers had already gone bad since we have no power. So all we have to eat for now is some chip bags and some fruit, I've volunteered to stop eating for now to give the others more food. We're hoping to made it to the main level of the school then we'll claim it as our base. I am worried about how the outside world looks and how many more zombies there are.
Update: We've gotten through half of the main level and found two more survivors who where hiding in the janitor's closet, their names are Cherry and Aster. They're around our age and seem like they'll be good recruits to the team. We've decided that me, Kasey, and Cherry will be the explorers and take care of the monsters while Aster and Miki will stay at base and be the medical people in case one of us gets hurt. We've also decided that once the schools cleared out the next place we'll head to is a supermarket, to get basic supplies and food. I'll leave it at that today and will update you tomorrow.
This is writing from my story “The revenant realms” hope y’all like it :)
Journal entry one:
I've started this journal just in case I die so other people can find it. Today's date is April 14, XXIII, the first day of the apocalypse. So far the only people with me are my friend Kasey, and another girl he was able to save called Miki. We're hiding out in one of the classrooms at our school with a table barricading the door so no monsters can open it. None of us are seriously hurt, with the exception of my shoulder and head bleeding slightly from breaking down a door. But I'm fine now, our plan is to rest for now but later on me and Kasey will fight through the crowd of monsters and see if any other kids are alive.
Update: So me and Kasey were able to make it down to the second floor which is where the younger kids have their classes, we found little four kids still alive but no one near our age nor any teachers. Our next plan of action is to hopefully clear out the school of monsters, which shouldn't be too hard since Kasey's a freaking powerhouse and can use basically anything as a weapon. I'll update you tomorrow, on the next day of the apocalypse.
> Pong🌸 Thank you! :D
That’s epic!
> MrFlagada🏗️ Thank you! :)
Oooh i really like the intrigue and the story
All of these characters are from my animal-people world called The Kingdom of Iona, hope y’all like them :)
> Goldenhuskey321 Yeah i support peppaaahhh
> MrFlagada🏗️ Ik right, he’s trying his best to stay strong
> MrFlagada🏗️ Oh noo 😭
Pepper is a strong one
Do y’all want me to post my writing on here too? As in like writing for stories, or my character’s backstory’s? :)
> MrFlagada🏗️ Sure! I’ll still post my writing on the timeline but it’d be nice to have someone to talk more in-depth about my writing with :) and if you have anything you’re writing feel free to info dump me too lol
> Goldenhuskey321 If u wanna you can friend and info dump me there :)
> MrFlagada🏗️ Ok! I’m glad someone would read it, I might do that but I’ll probably just post the writing on it’s own because I’m horrible at making ref sheets XD
YES TAHT WOULD BE AMAZING i woudl love to learn more abt your oc's maybe you should do them ref sheets and put them in description if u are scared that nobody will read them
hello! :3
hii :]
> YtterOdd (Stickerman) Thank you!! :D
AWWWWW!!!!!😻😻😻✨ I love him, cute little guy!!!😍😍😍✨✨
> Andrey Thx!